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Game 81


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Guest Spongebob

Sorry Don in no position to wage war against the Redass. However I can send a dirty dozen to help out. Commanded by Patrick Starfish.


Greece shall be decimated.


PS Just watched TRANSFORMERS movie, wow what good fun. Hope Santa brings me a AUTOBOT for Christmas. :python:

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Sorry Don in no position to wage war against the Redass. However I can send a dirty dozen to help out. Commanded by Patrick Starfish.


Greece shall be decimated.


PS Just watched TRANSFORMERS movie, wow what good fun. Hope Santa brings me a AUTOBOT for Christmas. :D


Hello Hot Air Spongie baby,


Still sending some kind of life signs. Well you don't telling us something new, you are always in no position to wage war to anybody....you looser of Denmark. But one question, or even two: do you realy know 12 dirty people??? and how you divide me country between 12 people by decimating it. Dec stands for 10 I think...

But I like it, one war and everybody is in panic, all want to get me. So please come, saves me the travel.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of yes Greece.



<_< Greetings to all and to spongbob a special request -----Bulgaria is requesting your help against REDASS. errrrrr Sander errrrr Greece, REDASS claimed to be allied to all however he attacked Bulgaria 6 times two successfully causing terror among the population. Great fear of the water balloons is quickly spreading among the citizens and BOB alone is in a position to bring in starfish to break the balloons.


BOB Please send many starfish


Bulgarian translater from Tunis , Hannibal :D






Dear Donnie,


Did I ever claimed to be allied with you??? What a rediculous thought and a lie to. But whatever we are at war now and we still can become friends, very simple: SURRENDER and I will be your friend for ever in VIC81. And don't forget every beginning is small....


Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece and soon Bulgaria

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Guest Spongebob

Oi Red Farce - Dec also stands for DECEMBER being the TWELTH month of the year. so yes I do know 12 dirty dirty men and all will wage war upon you. From across the sea and from the Air you breath fire shall fall upon the.


Welcome to my world - Revenge of the Sponge - Murrraaaghhhhh!!!! :D<_<

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Oi Red Farce - Dec also stands for DECEMBER being the TWELTH month of the year. so yes I do know 12 dirty dirty men and all will wage war upon you. From across the sea and from the Air you breath fire shall fall upon the.


Welcome to my world - Revenge of the Sponge - Murrraaaghhhhh!!!! :D<_<


Dear Spongiebaby,


Well, well, you and your dirty friends. It is good to know, and also for your neighbours, what confident players you all are, realy. It needs 12 others to beat me, not 1 or 2 or even 4, no 12 dirty ones. And as long it is from the sea and air, I don't mind. And a few LCI's don't worry me that much, it's a nuisance I admit, but also a willing prey.

Well I invite you to take here a hot steam bath, your last one and sign up for the next game.

So boobiebaby and what country do you try to play this time??


Greetings Rednas

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Guest Spongebob

As always Nasty RedRash leader of GREECE you are one step behind the sponge, never knowing who I play yet I am close enough to smell your fear. You can guess till you have worked your way through 40 nations and still not know who I am. So give up now, its what your good at <_< All you need to know is that we will be at war before T12 and so by then you can guess all you want. It wont matter, wet soapy sponges will be slipping through your streets cleaning them of the filth that lives there.


Welcome to my World Sander :D

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As always Nasty RedRash leader of GREECE you are one step behind the sponge, never knowing who I play yet I am close enough to smell your fear. You can guess till you have worked your way through 40 nations and still not know who I am. So give up now, its what your good at :cheers: All you need to know is that we will be at war before T12 and so by then you can guess all you want. It wont matter, wet soapy sponges will be slipping through your streets cleaning them of the filth that lives there.


Welcome to my World Sander :cheers:


Dear Spongieboobiebaby,


Yes that's correct, one step behind you, to chase you. No now you are mistaking and thinking too high off yourself taht I waisting time on that stupid thought, I am not working through 40 nations. And to your info it is not even 40, one nation I know who is playing that...you Einstein, so at the highest 39.

And who told you that I am a quiting guy?? Although you want to, we don't all are a Sponge alike and give up. Why should I.

So to your info, war already started, why should I wait till T12?? It is to dangerous, you never eached T12. Common don't kidding yourself. And don't insult me and me peapole. The filth you are probably meaning is oliv oil, and yes that is you are the right one for it; cleaning up.


Happy New Year Sponge and the Rest of the Players.


Greetings Rednas

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Dear Donnie,


Did I ever claimed to be allied with you??? What a rediculous thought and a lie to. But whatever we are at war now and we still can become friends, very simple: SURRENDER and I will be your friend for ever in VIC81. And don't forget every beginning is small....


Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece and soon Bulgaria





I will never SURRENDER and look forward to a good fight. Say hello to your two buddies Christian and Peter Schmitter. I am reminded of my last turn of Game 64. Being bombed 36 times at xBatum, but still REPULSED the 18 division army at 98% effectiveness that attacked. :cheers:


-Justin of Bulgaria

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General Proclamation from the CCCP


Outstanding diplomatic requests will remain only for 1 month after which time the hand of friendship will be passed to another. We will be extending the hand to most of the world as the months progress. If anyone wishes to extend the hand first then this will speed up the proccess. However please note anyone of Danish or Finnish decent or allied to directly or via a 3rd party need not apply


Thanks for reading.

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Smuthleythecanarian <_<

Gee you must of put some effort into that one Redneck

Tell you my country

Just because you got outed

As will little Bobby if he continues with any more of that

"give his ass a good old fashioned soapy sponge rub"

What is this the Gay chat line

Anyway here's another clue, and this has nothing to do with you


The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The sands of time run south

Infamy Infamy they've all got it in for me (apologies to Frankie Howard)

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Guest Spongebob
Smuthleythecanarian <_<

Gee you must of put some effort into that one Redneck

Tell you my country

Just because you got outed

As will little Bobby if he continues with any more of that

"give his ass a good old fashioned soapy sponge rub"

What is this the Gay chat line

Anyway here's another clue, and this has nothing to do with you


The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The sands of time run south

Infamy Infamy they've all got it in for me (apologies to Frankie Howard)


You crack me up Dad :blink::D:cheers::ranting::ranting::ranting: You may have to explaine who Frankie Howard was to some people

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Smuthleythecanarian <_<

Gee you must of put some effort into that one Redneck

Tell you my country

Just because you got outed

As will little Bobby if he continues with any more of that

"give his ass a good old fashioned soapy sponge rub"

What is this the Gay chat line

Anyway here's another clue, and this has nothing to do with you


The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The sands of time run south

Infamy Infamy they've all got it in for me (apologies to Frankie Howard)


Dear Smudleythesybarian,


Well it took you long enough to reply...and think about a good one to....ehmm.


Well to be honest I don't understand anything you wrote to be honest, but it is a mirror of youre playing. Do you still play?? Also, as I did try to explain to the Sponge, a Victory game has 73 turns. And you are still in it...well the first Victory you earned I guess: staying in.

So also I don't know who this Frank Howard is, must be a comedian if you quote him, one like yourself. And please just one of the 39 country names left will do, we will not start a quiz about this.


Be carefull regarding with possible discrimination, I quote: "What is this the Gay chat line". Don't know what you exactly meaning with this, I hope nothing negativ regarding the chat and/or gay people. So correct it please. Meaning not that I am gay, but also I do not have negativ feelings against them, the same with people with red hair or people who I think of as extremely ugly looking. So please be carefull what you do write. Or do you mean gay in the sense of happy and cheerful?? Than this gay is okay, at least to me.



Greetings Redass, Redneck, Rednose, Rednas whatever Ruler of jnuzuezrtkjk


P.s. If I look at your avitar picture and your comments, at least Rednose and Redneck apply to you and I think Redass also, at the latest if I do give you a good spanking.

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