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Lets just leave him alone

Fine by Me

Anyways, he's no fun

I think I will try to engage in conversation

That Slayer of dragons,

Doer of good deeds

Seller of shonkey second hand goods


You see when I said I was the south westerly country

I meant to say south easterly ( dont tell Redgurgitated or he'll have my nuts on a plate)

Hence the big Hello


Oh boy, it is you (UAE or Saudi?) invading my little country!

In the immortal words of Clevon Little.....

Isn't anyone going to help that poor man?


Just remember those words of Gene Wilder (he was referring to Transjordan).....

I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille!


Man, I must get a copy of that movie.....




Great "Blazing Saddles" reference, but Cleavon didn't say that; the schoolmarm did. And you're right: you MUST get a copy. It's funny as hell.



See! I do need to get me a copy!

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Oh stop making it complex or I will invade you instead. :alien:

You are welcome to try to invade me. I'm sure it would be a painful experience for you, but we could use the extra sponges to clean the mud off our tanks.

I am Central Russia.


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Ok I think we have all had enough fun now at the expense of the Fat Redheaded Greek. Lets just leave him alone and invade his country. :python::cheers::alien::thumbsup:


If the rest of the 37 nations Declare War on Greece (Sander) it will cause his morale to go negative. (37 nations * -25 = -925). Afterwhich, we can all Force Peace on him and cause his morale to go even further negative (39 * -60 = -2340 more!!). :jawdrop:


-Justin of Bulgaria

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Ok I think we have all had enough fun now at the expense of the Fat Redheaded Greek. Lets just leave him alone and invade his country. :python::cheers::alien::thumbsup:


If the rest of the 37 nations Declare War on Greece (Sander) it will cause his morale to go negative. (37 nations * -25 = -925). Afterwhich, we can all Force Peace on him and cause his morale to go even further negative (39 * -60 = -2340 more!!). :jawdrop:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you?? Well that is typical, needs the help of 37 others to defeat me. You have already lost, why? Because you are a looooooooooooooser.

Well if somebody wants to DW me, go ahead. Means nothing and will have no influence at anything, my war against Bulgaria will not stop just by this silly act.....


Toodles and greetings Rednas

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Isn't anyone going to help that poor man?

My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.

Trans-Jordan? Unfortunately there is one thing standing between me and that property - the rightful owners.

I Know

We'll work up a "Number 6" on 'em

I have a copy of the movie

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Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :cheers:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu

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Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :cheers:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu


No, Sander, we don't think we're the only country on the planet; we think we're the BEST country on the planet! And, yes, I know Europe has several countries, with several languages; I really loved Germany when I was there in the 80's. But, with the European Union, and one currency (the euro), you might as well BE one country. There are rumors to the effect that the same thing will happen here: North American Union of Canada, US and Mexico, with the new currency amero. I'll believe it when I see it.


Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :robot:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu


No, Sander, we don't think we're the only country on the planet; we think we're the BEST country on the planet! And, yes, I know Europe has several countries, with several languages; I really loved Germany when I was there in the 80's. But, with the European Union, and one currency (the euro), you might as well BE one country. There are rumors to the effect that the same thing will happen here: North American Union of Canada, US and Mexico, with the new currency amero. I'll believe it when I see it.


And here it is in Greek! So, neener!


Όχι, Sander, δεν σκεφτόμαστε ότι είμαστε η μόνη χώρα στον πλανήτη σκεφτόμαστε ότι είμαστε η ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ χώρα στον πλανήτη! Και, ναι, ξέρω ότι η Ευρώπη έχει διάφορες χώρες, με διάφορες γλώσσες Αγάπησα πραγματικά τη Γερμανία όταν ήμουν εκεί στη δεκαετία του '80. Αλλά, με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, και ένα νόμισμα (το ευρώ), εσείς χώρα του BE ένα δυνάμεων επίσης. Υπάρχουν φήμες με σκοπό το ίδιο πράγμα θα συμβεί εδώ: Βορειοαμερικανική ένωση του Καναδά, των ΗΠΑ και του Μεξικού, με το νέο amero νομίσματος. Θα το πιστεψω όταν το βλέπω.

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Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :cheers:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu


No, Sander, we don't think we're the only country on the planet; we think we're the BEST country on the planet! And, yes, I know Europe has several countries, with several languages; I really loved Germany when I was there in the 80's. But, with the European Union, and one currency (the euro), you might as well BE one country. There are rumors to the effect that the same thing will happen here: North American Union of Canada, US and Mexico, with the new currency amero. I'll believe it when I see it.


Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :robot:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu


No, Sander, we don't think we're the only country on the planet; we think we're the BEST country on the planet! And, yes, I know Europe has several countries, with several languages; I really loved Germany when I was there in the 80's. But, with the European Union, and one currency (the euro), you might as well BE one country. There are rumors to the effect that the same thing will happen here: North American Union of Canada, US and Mexico, with the new currency amero. I'll believe it when I see it.


And here it is in Greek! So, neener!


Όχι, Sander, δεν σκεφτόμαστε ότι είμαστε η μόνη χώρα στον πλανήτη σκεφτόμαστε ότι είμαστε η ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ χώρα στον πλανήτη! Και, ναι, ξέρω ότι η Ευρώπη έχει διάφορες χώρες, με διάφορες γλώσσες Αγάπησα πραγματικά τη Γερμανία όταν ήμουν εκεί στη δεκαετία του '80. Αλλά, με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, και ένα νόμισμα (το ευρώ), εσείς χώρα του BE ένα δυνάμεων επίσης. Υπάρχουν φήμες με σκοπό το ίδιο πράγμα θα συμβεί εδώ: Βορειοαμερικανική ένωση του Καναδά, των ΗΠΑ και του Μεξικού, με το νέο amero νομίσματος. Θα το πιστεψω όταν το βλέπω.


Exactly what I meant. Keep believing in it. But don`t forget where youre roots are as US of A citizin. And if you are so clever to know that there are several different countries in Europe than you must now that Austria is not a part of Germany, at least not anymore. But...my nationality is different. But who cares anyway.

Nice Greek, used the translator or are you realy geek, sorry Greek. That is also a language I don't understand.


Greetings Rednas

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Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :cheers:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu


No, Sander, we don't think we're the only country on the planet; we think we're the BEST country on the planet! And, yes, I know Europe has several countries, with several languages; I really loved Germany when I was there in the 80's. But, with the European Union, and one currency (the euro), you might as well BE one country. There are rumors to the effect that the same thing will happen here: North American Union of Canada, US and Mexico, with the new currency amero. I'll believe it when I see it.


Affraid of your little Bulgaria do you??


With a great Engrish question like this, I can see that I'm up against someone with a superior intellect.


Because you are a looooooooooooooser.


I realize that 2nd place is a 1st place loser, but don't be so certain that I won't be victorious. :robot:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Well if you so smart, lets write in my mother language see how far you come....you must be from the US of A, thinking that is the only country on this planet. I wrote before I am from Europe, and that is not a single country, it is made of several countries, all with their own language, and I am out one of these small countries. Yes I know me Englisch is not perfect, also I am huge, fat, red haired, dumm, cannot play Victory etc. but it seems stupid enough to write on the forum, with you. So that will stop now, so you are free to discuss with The Smud, because that is a person I really don't understand he to me is writing in an other language than Englisch I can understand. But what the heck, he will quit soon, like he is always doing.

So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu


No, Sander, we don't think we're the only country on the planet; we think we're the BEST country on the planet! And, yes, I know Europe has several countries, with several languages; I really loved Germany when I was there in the 80's. But, with the European Union, and one currency (the euro), you might as well BE one country. There are rumors to the effect that the same thing will happen here: North American Union of Canada, US and Mexico, with the new currency amero. I'll believe it when I see it.


And here it is in Greek! So, neener!


Όχι, Sander, δεν σκεφτόμαστε ότι είμαστε η μόνη χώρα στον πλανήτη σκεφτόμαστε ότι είμαστε η ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ χώρα στον πλανήτη! Και, ναι, ξέρω ότι η Ευρώπη έχει διάφορες χώρες, με διάφορες γλώσσες Αγάπησα πραγματικά τη Γερμανία όταν ήμουν εκεί στη δεκαετία του '80. Αλλά, με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, και ένα νόμισμα (το ευρώ), εσείς χώρα του BE ένα δυνάμεων επίσης. Υπάρχουν φήμες με σκοπό το ίδιο πράγμα θα συμβεί εδώ: Βορειοαμερικανική ένωση του Καναδά, των ΗΠΑ και του Μεξικού, με το νέο amero νομίσματος. Θα το πιστεψω όταν το βλέπω.


Exactly what I meant. Keep believing in it. But don`t forget where youre roots are as US of A citizin. And if you are so clever to know that there are several different countries in Europe than you must now that Austria is not a part of Germany, at least not anymore. But...my nationality is different. But who cares anyway.

Nice Greek, used the translator or are you realy geek, sorry Greek. That is also a language I don't understand.


Greetings Rednas


Translator program; no Greek in me. And yes, I'm well aware that Germany and Austria are two different countries, who both speak the same language; kinda like the United States and Canada, eh? My roots, BTW, are in England, Sweden and Denmark. And some Natives over here.

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kinda like the United States and Canada, eh?


Really? Yankee language seems quite foreign much less Kanuk language......


Texas uber alles.....




How do you bury a Texan, Galvorn? You give him an enema, and stick him in a shoebox!

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kinda like the United States and Canada, eh?


Really? Yankee language seems quite foreign much less Kanuk language......


Texas uber alles.....




How do you bury a Texan, Galvorn? You give him an enema, and stick him in a shoebox!

lol! And I'm a Texan! :cheers:



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To my dear French and Italian neighbors, rounds 1 and 2 go to the good guys.

And yes I realize its a 15 round fight!


Here's to future battles.




The Templar of Switzerland

When did the Templars move to Switzerland? :cheers:

and in reference to the 'good guys' thanks, but I'm not involved in any war involving France, Italy or Switzerland. :blink:

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