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Game 81


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Oh will you shut up you sound more like a religious nut than some all powerful alliance. Tell me where you are and I will whupp yo ass back to the stone age.


Ditto, your spongeness. :cheers::blink::cheers:


You have forced us to read the Sponge, not a good move but you are forgiven Sven. You are one of the chosen few, you have nothing to fear and should bask in the glory of the Condeferacy.

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Oh will you shut up you sound more like a religious nut than some all powerful alliance. Tell me where you are and I will whupp yo ass back to the stone age.


Ditto, your spongeness. :blink::ph34r::cheers:


You have forced us to read the Sponge, not a good move but you are forgiven Sven. You are one of the chosen few, you have nothing to fear and should bask in the glory of the Condeferacy.


Ooooooh! I get goosebumps just thinking about that! Basking in the glory of the Confederacy! :thumbsup: Do I need SPA-30 for that? I'd just hate to get gloryburns. :cheers:

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Thats it. No more Mr Nice Guy. No more high falutin' philosophies on strategy. No more "The Art of War". I have thrown out my fist edition copy. I should have known Sun Tzu was a mummies boy when I found that recipe for pavlova on the back fly leaf. (with pineapple...yuk!) Now it's Miyamoto Musashi. Legendary samurai swordsman and inventer of isotonic sports drinks when he accidentally drank a bottle of his own urine on a hot day...(don't ask...). Book of Five Rings in one hand and in the other a wooden sword whittled from an oar with which to club into submission any confederacy that gets in the way.

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Curses on you Kevin C!!! I was having a nice little war to my north and you snuck up from behind and whacked me. Not Nice!!! On the positive side, I sense a new Sith Lord has been born. I wish my Norwegian and Swedish enemies were as clever and ruthless. Instead they are good little puppets with the hands of their Russian masters up their bottoms making them say whatever pleases the Russian bear. I may be a goner this game, but I will leave with dignity when the time comes.

:cheers: Well, what can I say.... It is nice of you to notice, though. :cheers:


And thanks for the compliments! :blink:



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Book of Five Rings in one hand and in the other a wooden sword whittled from an oar with which to club into submission any confederacy that gets in the way.

Guess you aren't one of the Chosen few.... :cheers:

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Guest Spongebob

Chosen Few - CHOSEN FEW - I'll show you the chosen few and there in my pants - Confederacy? more like Confectionary. Easily chewed and if you dont like it you can spit it out. :cheers::cheers:

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It seems some of you are either very foolish or very brave, you think by mocking us you will wake a sleeping giant. Your demise or survival will depend on our good will not on the words you speak.


Some of you who have been throwing stones in glass houses should realise you are already allies of the Confederacy or even our Total Allies, you just dont know yet. The smart ones are those who remain silent until they know the facts.

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Guest Spongebob

:P:ph34r::woohoo::D I never said a word so you cant pick on me Mr Confederacy


Ah Mr Smelly The Barbarian, one of those who claim to be my father - I reject you, you hear REEEEJECT YOUUUUUU.


If you know who everyone else is then logic would dictate that the one left is me - Idiot!

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You shall burn in the fires of the not so righteous!

You shall be prostrated before the sacred peanutbutter spreaders!

And you shall be condemned to drive behind a volvo driven by a little old man wearing a hat.




Lord high Poobah of the frizbeeites

(frizbeeites believe when we die, we all go on the roof and never come down)

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You shall burn in the fires of the not so righteous!

You shall be prostrated before the sacred peanutbutter spreaders!

And you shall be condemned to drive behind a volvo driven by a little old man wearing a hat.




Lord high Poobah of the frizbeeites

(frizbeeites believe when we die, we all go on the roof and never come down)


I don't even want to know where the hell THAT came from!


Sven Drake (that means 'Swedish Dragon', y'all)

Great Britain 81

I'll have to ask Russ about what other games I've played; it's been that long! Oh wait!

Bulgaria 57

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I'll have to ask Russ about what other games I've played; it's been that long! Oh wait!

Bulgaria 57

I was Rumania in 57. :P




I thought I smelled something weird over the border!

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