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Game 81


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I'll have to ask Russ about what other games I've played; it's been that long! Oh wait!

Bulgaria 57

I was Rumania in 57. :P




I thought I smelled something weird over the border!

And we're neighbors again. :ph34r:



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It seems some of you are either very foolish or very brave, you think by mocking us you will wake a sleeping giant. Your demise or survival will depend on our good will not on the words you speak.


The game of Victory = $6 a turn

The chance to beat up on large, smug alliances = priceless


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I'll have to ask Russ about what other games I've played; it's been that long! Oh wait!

Bulgaria 57

I was Rumania in 57. :P




I thought I smelled something weird over the border!

And we're neighbors again. :ph34r:




Oh darn. And you're a Texan too. Well, so much for the property values!

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Oh darn. And you're a Texan too. Well, so much for the property values!

Heck, your property value ought to skyrocket being the neighbor of a Texan! :P


LMAO I'll be sure to tell President Bush that, next time I see him.

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Oh darn. And you're a Texan too. Well, so much for the property values!

Heck, your property value ought to skyrocket being the neighbor of a Texan! :P


LMAO I'll be sure to tell President Bush that, next time I see him.


Hey, if you're nice to your Texan neighbor, maybe you'll get a nice fat contract to supply materials......


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Oh darn. And you're a Texan too. Well, so much for the property values!

Heck, your property value ought to skyrocket being the neighbor of a Texan! :woohoo:


LMAO I'll be sure to tell President Bush that, next time I see him.


Hey, if you're nice to your Texan neighbor, maybe you'll get a nice fat contract to supply materials......



What's the difference between a Texan and an Oklahoman? With an Oklahoman, the bullpucky is on the outside of the boot.


And now, for game news: Ireland, what the hell are you doing?

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Whats all this talk about Texans :woohoo: can we get back to the job in hand, the unification of all that is Scandinavian under the leader of the great russian tzar Kurassier.


To the leader of the Low Countries - Did you not see the sign "KEEP OFF THE GRASS"


We did ask nicely, did we not?


You'd have to be a Texan to understand. I'm not, thank God, but I did live there. The secret is: they think they are the only absolute, and that everyone else is relative. Obviously, Einstein was a Texan. This philosophy differs from the rest of the Deep South, who feel they are the only absolute, and everyone else is related.

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I'm not, thank God, but I did live there.


I've only been here for about 5 years. I'm actually a Yankee. :drunk:



can we get back to the job in hand, the unification of all that is Scandinavian under the leader of the great russian tzar Kurassier.


and just what are you going to do about the little Dutch boys with their wooden shoes invading my Denmark????


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I'm not, thank God, but I did live there.


I've only been here for about 5 years. I'm actually a Yankee. :cheers:



can we get back to the job in hand, the unification of all that is Scandinavian under the leader of the great russian tzar Kurassier.


and just what are you going to do about the little Dutch boys with their wooden shoes invading my Denmark????



Ummm...clap? Wave pompoms? Scalp tickets? Oh, wait...that's for the Super Bowl! :cheers::drunk::cheers::cheers:

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To the leader of the Low Countries - Did you not see the sign "KEEP OFF THE GRASS"


We did ask nicely, did we not?

My sincerest apologies. I completely misunderstood what you wanted. I thought you were requesting that we not smoke marijuana. It's been tough, but I've convinced the soldiers to do just that while on duty. It has the effect of greatly increasing productivity while at the same time increasing stress.


However, I've got a solution to your problem: We of the Lowlands swear fealty, now and forever, to the Great Russian Tzar Kurassier! We will gladly take the burden of restoring the small part of Scandinavia in question to the Russian Empire. With this now cleared up, I expect no more difficulties between us, and we should be able to live in peace as we were meant to.


Long live Tzar Kurassir!



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Kevin of the low countries, as you are now privvy to the Russian Constitution you Obviously know that Section 31, Paragraph 12, Sub Section 4 states that the Unification of Scandinavia is the sole responsability of the Scandinavian people. Obviously the Low Countries are not Scandinavian, Belgian and Dutch cross breeding has obviouly resulted in a genetic defect manifesting itself in a self belief you are Scandinavian, a people who are obviously far more superior than you.


Withdraw from Denmark, allow us to unite our people and we will allow you to go about your business elsewhere with your French and German allies. Continue to remain in Denmark and you will be driven out.


This is by order of the Great Tzar Kurrasier who we recognised as the true leader of the world before you did and you are only saying the same now because you dont want us to kick you out of Denmark.


A quick word in Denmarks ear, who would you rather have as your overlord, Belgians or your own kind.


All hail Tzar Kurassier.

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This is by order of the Great Tzar Kurrasier who we recognised as the true leader of the world before you did and you are only saying the same now because you dont want us to kick you out of Denmark.


All hail Tzar Kurassier.

As a loyal vassal of Tzar Kurassier, I will wait until I get confirmation of these orders from him before leaving Denmark. I do not doubt your word, sir, but there are certain other scoundrels and lowlifes that would post in his name without his authorization. Until then, however, I'm duty bound to hold my positions.


Long live Tzar Kurassier!



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