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Game 81


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Ahhh, my young vassals, the important thing to keep in mind is that Central Russia, Scandanavia, the Lowlands and soon, the Baltic States are under my dominion. Which vassal controls which is not a real concern of mine. If you both want to rule in Denmark, I suggest you kick out the current upstart and add Denmark to my dominion. :woohoo:

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Guest Spongebob

Ohhh Perlease :cheers: The amount of ass kissing going on in this game is enough to make a sponge squeeze out last nights dinner. Just fight everyone like I do and remember this - Denmark is and always will be mine so prepare for my arrival by buggerin off :woohoo:

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Thats it. No more Mr Nice Guy. No more high falutin' philosophies on strategy. No more "The Art of War". I have thrown out my fist edition copy. I should have known Sun Tzu was a mummies boy when I found that recipe for pavlova on the back fly leaf. (with pineapple...yuk!) Now it's Miyamoto Musashi. Legendary samurai swordsman and inventer of isotonic sports drinks when he accidentally drank a bottle of his own urine on a hot day...(don't ask...). Book of Five Rings in one hand and in the other a wooden sword whittled from an oar with which to club into submission any confederacy that gets in the way.



What's the problem ? You tried something intelligent from my brilliant book and failed ? Given your performance in #77 I thought higher tactics would be within your grasp. (How are things going there ?)


Declare your country and I'll come visit you to explain. That is if I can manage to get those Syrians and Turks six feet under first. (PS. what the .... is pavlova ?, sound like a female Russian tennisplayer. Could be good, also with pineapple although a bit unusual, PPS. where you not into nude tennis ?)

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Ohhh Perlease :cheers: The amount of ass kissing going on in this game is enough to make a sponge squeeze out last nights dinner. Just fight everyone like I do and remember this - Denmark is and always will be mine so prepare for my arrival by buggerin off :cheers:

You want Denmark? Come and try to take it from me! :cheers:


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This is a bit like being at your own funeral and watching your two least favorite nephews fighting over who will get your stamp collection while the grown ups laugh.





Details, details.... :huh:

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This is a bit like being at your own funeral and watching your two least favorite nephews fighting over who will get your stamp collection while the grown ups laugh.



Oh, I realize that. It seems General "keep off the grass" Fleischer doesn't, however. :huh:



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So hows the war for you people out there. We in the confederacy are having a whale of a time. :cheers:

It's going quite well, thanks for asking. Let's see, I've added Norway, Sweden, the Lowlands, and 'parts' of Denmark without firing a shot. Finland should be added soon (how's that going General Fleischer and Swedish Chef?) and the Baltic States shall soon be added, after great use of fuel and munitions. Good thing I have plenty of those! :cheers::D

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So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu



What ever happened to you taking Plovdiv? Is the only way you can win is if the Schmitter family helps you. The Schmitter family may have taken my capitol. I don't care, because I'm coming after you. :robot:


-Justin of Bulgaria

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So maybe you are Victorious or not, we will see, as sson as I attack Plovdiv next turn.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of mjhnc rztu



What ever happened to you taking Plovdiv? Is the only way you can win is if the Schmitter family helps you. The Schmitter family may have taken my capitol. I don't care, because I'm coming after you. :robot:


-Justin of Bulgaria


Thanks for the info Justine, good to know that you are concentrating on me, leaves a lot of possibilities open. And yes the Schmitter family will help me, as Rumania, Austria and Syria is helping you. But how many territory you already did conquer from me? We are fighting at your turf not mine, at least till now. Well Plovdiv will follow, all in time Justine, don't be so inpatience.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of hzjvnizetu

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