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Game 81


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So on with the "War"


I dont know when you dispatch your orders or if you are awaiting reports from the Front but you will soon find out who I am and by default who the Confederacy are. I would not want to spoil the surprise. :D


I look forward to it, and welcome to the war. :cheers: and I already know who you are, so it won't be a surprise. :blink::cheers:

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Well tell the world then and if your right I will come out of the closet so to speak. And so will my allies, or are you afraid of being wrong

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Well tell the world then and if your right I will come out of the closet so to speak. And so will my allies, or are you afraid of being wrong

Never afraid of being wrong, mate. I've been wrong before and I'm sure I will be again.

I would say the confeds are Finland, Poland, Persia and Iraq. The only one I'm 100% on is Finland :beer:

Forum names are Rommel, Pharoah, Austinian, and Spartacus. :cheers:

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Well tell the world then and if your right I will come out of the closet so to speak. And so will my allies, or are you afraid of being wrong

Never afraid of being wrong, mate. I've been wrong before and I'm sure I will be again.

I would say the confeds are Finland, Poland, Persia and Iraq. The only one I'm 100% on is Finland :beer:

Forum names are Rommel, Pharoah, Austinian, and Spartacus. :cheers:


Two of my TAs are Confederacy? Wow, I need to make sure my uniform is butternut.



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Ok your 25% right so my challenge was for you to guess me, you did not get it right so I cant confirm or deny who you have chosen correctly.


Keep going but I'm sure you will figure it out before the next turn :beer:

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Two of my TAs are Confederacy? Wow, I need to make sure my uniform is butternut.




Sorry about that Galvorn, guess I was wrong about, Persia, Iraq and Poland. You wear whatever color uniform makes you happy. :cheers:


It would appear there are several Texans in this game. :beer:

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Thats it. No more Mr Nice Guy. No more high falutin' philosophies on strategy. No more "The Art of War". I have thrown out my fist edition copy. I should have known Sun Tzu was a mummies boy when I found that recipe for pavlova on the back fly leaf. (with pineapple...yuk!) Now it's Miyamoto Musashi. Legendary samurai swordsman and inventer of isotonic sports drinks when he accidentally drank a bottle of his own urine on a hot day...(don't ask...). Book of Five Rings in one hand and in the other a wooden sword whittled from an oar with which to club into submission any confederacy that gets in the way.



What's the problem ? You tried something intelligent from my brilliant book and failed ? Given your performance in #77 I thought higher tactics would be within your grasp. (How are things going there ?)


Declare your country and I'll come visit you to explain. That is if I can manage to get those Syrians and Turks six feet under first. (PS. what the .... is pavlova ?, sound like a female Russian tennisplayer. Could be good, also with pineapple although a bit unusual, PPS. where you not into nude tennis ?)


Hello Mr Tzu.

Pavlova is a desert, some would say the grand poobah of puddings, named after a famous russian ballerina, it is a fluffy, sugar rich desrt made from egg whites.But you already know that because it's your recipe, you inscrutable chinese person, you.

Game 77...hrrmm...well I tried something from your allegedly brilliant book. I baked a lot of pavlovas (with pineapple-yuk!) and air dropped them over the advancing egyptian hordes, trusting in your allegedly brilliant staratagem that after consuming enough of the pudding, the invaders would become diabetic and end up as blind, impotent amputees on dialysis. A very subtle stratagem. Very very very very very very very very subtle. So subtle in fact that it won't work until game #2473. Thanks alot. So here I am in game 81. My country is suadi arabia and the nude tennis is still on. I'll meet you in tehran and we'll get a tournament going. :beer:





news just in...

The winner of game 81 gets to sleep with Martina Hingis....nude!!!


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news just in...

The winner of game 81 gets to sleep with Martina Hingis....nude!!!



Suddenly the game gets interesting

I know this will come with a *

Stating this will be Martina Hingis aged 84 who lives 2 doors down form Ali and has 2 cats and 3 teeth

But one lives in hope

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Thats it. No more Mr Nice Guy. No more high falutin' philosophies on strategy. No more "The Art of War". I have thrown out my fist edition copy. I should have known Sun Tzu was a mummies boy when I found that recipe for pavlova on the back fly leaf. (with pineapple...yuk!) Now it's Miyamoto Musashi. Legendary samurai swordsman and inventer of isotonic sports drinks when he accidentally drank a bottle of his own urine on a hot day...(don't ask...). Book of Five Rings in one hand and in the other a wooden sword whittled from an oar with which to club into submission any confederacy that gets in the way.



What's the problem ? You tried something intelligent from my brilliant book and failed ? Given your performance in #77 I thought higher tactics would be within your grasp. (How are things going there ?)


Declare your country and I'll come visit you to explain. That is if I can manage to get those Syrians and Turks six feet under first. (PS. what the .... is pavlova ?, sound like a female Russian tennisplayer. Could be good, also with pineapple although a bit unusual, PPS. where you not into nude tennis ?)


Hello Mr Tzu.

Pavlova is a desert, some would say the grand poobah of puddings, named after a famous russian ballerina, it is a fluffy, sugar rich desrt made from egg whites.But you already know that because it's your recipe, you inscrutable chinese person, you.

Game 77...hrrmm...well I tried something from your allegedly brilliant book. I baked a lot of pavlovas (with pineapple-yuk!) and air dropped them over the advancing egyptian hordes, trusting in your allegedly brilliant staratagem that after consuming enough of the pudding, the invaders would become diabetic and end up as blind, impotent amputees on dialysis. A very subtle stratagem. Very very very very very very very very subtle. So subtle in fact that it won't work until game #2473. Thanks alot. So here I am in game 81. My country is suadi arabia and the nude tennis is still on. I'll meet you in tehran and we'll get a tournament going. :cheers:





news just in...

The winner of game 81 gets to sleep with Martina Hingis....nude!!!



Oh, man! I was sooooo hoping it would Maria Sharapova! Make every shot, a Power Shot! :beer:

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Well tell the world then and if your right I will come out of the closet so to speak. And so will my allies, or are you afraid of being wrong

Never afraid of being wrong, mate. I've been wrong before and I'm sure I will be again.

I would say the confeds are Finland, Poland, Persia and Iraq. The only one I'm 100% on is Finland :beer:

Forum names are Rommel, Pharoah, Austinian, and Spartacus. :cheers:


Well that is a Confed to be realy afraid off......pfffffff. Just think about the possibilities they have. Wow when Finland and Persia are starting to co-operate and attack for instance Malta together...in the same turn.....or me beloved Bornholm. What a power pack it is this Confed, if off course the above mentioned composition is correct.

For the moment I am not impressed by this Confed. This Spartakiss cannot even decide with Avatar is his, this is changing constantly, noop not impressing to me, till now. But it can change when they conquer me little country.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece/Bulgaria

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You have mis-understood the message. Kurassier is wrong in his assumptions. Only one of those named is a member of the Confederacy.


As for the change in Avatar it was pointed out to me that the Confederate States of America flag could cause offense and so I removed and replaced it with another.


Finally when are you going to get it in your head, Rednas my friend you have been chosen, you will not be attacked, your our ally unless you wish to be assimilated.


Your enemy is my enemy

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Well tell the world then and if your right I will come out of the closet so to speak. And so will my allies, or are you afraid of being wrong

Never afraid of being wrong, mate. I've been wrong before and I'm sure I will be again.

I would say the confeds are Finland, Poland, Persia and Iraq. The only one I'm 100% on is Finland :beer:

Forum names are Rommel, Pharoah, Austinian, and Spartacus. :cheers:


Well that is a Confed to be realy afraid off......pfffffff. Just think about the possibilities they have. Wow when Finland and Persia are starting to co-operate and attack for instance Malta together...in the same turn.....or me beloved Bornholm. What a power pack it is this Confed, if off course the above mentioned composition is correct.

For the moment I am not impressed by this Confed. This Spartakiss cannot even decide with Avatar is his, this is changing constantly, noop not impressing to me, till now. But it can change when they conquer me little country.



Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece/Bulgaria


Hey! At freakin' ease about MY Malta! Bad enough that UAE took Kuwait, and that Ireland has the Ulster territories, but somebody gonna set their greedy lil eyes on an iddy biddy defenseless island too? Hey, Ireland! How do you spell relief? SKUA!!

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You have mis-understood the message. Kurassier is wrong in his assumptions. Only one of those named is a member of the Confederacy.


As for the change in Avatar it was pointed out to me that the Confederate States of America flag could cause offense and so I removed and replaced it with another.


Finally when are you going to get it in your head, Rednas my friend you have been chosen, you will not be attacked, your our ally unless you wish to be assimilated.


Your enemy is my enemy


Dear Confed Member,


So I am a chosen one. To do what? When do you help me with for instance planes and bombs an grenades and troops you know. To support me to expand and get the rest of Bulgaria. But okay if you are one of these countries....thanks for the offer but I cannot wait till Finland will send his assistance.


Greetings Rednas The Chosen One Ruler of Greece / Bulgaria

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Dear Confed Member,


So I am a chosen one. To do what? When do you help me with for instance planes and bombs an grenades and troops you know. To support me to expand and get the rest of Bulgaria. But okay if you are one of these countries....thanks for the offer but I cannot wait till Finland will send his assistance.


Greetings Rednas The Chosen One Ruler of Greece / Bulgaria




Soliciting for more help? I see, you are now understanding the inevitable. You are going to lose and you can not do anything about it. :beer:


-Justin of Bulgaria

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Dear Confed Member,


So I am a chosen one. To do what? When do you help me with for instance planes and bombs an grenades and troops you know. To support me to expand and get the rest of Bulgaria. But okay if you are one of these countries....thanks for the offer but I cannot wait till Finland will send his assistance.


Greetings Rednas The Chosen One Ruler of Greece / Bulgaria




Soliciting for more help? I see, you are now understanding the inevitable. You are going to lose and you can not do anything about it. :beer:


-Justin of Bulgaria




Yes I want more help, not that I cannot beat you but it will be over more quicker for you. And till now I can only loose your territory by the way.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece/Bulgaria

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