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(real life on)


So Kurassier what significance does being dutch have on the confederacy? Is there some history i dont know off?


(real life off)


Kurassier I did not realise how far into the Baltic States you had progressed. It seems our paths will cross sooner than expected. Not to worry, I understand its nice this time of year in Leningrad. :beer:

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So Kurassier what significance does being dutch have on the confederacy? Is there some history i dont know off?


None that I know of, that is why I was asking. :cheers:



Kurassier I did not realise how far into the Baltic States you had progressed. It seems our paths will cross sooner than expected. Not to worry, I understand its nice this time of year in Leningrad. :)


1. I don't like to waste time since I only have a limited amount of time to assimilate Europe.

2. I guess you were so busy trying to deceive everybody about the Confederacy, that you forgot to notice my tanks were moving.

3. It is a nice time in Leningrad this time of year, but what does that have to do with me. Last I checked my map, Leningrad was not in the Baltic States nor in Central Russia, but in Northern Russia. I'll send you a map.......



Additional note, you do understand that if you decide to make me an enemy, you will make an enemy of the entire Holy Brotherhood of Brewmasters?!?!?! and you have no clue who we are (especially since most don't have the tag line under our Avatar. :beer::beer::cheers::drunk:

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Hello Kurassier - Leningrade is in Northern Russia but its a nice spot for some fishing. A great place to sit down on dock, tie up a few boats, cast your line and see what you catch. :beer:


As for making you an enemy, I think you find you made yourself and enemy by allowing the Central Powers use you as a pawn in a game of chess.


Im sure we will allow this slight of judgement to pass if you were to offer peace to each of us. This will allow you a free hand in the Baltics and allow us to continue with the Assimilation of Central Europe.


It is true, we do not know who the brewmasters are but that does not concern us, the only thing that concerns the Confederacy is that you stay out of our way and that goes for anyone else who feels they need to get in the way. This is why some are chosen and some are doomed to die.


When the dust has settled over europe there will only be the Confederacy as a uniting force for good over the world.

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So Kurassier what significance does being dutch have on the confederacy? Is there some history i dont know off?

Not sure how much you know about American history, but the name Confederacy over here usually refers to the Confederate States of America, i.e. the South in the American Civil War (1861-1865).


So I think Kurassier was wondering why a bunch of Dutch guys named their group after a participant in our Civil War. The losing participant, I might add.



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Yes I know about the Confederate States of America but our name is a single word - A broader definition of CONFEDERACY and interpretation would state


1. an alliance between persons, parties, states, etc., for some purpose.

2. a group of persons, parties, states, etc., united by such a confederacy.

3. a combination of persons for unlawful purposes; conspiracy.


Danish: forbund

Finnish: liitto

Norwegian: forbund, samband, (kon)føderasjon;

Swedish: allians, förbund

English: confederacy

Russian: конфедерация (Sorry Kurassier :beer: )

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So Kurassier what significance does being dutch have on the confederacy? Is there some history i dont know off?

Not sure how much you know about American history, but the name Confederacy over here usually refers to the Confederate States of America, i.e. the South in the American Civil War (1861-1865).


So I think Kurassier was wondering why a bunch of Dutch guys named their group after a participant in our Civil War. The losing participant, I might add.




Bwaaa-haaa-haaa! <evil laugh> Guess who is a member of the Confederacy now? LOL Hey, Kevin, one of my former instructors at US Army Intelligence School, a die-hard Alabaman, refers to that lil fracas as the "War of Northern Aggression". Because, of course, the South's point of view is that the war was about states' rights, while to the North the whole issue was slavery. I, of course, being a Yankee, call it the "War od Southern Rebellion."

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Bwaaa-haaa-haaa! <evil laugh> Guess who is a member of the Confederacy now? LOL Hey, Kevin, one of my former instructors at US Army Intelligence School, a die-hard Alabaman, refers to that lil fracas as the "War of Northern Aggression". Because, of course, the South's point of view is that the war was about states' rights, while to the North the whole issue was slavery. I, of course, being a Yankee, call it the "War od Southern Rebellion."

They're both right, of course. It was about states' rights to have slavery!


So you're now a member of the Confederacy? You've found a home! Good for you! That ought to make life interesting for the dastardly Irish and the evil Icelanders! :beer:



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Yes I know about the Confederate States of America but our name is a single word - A broader definition of CONFEDERACY and interpretation would state


1. an alliance between persons, parties, states, etc., for some purpose.

2. a group of persons, parties, states, etc., united by such a confederacy.

3. a combination of persons for unlawful purposes; conspiracy.


Danish: forbund

Finnish: liitto

Norwegian: forbund, samband, (kon)føderasjon;

Swedish: allians, förbund

English: confederacy

Russian: конфедерация (Sorry Kurassier :D )


and the Confederate States of America are commonly known as.... the Confederacy. Plus, you guys were using the Stars and Bars for a brief period of time. :cheers:


Bwaaa-haaa-haaa! <evil laugh> Guess who is a member of the Confederacy now? LOL Hey, Kevin, one of my former instructors at US Army Intelligence School, a die-hard Alabaman, refers to that lil fracas as the "War of Northern Aggression". Because, of course, the South's point of view is that the war was about states' rights, while to the North the whole issue was slavery. I, of course, being a Yankee, call it the "War od Southern Rebellion."

Actually the war was not about slavery when it started. It was about states rights, economics and maintaining the Union. Lincoln, although a staunch abolitionist, did not want to make the war about slavery. Rumor was circulating that the UK was considering supporting the South, mainly because of the South's vast supply of cotton for English mills. So, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation and made slavery an issue. The reasoning was that the UK could not join the South, because it would then be 'promoting' slavery, something that the UK had already abolished.


Now, how can a Yankee, playing Great Britain, join the Confederacy???? :cheers: but that does confirm that the Confederacy is evil. :laugh::beer:


Long live the Central Russian Union!! :cheers::beer::cheers::drunk:

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(real life on)


We have refrained from linking us to the CSA as it could still cause offence, this is why we removed the flag. Its use initially in error by me being a european. I and the rest would appreciate it if others did not also use this link. We dont want to cause offence only wishing to enjoy the fight. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and Russ has stated that the Forum is a free zone without censorship but we will not comment on the CSA or anyone elses comments. Dont want to sound as if im up myself, just wanted to clear up the situation


(real life off)


As you can see the Confederacy is growing in number and in strength. The aggressive actions of Ireland against our new Brother will not go unanswered. Ireland, you can save yourself the pain of defeat and join with your English allies. Join the Confederacy and rid central europe of the evil that exists there. If you choose not to follow our lead then we will send ships and troops and airplanes to defend our newest confederate. Iceland, the offer is open to you also. You may be out on the rim at the moment but we are watching the shipping lanes. Join us before it gets out of hand.


Finally a message to the world - As you can see the Confederacy is growing, someone has seen the benefits of membership. To appy for membership just send me a message via PM (propaganda ministry), your application will be considered and terms for your membership issued. Even those currently at war with us.


I am sure Central Russia if she was to apply could be accomodated :laugh:

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(real life on)


We have refrained from linking us to the CSA as it could still cause offence, this is why we removed the flag. Its use initially in error by me being a european. I and the rest would appreciate it if others did not also use this link. We dont want to cause offence only wishing to enjoy the fight. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and Russ has stated that the Forum is a free zone without censorship but we will not comment on the CSA or anyone elses comments. Dont want to sound as if im up myself, just wanted to clear up the situation


(real life off)


As you can see the Confederacy is growing in number and in strength. The aggressive actions of Ireland against our new Brother will not go unanswered. Ireland, you can save yourself the pain of defeat and join with your English allies. Join the Confederacy and rid central europe of the evil that exists there. If you choose not to follow our lead then we will send ships and troops and airplanes to defend our newest confederate. Iceland, the offer is open to you also. You may be out on the rim at the moment but we are watching the shipping lanes. Join us before it gets out of hand.


Finally a message to the world - As you can see the Confederacy is growing, someone has seen the benefits of membership. To appy for membership just send me a message via PM (propaganda ministry), your application will be considered and terms for your membership issued. Even those currently at war with us.


I am sure Central Russia if she was to apply could be accomodated :laugh:


I just have to respond --


I do not at anytime wish to be a member of your confederacy. I only wish I was closer so we could go to war.


Long live Central Russia.

Long live South Russia.

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Bwaaa-haaa-haaa! <evil laugh> Guess who is a member of the Confederacy now? LOL Hey, Kevin, one of my former instructors at US Army Intelligence School, a die-hard Alabaman, refers to that lil fracas as the "War of Northern Aggression". Because, of course, the South's point of view is that the war was about states' rights, while to the North the whole issue was slavery. I, of course, being a Yankee, call it the "War od Southern Rebellion."

They're both right, of course. It was about states' rights to have slavery!


So you're now a member of the Confederacy? You've found a home! Good for you! That ought to make life interesting for the dastardly Irish and the evil Icelanders! :laugh:






Evil Icelanders? C'mon now, these Confeduncery fellows are your enemies too...



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Cmax? Ghost? please let the Confederacy know who you are so that we can educate you to the pleasures of being part of the Confederacy. Distance not a problem. :laugh:

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Evil Icelanders? C'mon now, these Confeduncery fellows are your enemies too...



I only meant that the Icelanders are evil from the perspective of Great Britain. All enemies of the Confederacy are my allies and best buddies! :laugh:



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Evil Icelanders? C'mon now, these Confeduncery fellows are your enemies too...



I only meant that the Icelanders are evil from the perspective of Great Britain. All enemies of the Confederacy are my allies and best buddies! :laugh:




Hey, Kevin! Does that include evil Lowlanders too? LOL You and I may be allies right now, but how long will that last? Granted, you and your TA's are already at war with my Scandinavian brothers. The only reason I'm not in there too is because of Ireland. No, I haven't forgotten his TA in Iceland. Is that you, Ghost?

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