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I only meant that the Icelanders are evil from the perspective of Great Britain. All enemies of the Confederacy are my allies and best buddies! :beer:




Hey, Kevin! Does that include evil Lowlanders too? LOL You and I may be allies right now, but how long will that last? Granted, you and your TA's are already at war with my Scandinavian brothers. The only reason I'm not in there too is because of Ireland. No, I haven't forgotten his TA in Iceland. Is that you, Ghost?

Of course not! The friendship between Lowlands and Great Britain will remain strong forever! :laugh:



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Just as the friendship between Norway and Central Russia, Sweden and Central Russia, Finland and Central Russia, Denmark and Central Russia, Great Britain and Central Russia. :laugh:

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I just have to respond --


I do not at anytime wish to be a member of your confederacy. I only wish I was closer so we could go to war.


Long live Central Russia.

Long live South Russia.

Ahhhh, it appears Cmax is a wise ruler. His people will do well under his guidance. :laugh:

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Evil Icelanders? C'mon now, these Confeduncery fellows are your enemies too...



I only meant that the Icelanders are evil from the perspective of Great Britain. All enemies of the Confederacy are my allies and best buddies! :laugh:




Hey, Kevin! Does that include evil Lowlanders too? LOL You and I may be allies right now, but how long will that last? Granted, you and your TA's are already at war with my Scandinavian brothers. The only reason I'm not in there too is because of Ireland. No, I haven't forgotten his TA in Iceland. Is that you, Ghost?


I would resemble that remark, in fact.



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Medical Emergency Flash. There is a virulent version of the bubonic plague that is spreading through Europe. The scientific community have dubbed this plague the confederacy plague. It appears to have originated in the slums by Oslo. The plague saps the strength and vitality out of all infected, turning them into mindless zombies. Russian scientists and physicians have just returned from a research trip in Great Britain with hope. It is too late to save the British from this new plague but they have discovered an element found in Irish potatoes, Icelandic cod and Dutch tulips that is very resistant to this plague. The element in potatoes also appears in Russian Vodka, which explains why there are no reported cases of the confederacy plague found in the Russias.


Financial News

Irish and Icelandic economies are booming due to a great increase in exports of potatoes and cod respectively.



Scores from the first round of the World Soccer tournament in Sevastapol.

Lowlands 4, Norway 1

Germany 3, Czechoslovakia 0

Sweden 0, Finland 0

S Russia 5, Persia 1

Ireland 2, Great Britain 1

C Russia 12, Baltic States 0

Iceland 3, Denmark 0

more scores as they come in.

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Evil Icelanders? C'mon now, these Confeduncery fellows are your enemies too...



I only meant that the Icelanders are evil from the perspective of Great Britain. All enemies of the Confederacy are my allies and best buddies! :beer:




Hey, Kevin! Does that include evil Lowlanders too? LOL You and I may be allies right now, but how long will that last? Granted, you and your TA's are already at war with my Scandinavian brothers. The only reason I'm not in there too is because of Ireland. No, I haven't forgotten his TA in Iceland. Is that you, Ghost?


I would resemble that remark, in fact.




Oh, I am in deep doo doo now! :laugh: Not only is Iceland the TA of my enemy, Ireland, but now it turns he's a...a...TEXAN! And how do you bury a Texan? You give him an enema, and put him in a shoebox! :beer:

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Ah Kurassier your sence of humour has improved, you have turned from a Russian Bear to a Russian Teddy Bear.


Awwww Give Us a Cuddle :laugh:


Ghost, I see you are the Heroic leader of the Icelandic People. Did I miss your Tag line before or have you just added it. Ah well it does not matter now.


We have a proposition for you, dont listen to Kurassier and his Doctors of Death, Plague he speaks off is in his delusional mind.


Lets look at the situation you are in. Iceland, great sea fairing nation. TAed to Ireland, potatoe eating terrorists trying to break away from the United Kingdom. Anyway. This is how I see it, you have been building an invasion force to take out Great Britain, Ireland is weakening GB just enough for you to land but wait whats this outside the port of xReykjavik - Thats it you guessed it - The Norwegan and Swedish navy on a hunter killer mission to wipe out all this AKs and Queen Marys. Now ask yourself this question - Do i believe the Confederacy will come knocking on my door in defense of Great Britain or are they bluffing.


You have a choice here, continue with your invasion fleet as planned, change the ships to include some battle ships to take on Norway and Sweden or make a drastic and politically damaging change of heart and join the Confederacy. You will have to abandon Ireland or convince them to come along for the ride but we can supply you with an ideal landing zone in Europe and the whole expanse to divide up with us.


Just think - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain, Iceland - what a team and we can all be in Moscow for supper.


Cmax of Southern Russia we shall meet one day, as nations fall to our legions and other capitulate then you will find the Confederate Empire at your door.

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Oh, I am in deep doo doo now! :laugh: Not only is Iceland the TA of my enemy, Ireland, but now it turns he's a...a...TEXAN! And how do you bury a Texan? You give him an enema, and put him in a shoebox! :beer:

You' ve already used that line.

and, you have to kill him first. :beer:

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Oh, I am in deep doo doo now! :beer: Not only is Iceland the TA of my enemy, Ireland, but now it turns he's a...a...TEXAN! And how do you bury a Texan? You give him an enema, and put him in a shoebox! :beer:

You' ve already used that line.

and, you have to kill him first. :drunk:


Yes, Big K, I know I have used it. But a good joke always bears repeating...especially to Texans, who are naturally slow-witted anyway. Don't believe me? Look who's in the Oval Office?? :D:laugh:

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Yes, Big K, I know I have used it. But a good joke always bears repeating...especially to Texans, who are naturally slow-witted anyway. Don't believe me? Look who's in the Oval Office?? :beer::laugh:


But it's only a mediocre joke at best, so it doesn't bear repeating. :beer:

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Lets look at the situation you are in. Iceland, great sea fairing nation. TAed to Ireland, potatoe eating terrorists trying to break away from the United Kingdom. Anyway. This is how I see it, you have been building an invasion force to take out Great Britain, Ireland is weakening GB just enough for you to land but wait whats this outside the port of xReykjavik - Thats it you guessed it - The Norwegan and Swedish navy on a hunter killer mission to wipe out all this AKs and Queen Marys. Now ask yourself this question - Do i believe the Confederacy will come knocking on my door in defense of Great Britain or are they bluffing.


You have a choice here, continue with your invasion fleet as planned, change the ships to include some battle ships to take on Norway and Sweden or make a drastic and politically damaging change of heart and join the Confederacy. You will have to abandon Ireland or convince them to come along for the ride but we can supply you with an ideal landing zone in Europe and the whole expanse to divide up with us.


Just think - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain, Iceland - what a team and we can all be in Moscow for supper.


Cmax of Southern Russia we shall meet one day, as nations fall to our legions and other capitulate then you will find the Confederate Empire at your door.


Iceland, just wait until the plague has decimated Ireland, and then we'll send the plague to you.

Don't forget the plague in Czechoslovakia!

Cmax, you really don't need to worry about the plague reaching Southern Russia because the Kurassier will make sure the plague never makes it to the Russias.


So your fleets are away on a fishing expedition?? hmmmmm.... not that anyone believes that! :laugh:

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Oh, I am in deep doo doo now! :beer: Not only is Iceland the TA of my enemy, Ireland, but now it turns he's a...a...TEXAN! And how do you bury a Texan? You give him an enema, and put him in a shoebox! :beer:

You' ve already used that line.

and, you have to kill him first. :drunk:


Yes, Big K, I know I have used it. But a good joke always bears repeating...especially to Texans, who are naturally slow-witted anyway. Don't believe me? Look who's in the Oval Office?? :D:laugh:


Dear K,


Please don't let me comment on that...that is soon over that, that, that...how do you call it...well for the moment I will call it "a man", although besides Angela Merkel, I wasn't so sure anymore...

But the good thing is, he will be released by someone else...black or white, male or female, wow so many new things for the US of A. Can you all coop with this new things. And in a few years, Mr. Terminator for President, at last, an European, that will get things bomming, excuse me booming, booming it was a writing error. Bomming we already have enough in the world at the moment.

Well all I can say: it only can become better...maybe good old Bill can replace Monika in case Hillarious, excuse me Hillary, again a writing error, if she becomes Presidentia. But than Bill has to convince the Jury that DID had sex with that woman. Well as you can see I follow this story...better than Dallas, Denver Clan, Bold and Beautiful all together...and just the same...you do not get wiser of it by watching it.


Greetings Rednas.

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Dear K,


Please don't let me comment on that...that is soon over that, that, that...how do you call it...well for the moment I will call it "a man", although besides Angela Merkel, I wasn't so sure anymore...

But the good thing is, he will be released by someone else...black or white, male or female, wow so many new things for the US of A. Can you all coop with this new things. And in a few years, Mr. Terminator for President, at last, an European, that will get things bomming, excuse me booming, booming it was a writing error. Bomming we already have enough in the world at the moment.

Well all I can say: it only can become better...maybe good old Bill can replace Monika in case Hillarious, excuse me Hillary, again a writing error, if she becomes Presidentia. But than Bill has to convince the Jury that DID had sex with that woman. Well as you can see I follow this story...better than Dallas, Denver Clan, Bold and Beautiful all together...and just the same...you do not get wiser of it by watching it.


Greetings Rednas.


If Hillary gets elected, I may move to Europe, but it doesn't look good for her. :beer:


and as a side note, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending upon your position) the Terminator can not become president since he wasn't a natural born citizen.

Would make things interesting though, wouldn't it? :beer::D


Hope all is well in the Balkans, and watch out for the plague.... :thumbsup:

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Guest Spongebob

Its a while since I did some Redass bateing - Can someone tell me what the hell he is talking about, he makes less sence than me and that takes some doing. The only way I know what he is on about is due to the semi lucid translation from Curryass. Far too much ass for my liking but im sure you two boys will enjoy each others company brokeback mountain style. Yeeee Haaaa :beer:

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Evil Icelanders? C'mon now, these Confeduncery fellows are your enemies too...



I only meant that the Icelanders are evil from the perspective of Great Britain. All enemies of the Confederacy are my allies and best buddies! :beer:




Hey, Kevin! Does that include evil Lowlanders too? LOL You and I may be allies right now, but how long will that last? Granted, you and your TA's are already at war with my Scandinavian brothers. The only reason I'm not in there too is because of Ireland. No, I haven't forgotten his TA in Iceland. Is that you, Ghost?


Hmmm...you seem like a decent enough chap, but your country was always targetted for retribution because of the Battle of the Boyne. It was inevitable, even if the current Confederate leader isn't a bad guy...I guess I am holding 249 years of domination over my northern bretheren against ya...




Slicer Magee

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