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Game 81


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History is writen by the victors so your slanderous comments will be answered in due course. Until then our "Diplomats" will continue to carry out there duty.


See you in Riga :jawdrop:


Honorable Leader of Lowlands - Why did you invade Lowlands? Now you mention it, it is puzzling. What have you gained. Nothing much, Denmark still stands, you have but one city, The confederacy continues to take German land not once but twice and everytime you take it back we take from you again. What good is it doing you? I see no logic in your persuit of Denmark. I keep moving along the German coast taking province after province.


Speak with your allies, get out of Denmark and we will call off our invasion of Germany. We thought we wanted to liberate the German people and bring them under the umberella of the Confederacy but we now see that the Russian people are far more at risk from the Communist Bear. They are crying out for Confederate Liberation.

True, I've only got one city, but it sure is a nice one! Not a big one, but it's nicely decorated. Although I still don't know how to pronounce the name of it. :beer:


As to why we invaded... well, it embarrasses me to admit it, but it was an accident. :python: It turns out that, instead of attending to his duties, the watch officer was having a little fun with one of the lovely German ladies of xMarne. All of a sudden he shouted out, "Engage! Engage!" The generals heard him and thought he was announcing that the Danish were invading. Apparently, he was announcing his intention to the woman in question, and he didn't mean to shout so loud. Before the error was recognized, the generals had ordered the tanks to roll into Denmark. The Disciplinary Board look into the affair, and for some reason I can't quite understand, they promoted the watch officer. I can see now that I'm going to have to question this young lady myself! Repeatedly, if need be.... :beer:


My apologies if this has caused either Denmark or the Confederacy any trouble.



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Apology accepted :beer: Now get out of Denmark :python:


I believe awhile back I had stated that Lowlands could have Denmark. Lowlands, please stay as long as you want, it appears the plague recedes when you are there.

I wonder if that watch officer has some Russian ancestry???..... :jawdrop:

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Apology accepted :beer: Now get out of Denmark :python:


I believe awhile back I had stated that Lowlands could have Denmark. Lowlands, please stay as long as you want, it appears the plague recedes when you are there.

I wonder if that watch officer has some Russian ancestry???..... :jawdrop:


No, he was obviously British. Stiff upper lip, and all that, what?

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Dear Confeds,


I must confess you beat me.....no not in battle but with your boring teenieweeniegotsosweetie yibberyabber. It is more boring than what the Great Sponge ever wrote (Is he still out there somewher..??).


Well I hope this Confedthing will be over soon and we can concentrate on the more imortant facts, for instance me, mysellf and I taken more and more ground there in Bulgaria, swallow it...completely....excuse I was day dreaming again...No I am close to surrender. It will need only a couple of turns and than I am beaten...ehmmm no that is also not sounding great.


Anyway who cares...I don't so please you don't.


Fact: at the moment I am in the US of A, in Orlando Fl. nice weather. For business and a few days of to relax....great....see what I can do next.

Yeh got to sleep.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece and the larger part of Bulgaria....no not yet but soon...soon.

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Well it seems the world want to fight the confederacy, so be it. We shall break all diplomatic connections to Greece

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Soon be time to send in more bombers to get those "Squatters" in xVejle. They cant escape, they are like flys on fly paper, surrounded on the ground and pounded from the air. They cant survive, you may as well surrender that army, our siege will continue until the whole of Denmark is liberated and while that army is contained we shall continue to take more and more of Europe.

Well, what happens if that army is no longer contained? :python:



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Well if they are not contained any longer then I will be forced to Bomb xMarne, and take another German province, and maybe send ships to xAmsterdam.


All this military hardware needs to be used somewhere :python:

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Well if they are not contained any longer then I will be forced to Bomb xMarne, and take another German province, and maybe send ships to xAmsterdam.


All this military hardware needs to be used somewhere :python:

xAmsterdam? :beer: No need to act rashly! The good citizens of Lowlands would surely be upset if their homelands get attacked! They understood that if they went to war, it would only be on other countries' territory. Now you want me to tell them different? They might actually hurt me! :beer:


I should never have invaded Denmark! :jawdrop:



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Well if they are not contained any longer then I will be forced to Bomb xMarne, and take another German province, and maybe send ships to xAmsterdam.


All this military hardware needs to be used somewhere :python:

xAmsterdam? :beer: No need to act rashly! The good citizens of Lowlands would surely be upset if their homelands get attacked! They understood that if they went to war, it would only be on other countries' territory. Now you want me to tell them different? They might actually hurt me! :beer:


I should never have invaded Denmark! :jawdrop:




LMAO Roger that!

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Well it seems the world want to fight the confederacy, so be it. We shall break all diplomatic connections to Greece


Wuuuuuhhhhh, and now I am becomming scared and as I have seen the yibberyabber is going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and yes......on and on and on and stop I hope.


My plans are that I will invade xLeningrad built transporter planes there than make AA on xBerlin send me rangers to herass xLonden, sweep some mines in the atlantic, transport soom more troops and at least one general to xMalta or xRijad, I am not sure yet. Than I raise my ADL in Athens, RP some to xCrete, oh not possible, than BFDU SEC in xVilna after I captured it by raising fund overthere, send and U-boat to New York and then...not interest anymore....how comes....I write the same stuff others do write.....


I am lonely my friends are slaughtered, the Confed wants me dead, everybody hates me it seems....oh I feel pitty for myself...please guys let me stay in this game. All that I want to have are Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Austria, Poland and perhaps we can talk about this, North- South and Central Russia.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of Greece and soon the bigger part of Bulgaria or so.

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Ya know, I just hate to brag, I mean I really do...but I will! Hey, Iceland! Slicer, dude, fellow follower of the ASA! What the hell were you thinking, bombing xLondon? :blink: Impressive force, I'll give you kudoes on that. A quartet of CV Enterprises, a couple of BB Colorados, some CA Pensacolas, and some DD Somers. So far, Slice, you're playing Iceland as it should be played: use American tech, and concentrate on your navy. And, yes, you did do some damage to my industry, but they can be replaced. And yes, I know that ship losses can be replaced too. After all, in game terms this is just 1940; we're gonna be at it for another five years! But, still...


Task Force 7

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Pensacola, CA-1 Line 0% Pensacola, CA-2 Green 67%

Pensacola, CA-3 Line 0% Somers, DD-4 Line 40%

Somers, DD-5 Line 100% Somers, DD-6 Line 100%

Somers, DD-7 Line 36% Somers, DD-8 Line 0%

Somers, DD-9 Green 100% Somers, DD-10 Line 100%

Somers, DD-11 Line 100% Somers, DD-12 Line 100%

Somers, DD-13 Veteran 0% Somers, DD-14 Line 50%

Somers, DD-16 Veteran 100% Somers, DD-17 Line 99%

Somers, DD-18 Line 0% Pensacola, CA-42 Green 67%

Pensacola, CA-43 Green 67% Pensacola, CA-44 Green 0%

Somers, DD-45 Green 20% Somers, DD-47 Line 36%

Somers, DD-48 Line 67% Somers, DD-49 Line 99%

Pensacola, CA-61 Line 67% Enterprise, CV-62 Green 100%

Enterprise, CV-63 Line 100% Enterprise, CV-64 Green 100%

Enterprise, CV-65 Line 100% Colorado, BB-77 Green 0%

Colorado, BB-78 Green 0% Pensacola, CA-79 Green 0%


I JUST HAVE TO BRAG ABOUT THIS! :cheers::drunk::beer:


And I would show you what happened to my fleet, none of which took damage (just thought I'd mention that), but of course that would be bad OPSEC. Of course, you did fight off my AMI's, killing 67 poor, defenseless Skuas. They needed replacing anyway; they certainly messed up Ireland's navy! And I do see that your CV's escaped injury, along with all those cute lil Buffaloes.


Be ready for me, Slicer. I'm due for a port of call at xReykjavik soon. :woohoo::D:ph34r::jawdrop:

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