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Ya know, I just hate to brag, I mean I really do...but I will! Hey, Iceland! Slicer, dude, fellow follower of the ASA! What the hell were you thinking, bombing xLondon? :blink: Impressive force, I'll give you kudoes on that. A quartet of CV Enterprises, a couple of BB Colorados, some CA Pensacolas, and some DD Somers. So far, Slice, you're playing Iceland as it should be played: use American tech, and concentrate on your navy. And, yes, you did do some damage to my industry, but they can be replaced. And yes, I know that ship losses can be replaced too. After all, in game terms this is just 1940; we're gonna be at it for another five years! But, still...


Task Force 7

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Pensacola, CA-1 Line 0% Pensacola, CA-2 Green 67%

Pensacola, CA-3 Line 0% Somers, DD-4 Line 40%

Somers, DD-5 Line 100% Somers, DD-6 Line 100%

Somers, DD-7 Line 36% Somers, DD-8 Line 0%

Somers, DD-9 Green 100% Somers, DD-10 Line 100%

Somers, DD-11 Line 100% Somers, DD-12 Line 100%

Somers, DD-13 Veteran 0% Somers, DD-14 Line 50%

Somers, DD-16 Veteran 100% Somers, DD-17 Line 99%

Somers, DD-18 Line 0% Pensacola, CA-42 Green 67%

Pensacola, CA-43 Green 67% Pensacola, CA-44 Green 0%

Somers, DD-45 Green 20% Somers, DD-47 Line 36%

Somers, DD-48 Line 67% Somers, DD-49 Line 99%

Pensacola, CA-61 Line 67% Enterprise, CV-62 Green 100%

Enterprise, CV-63 Line 100% Enterprise, CV-64 Green 100%

Enterprise, CV-65 Line 100% Colorado, BB-77 Green 0%

Colorado, BB-78 Green 0% Pensacola, CA-79 Green 0%


I JUST HAVE TO BRAG ABOUT THIS! :cheers::drunk::beer:


And I would show you what happened to my fleet, none of which took damage (just thought I'd mention that), but of course that would be bad OPSEC. Of course, you did fight off my AMI's, killing 67 poor, defenseless Skuas. They needed replacing anyway; they certainly messed up Ireland's navy! And I do see that your CV's escaped injury, along with all those cute lil Buffaloes.


Be ready for me, Slicer. I'm due for a port of call at xReykjavik soon. :woohoo::D:ph34r::jawdrop:


Well, well, the both of you are really busy and occupied with yourselfs. Nice move there with those nice ships...offering them on a plate...smart move...it costs only a ffew thousand SHIP Points and a little cash, not to speak about the FUEL, MUN and GEN all nice at the bottom of the sea. Okay Iceland has enough at the beginning, that was a few turns ago and now a part is lost and cannot be replaced so easy or at all. Nice going Iceland...meaning we will get rid of Iceland again, in VIC79 also, and also killed himself, maybe the same player wants to have a looksee if he could do it again. Highly succesful. So GB is happy, has now lots of ship points but off course lost some valuable air points....ehmm...those costly Skuas...wow what a threat they are. Come on, there are some better planes in the Britisch tech, for instance the CSC 2 Swordfisch..hahahahahaha...well keep up the bragging. Iceland you have to team up otherwise you allone cannot attack another country succesful, just (my beloved) Bornholm, Faroer (also a location were many battles have been waged for...??) or Gotland. Take a pick. But a small advise don't team up with for instance Saudi Arabia or so, and leave me alone also.


So now I brag. I lost xOinoi it was not defended, lost all me resources because it was AIC1, but I killed approx. 1% of the enemy with my LDB. Next round I will attack the enemy fleet with my fighters and kill at least, at least one LCI. I am so excited about it. I will retreat inmediatlely and completely out of Bulgaria and go in defence mode and wait. Make lot's of LFE so my troops are all Line or even Veteran. I build strategic bombers so I will do night SB on industrie and will wear down my enemy. Rangers will be build and send on search and destroy missions to kill generals or so. That is a plan, isn't it. And that in combination with my earlier plan...I am so busy co-ordinating.


Greetings Ruler of Greece and still a part of Bulgaria and the MED. Toodles.

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Ya know, I just hate to brag, I mean I really do...but I will! Hey, Iceland! Slicer, dude, fellow follower of the ASA! What the hell were you thinking, bombing xLondon? :blink: Impressive force, I'll give you kudoes on that. A quartet of CV Enterprises, a couple of BB Colorados, some CA Pensacolas, and some DD Somers. So far, Slice, you're playing Iceland as it should be played: use American tech, and concentrate on your navy. And, yes, you did do some damage to my industry, but they can be replaced. And yes, I know that ship losses can be replaced too. After all, in game terms this is just 1940; we're gonna be at it for another five years! But, still...


Task Force 7

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Pensacola, CA-1 Line 0% Pensacola, CA-2 Green 67%

Pensacola, CA-3 Line 0% Somers, DD-4 Line 40%

Somers, DD-5 Line 100% Somers, DD-6 Line 100%

Somers, DD-7 Line 36% Somers, DD-8 Line 0%

Somers, DD-9 Green 100% Somers, DD-10 Line 100%

Somers, DD-11 Line 100% Somers, DD-12 Line 100%

Somers, DD-13 Veteran 0% Somers, DD-14 Line 50%

Somers, DD-16 Veteran 100% Somers, DD-17 Line 99%

Somers, DD-18 Line 0% Pensacola, CA-42 Green 67%

Pensacola, CA-43 Green 67% Pensacola, CA-44 Green 0%

Somers, DD-45 Green 20% Somers, DD-47 Line 36%

Somers, DD-48 Line 67% Somers, DD-49 Line 99%

Pensacola, CA-61 Line 67% Enterprise, CV-62 Green 100%

Enterprise, CV-63 Line 100% Enterprise, CV-64 Green 100%

Enterprise, CV-65 Line 100% Colorado, BB-77 Green 0%

Colorado, BB-78 Green 0% Pensacola, CA-79 Green 0%


I JUST HAVE TO BRAG ABOUT THIS! :cheers::drunk::beer:


And I would show you what happened to my fleet, none of which took damage (just thought I'd mention that), but of course that would be bad OPSEC. Of course, you did fight off my AMI's, killing 67 poor, defenseless Skuas. They needed replacing anyway; they certainly messed up Ireland's navy! And I do see that your CV's escaped injury, along with all those cute lil Buffaloes.


Be ready for me, Slicer. I'm due for a port of call at xReykjavik soon. :woohoo::D:ph34r::jawdrop:


Well, well, the both of you are really busy and occupied with yourselfs. Nice move there with those nice ships...offering them on a plate...smart move...it costs only a ffew thousand SHIP Points and a little cash, not to speak about the FUEL, MUN and GEN all nice at the bottom of the sea. Okay Iceland has enough at the beginning, that was a few turns ago and now a part is lost and cannot be replaced so easy or at all. Nice going Iceland...meaning we will get rid of Iceland again, in VIC79 also, and also killed himself, maybe the same player wants to have a looksee if he could do it again. Highly succesful. So GB is happy, has now lots of ship points but off course lost some valuable air points....ehmm...those costly Skuas...wow what a threat they are. Come on, there are some better planes in the Britisch tech, for instance the CSC 2 Swordfisch..hahahahahaha...well keep up the bragging. Iceland you have to team up otherwise you allone cannot attack another country succesful, just (my beloved) Bornholm, Faroer (also a location were many battles have been waged for...??) or Gotland. Take a pick. But a small advise don't team up with for instance Saudi Arabia or so, and leave me alone also.


So now I brag. I lost xOinoi it was not defended, lost all me resources because it was AIC1, but I killed approx. 1% of the enemy with my LDB. Next round I will attack the enemy fleet with my fighters and kill at least, at least one LCI. I am so excited about it. I will retreat inmediatlely and completely out of Bulgaria and go in defence mode and wait. Make lot's of LFE so my troops are all Line or even Veteran. I build strategic bombers so I will do night SB on industrie and will wear down my enemy. Rangers will be build and send on search and destroy missions to kill generals or so. That is a plan, isn't it. And that in combination with my earlier plan...I am so busy co-ordinating.


Greetings Ruler of Greece and still a part of Bulgaria and the MED. Toodles.


Well, Sander, you know as well as I do that British tech--hell, ANY tech--doesn't have a lot to work with at start. Skuas are a cheap build. It takes awhile before something better shows up, but eventually something does. I can tease Slicer about those Buffaloes of his, but I know that down the road I'll be facing Corsairs. Going up against any of the Russias, or any with that tech, you know that those damn T-38s will be here soon. But, until then, Russian armor are basically wankers (yeah, like I can brag with my big, bad A-13's). Still, it's gonna make for a helluva great war! Take care, Sander. Y'all be cool.

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Its a little too Quiet :holiday:



:holiday: Yes yes very quiet, I too must tell of my fine victories. Rangers managed to slip into Roman and destroy two leaders of some sort. Italy, with this loss, I am sure you are ready to come to terms!!!!!


If you are not willing to discuss terms I will send the Buffalos in, er I mean the elephants. The only trouble with the elephants is they are very hard to load onto ships. Only Noah was able to do that.


Are you waiting for your brother to come to your aid? It may be a long wait since his troops have withdrawn from Bulgaria and are being pursued south. Could they be marching to defend the Rome? I think not. He has bigger things to concern himself with. :(



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You always miss out some of the more interesting results like....


Finland 3 Germany 0

Norway 1 Germany 0



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Well since I keep the only accurate official score -

Central Russia 3, Sweden 0

Lowlands 5, Denmark 0




Conversations of a Russian tank crew in the Baltics:

"Captain what's that tapping on the outside of the tank?"

"What tapping private?"

"Sir, it sounds like someone playing ping pong on the armor."

"Well private, open the hatch and see what's going on"

"aye sir"

Creak, slam.....

Ha, ha, ha, ha, "You've got to see this captain!"

"Private just tell me, I'm reading this report about the plague firing on Fort Sumter again."

"Sir, there are a bunch of guys out here throwing meatballs at our tank!"

"Private, I told you to lay off the Vodk.... NYET! You weren't kidding. Who's that guy back there in the chef's hat?"


Hey Chef, you need more spice in your meatballs.


France, you don't even need a swatter, just put your armor in the fields and the mosquitos just run into it and die.....


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Well since I keep the only accurate official score -

Central Russia 3, Sweden 0

Lowlands 5, Denmark 0




Conversations of a Russian tank crew in the Baltics:

"Captain what's that tapping on the outside of the tank?"

"What tapping private?"

"Sir, it sounds like someone playing ping pong on the armor."

"Well private, open the hatch and see what's going on"

"aye sir"

Creak, slam.....

Ha, ha, ha, ha, "You've got to see this captain!"

"Private just tell me, I'm reading this report about the plague firing on Fort Sumter again."

"Sir, there are a bunch of guys out here throwing meatballs at our tank!"

"Private, I told you to lay off the Vodk.... NYET! You weren't kidding. Who's that guy back there in the chef's hat?"


Hey Chef, you need more spice in your meatballs.


France, you don't even need a swatter, just put your armor in the fields and the mosquitos just run into it and die.....



Say it with me...BORK! BORK! BORK!

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Eh Kooresseeer yuoo fuul, it seems i moost refert tu my neteefe-a lungooege-a su thet yuoo cun understund thees messege-a. Veet zee luss ooff Denmerk zee Cunffederecy hefe-a tu deefert oooor ettenshun tu unuzeer und thets yuoo.

Well I certainly hope that's not the best you can do, or it won't be long before there are Russian chefs cooking in Stockholm. :(

Looks like I'll need to start building that bridge across the Baltic Sea. Just keep sending those Marine divisions over so I can use them to build that bridge! :D

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Eh Kooresseeer yuoo fuul, it seems i moost refert tu my neteefe-a lungooege-a su thet yuoo cun understund thees messege-a. Veet zee luss ooff Denmerk zee Cunffederecy hefe-a tu deefert oooor ettenshun tu unuzeer und thets yuoo.

Well I certainly hope that's not the best you can do, or it won't be long before there are Russian chefs cooking in Stockholm. :(

Looks like I'll need to start building that bridge across the Baltic Sea. Just keep sending those Marine divisions over so I can use them to build that bridge! :D


I seem to recall hearing that Iraq (the REAL Iraq, under So Damn Insane), did the same thing in the swamps near Basra--using Iranian bodies.

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Eh Kooresseeer yuoo fuul, it seems i moost refert tu my neteefe-a lungooege-a su thet yuoo cun understund thees messege-a. Veet zee luss ooff Denmerk zee Cunffederecy hefe-a tu deefert oooor ettenshun tu unuzeer und thets yuoo.

Well I certainly hope that's not the best you can do, or it won't be long before there are Russian chefs cooking in Stockholm. :cheers:

Looks like I'll need to start building that bridge across the Baltic Sea. Just keep sending those Marine divisions over so I can use them to build that bridge! :D


It may be the best the Chef can do but its far from what the Norwegan forces can do - Cya :(

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It may be the best the Chef can do but its far from what the Norwegan forces can do - Cya :thumbsup:

Well bring it on General Quisling. I haven't seen you do anything but lose to the Lowlands so I'm not expecting much. :alien: So, from your comment you believe you are far superior to your ally, Sweden??? :blink:

Cheers, and I look forward to your attempted visit. :ph34r:


I seem to recall hearing that Iraq (the REAL Iraq, under So Damn Insane), did the same thing in the swamps near Basra--using Iranian bodies.

First, I will only use the equipment, not the bodies. Any dead swedish soldiers that make it ashore will get a proper burial. In fact I would urge Sweden to just send all the materials that he would use to build the divisions over and leave the people home.


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