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Zee infeseeun ooff Nurzeern Roosseea hes begoon. Lung leefe-a zee Cunffederecy mey zee Roosseeun Beer sooffffer in zee culd demp hunds ooff zee Svedeesh ermy. Bork Bork Bork!

Northern Russia, I'll send you some cleaning fluid to help clean the meatballs off the side of your tanks. :blink:

buzz, buzz


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Lowlands checking in.


Good luck, everyone. And remember... have fun!




Kevin! You declared war on me? What took you so long? Man, I was getting bored with these namby-pamby attacks from Ireland and Iceland, the Island Girls. Granted, Slicer did do some, uhh, urban renewal on xLondon, but y'know I never cared much for Picadilly Circus anyway.

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I resemble that namby pamby remark...you see, my Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines have learning disabilities. Why you gotta make fun of them like that? Of course the Generals, Admirals and strategic planner are all, also, from the same stock.


We gotta start learning how to point the fire-sticks at you, rather than each other!




Lowlands checking in.


Good luck, everyone. And remember... have fun!




Kevin! You declared war on me? What took you so long? Man, I was getting bored with these namby-pamby attacks from Ireland and Iceland, the Island Girls. Granted, Slicer did do some, uhh, urban renewal on xLondon, but y'know I never cared much for Picadilly Circus anyway.

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Syria has barely recovered from it's own Iraqi campaign and now has to make a last ditch effort to rescue the Turkish puppet regime who managed to get almost his entire army destroyed (and probably his airforce too this week !). Unfortunately the Southern Russians have now also entered Iraq and the UAE is looming in the south. :blink:


PS. Istanbul is a particularly beautifull city (been there way before the hostilities started) It would fit in nicely in the greater Greek empire !


This message is for Sun Tzu and the Persain player.



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Syria has barely recovered from it's own Iraqi campaign and now has to make a last ditch effort to rescue the Turkish puppet regime who managed to get almost his entire army destroyed (and probably his airforce too this week !). Unfortunately the Southern Russians have now also entered Iraq and the UAE is looming in the south. :blink:


PS. Istanbul is a particularly beautifull city (been there way before the hostilities started) It would fit in nicely in the greater Greek empire !



Sorry about that Iraq.

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Syria has barely recovered from it's own Iraqi campaign and now has to make a last ditch effort to rescue the Turkish puppet regime who managed to get almost his entire army destroyed (and probably his airforce too this week !). Unfortunately the Southern Russians have now also entered Iraq and the UAE is looming in the south. :D


PS. Istanbul is a particularly beautifull city (been there way before the hostilities started) It would fit in nicely in the greater Greek empire !



Sorry about that Iraq.


Yes, congratulations. You win some you lose some. I even promoted my general to marshal to prevent him from surrendering. It didn't work (where have we seen that before). It does however not fight too well when you are low on ammo.

I still think it was worth it based on armament points losses inflicted and disrupted production. Also will I not be bothered by the Turkish airforce for a while. The fight continues. May the best man win. :pirate2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Confederacy have made gains in Northern Russia, the war continues along the route of "Plan B" - Kurassier we could not defeat you across the sea so we have been forced to send troops through Northern Russia, be prepared to meet us on your northern face. You will soon have to withdraw those divisions from the European front in the Baltics and Poland and defend your northern border, your russian brothers to the north are no-where to be found. We have looked and searched under many rocks. We never wanted to invade but freedom comes at a price and that price is very very high.


Adios Amigo!! :D

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The Confederacy have made gains in Northern Russia, the war continues along the route of "Plan B" - Kurassier we could not defeat you across the sea so we have been forced to send troops through Northern Russia, be prepared to meet us on your northern face. You will soon have to withdraw those divisions from the European front in the Baltics and Poland and defend your northern border, your russian brothers to the north are no-where to be found. We have looked and searched under many rocks. We never wanted to invade but freedom comes at a price and that price is very very high.


Adios Amigo!! :D

Well I was wondering where you had gone. :cheers: As far as the NR army, I'm sure you'll see them soon enough, and be careful what you ask for, you just may get it. :D

I'm glad you have a Plan B, because I wasn't too impressed with Plan A. and as your Swedish and Finnish allies can tell you I am prepared. So, based upon the knowledge that you are invading NR and taking into consideration our past dealings, my generals feel it is wise to heed your advise partially. We are now in the process of building a few LDBs along the border. :cheers:

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Your starting to build LDBs NOW? :D We invaded last turn, did the Northern Russian premier not tell you. Is he still in control of his country or will we be allowed free passage to your border? Most puzzeling. Anyway you should also understand we not only have a plan B but C, D, E, F and G but for you Kurassier a special plan, Plan Preparation H. Its gonna sting a little but the relief will be glorious.


Defend yourself, we will join you as soon as we can. Lets face it you wont be-able to help NR much and 3 of us against 1 should ensure our victory over the Russias.

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Your starting to build LDBs NOW? :D We invaded last turn, did the Northern Russian premier not tell you. Is he still in control of his country or will we be allowed free passage to your border? Most puzzeling. Anyway you should also understand we not only have a plan B but C, D, E, F and G but for you Kurassier a special plan, Plan Preparation H. Its gonna sting a little but the relief will be glorious.


Defend yourself, we will join you as soon as we can. Lets face it you wont be-able to help NR much and 3 of us against 1 should ensure our victory over the Russias.





you fight central russia, he will not be alone. I will stand with him. Please --- Come! Looking forward to the fight.


South Russia

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Your starting to build LDBs NOW? :cheers: We invaded last turn, did the Northern Russian premier not tell you. Is he still in control of his country or will we be allowed free passage to your border? Most puzzeling. Anyway you should also understand we not only have a plan B but C, D, E, F and G but for you Kurassier a special plan, Plan Preparation H. Its gonna sting a little but the relief will be glorious.


Defend yourself, we will join you as soon as we can. Lets face it you wont be-able to help NR much and 3 of us against 1 should ensure our victory over the Russias.

Well, I don't presume to speak for NR, if he wants to give you 'free' passage, that is of course, up to him. Keep in mind that there is not much in life that is free. If you do make it through NR to get to me (which will take longer than you think) I'm sure the plague armies will meet the same fate as those that tried to land in the Baltics and East Prussia. :D

and I am glad you have multiple plans, I'd hate to think you couldn't back up your boastings. :D


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you fight central russia, he will not be alone. I will stand with him. Please --- Come! Looking forward to the fight.


South Russia

Thanks! I appreciate that, however, he will have a hard enough time in NR, especially if he thinks NR and CR don't communicate. :cheers:

oh, and spongecus, have you looked for CR troops in NR? hmmmm, better check your intel and your upcoming battle reports...... :D


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After reviewing recent reports from the front new orders have been issued to the Generals :D

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