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Game 81


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Yes - Dont we Kurassier :woohoo:

I have never made fun of anybody's real name nor of anybody, only the caricature they put forth on this forum. I have also never cried foul when my forum name is misspelled in an attempt at humor. :jawdrop:

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Yes - Dont we Kurassier :jawdrop:

I was referring to real names, of course, not forum handles.... :woohoo:


What? That was his REAL name? He's playing France, for God's sake! It goes with the territory.

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Yes - Dont we Kurassier <_<

I was referring to real names, of course, not forum handles.... :jawdrop:


Well if you use your real name as a Forum alias then your fair game in my book.


BTW my name is Ivor Biggun :woohoo:

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Free land in Egypt; Since 95% of all ll Egyptian forces are in my country; Egypt is free for the taking; come one come all FIRESALE!!!!!!!!


Syria v81


We'll take it! Just wrap it up and send it north. Be careful of the Sphinx please. :D<_<:jawdrop:


BTW my name is Ivor Biggun :woohoo:


You already have too many names spongecus. <_<

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Dear other players in this VIC,


When will there be more spoken about propaganda instead of drinking thea in someones garden, making yokes about real names and other b.s.

As I don't have much time in real life and in this game, could it be more informativ please....in this case I am glad an happy to be kicked (instead of licked) out of this game: so come on you Syrians, Bulgarians, Austrians, Tunesians and Rumanians and kick me out. One small country for the five of you cant not be the real problem....or does it.


So and now I am getting nervous because The Netherlands are going to play tonight in European Soccer Championships against Russia.


Greetings Rednas, still Ruler of the Greater Part of Greece.

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Dear other players in this VIC,


When will there be more spoken about propaganda instead of drinking thea in someones garden, making yokes about real names and other b.s.

As I don't have much time in real life and in this game, could it be more informativ please....in this case I am glad an happy to be kicked (instead of licked) out of this game: so come on you Syrians, Bulgarians, Austrians, Tunesians and Rumanians and kick me out. One small country for the five of you cant not be the real problem....or does it.


So and now I am getting nervous because The Netherlands are going to play tonight in European Soccer Championships against Russia.


Greetings Rednas, still Ruler of the Greater Part of Greece.


I got to watch part of that match, Sander, while I was at work. I don't know the final score, but I saw that Russia was up, 1-0, in the 57th minute. That reminds me...I need to tune in to FSN and watch the LA Galaxy play tonight. As for propraganda...Slicer already knows he's gonna lose. Why rub it in? I'll gloat a little later.

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Bzzzz.... Bzzzzzzz..






Now whats that sound? :P



Oh yes its ME!!!! :D Bzzzzzzz


Soon be time to become more of an annoyance to Ireland and Iceland.... Batten Down those Hatches Boys.




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Go away Redass, I thought you were dead. Your so pointless that those people at war with you cannot be bothered to finish you off


Dear Spongieboobie,


No, no, no your professional looser of any and every VIC game. Some are harder and need more countries to be knocked out of the game than a player of your tiny size and spirit. In your case, one stroke is resulting in panic and in a drop (dead) position. Well Spongiebaby you loose so many money in all these set ups, incredible, you must be rich man. But you know the game need players like you: losers otherwise there are no winners. Pointless or not: I am still in the game and don't complain to me that I am still in, those other 5 need so long to get rid of me...complain to them.


So Spongieboobie crawl back under your pineapple and hold your breath for a couple of days and keep the sea free of your hot air bubbles. In your comments there is nothing substantial, its like you:no backbone, its like your playing no planning or foresight. Keep it up like this, so your neighbors have nothing to fear.


Oh yeh…I am also still playing in VIC79…what about you??


Greetings Rednas Still Ruler of Greater (Part) of Greece.

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Go away Redass, I thought you were dead. Your so pointless that those people at war with you cannot be bothered to finish you off


Well said Spongebob. :cheers:




Dear Tanker,


Concentrate on game playing you Dollybuster, your are not worth no get yourself named after this general Guderian, you so slow in advancing that snails are quiker on the run than your tanks...what a show you are delivering. But okay I am in the defence at last, you managed to conquer some provinces of me...very good. So and now come along and get those other provinces, there are some more left. But maybe you are waiting on support from all your friends.

What a performance...I think I can hold out another three turns against this onslaught and juggernaut….woooow I am so afraid and impressed. Maybe the one and only reason is to drop earlier in this game is to save money, because I have no Allies left (oops I didn’t say that) so no future left for me. But maybe I watch to see you brilliant players to get me country conquered….but my patience is not that long you know.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of the Greater Part of Greece

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Guest Spongebob

Red you crazy fool - Tell you what, next game we join as a team, we will be best buds and total allies and as such we can annoy the world together - what do you say buddy :angry2: ????????

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Red you crazy fool - Tell you what, next game we join as a team, we will be best buds and total allies and as such we can annoy the world together - what do you say buddy :angry2: ????????


???? You schizophrenic, invertebrate. Friends…well maybe…annoy the rest…no problem…but TA’s are you nuts!!!! I want to win this game and you are the best ingredient and insurance to loose it. No I think you have found your friend or fan, ask him what he think about your plan.


What game did you sign up now…and did you drop again?? Please start first to find some players that really want to play with you and also are able to…for more then 10 turns…and try that game. If you survive till turn 74…than you could be my partner.


So nice gaming and keep supporting and funding Russ.


Greetings Rednas.

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