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New Player would like to check a couple of things...


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Hi guys,


well it went slightly better than i had thought but i've got a question on two areas :-)


- is there any point colonising gas giants and asteroids without domed cities - or is it just an attrition modifier? i.e. are my people going to die?

- i tried to create new fleets and transfer in 1 ship to each but for some reason only 1 order worked... all fleets are there i used codes such as RN 102 107 pathfinder 1 pathfinder. This succeeded in moving 1 ship to 1 fleet but all the othe transfers failed?


course i made a mistake on my conversions but at least the maths would have been right if i'd been paying attention!


Colonization depends on you HW values and your modifiers. Your people are going to die if you're HW values are different from your colonization target. How many depends on how different. There are installations that can improve things. Domed Cities is just one of them. I have one colony that has attrition and I have to watch the number who die but attrition is manageable if you pay attention


As for the transfers, each transfer has to have its own order although you can transfer up to 24 types of ships between fleets (23 if you want fuel shared equally). The order you wrote seems to be correct although you don't need the second mention of pathfinder.

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Indeed i did use the wrong fleet id (or should i say a recently fired scribe used the wrong ID).


Ah so i take it my plan to have say a 10k colony is simply not realistic unless you are a good coloniser due to attrition. However i couold put 1000 colonies of 10 on a world with no attrition problems? All for mining?

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Indeed i did use the wrong fleet id (or should i say a recently fired scribe used the wrong ID).


Ah so i take it my plan to have say a 10k colony is simply not realistic unless you are a good coloniser due to attrition. However i couold put 1000 colonies of 10 on a world with no attrition problems? All for mining?


Yes you could, but you would need Coal Power Plants for that, as all others produce way to much power and are too expensive (250.000 CMs for the smallest).


Which would greatly reduce the benefit of that colonization.

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I would suggest expanding your exploration. It sounds like you're pretty fixated on one specific world. Check out the nearby systems and find something more suitable. The last thing you want is to set up 1,000 pop groups on one world. This would be order intensive, and in real world money cost prohibitive.


I don't even want to think about how many orders it would take just to set up a convoy route for that many pop groups.


In relation to exploration, one of my empires came across a star system with 21 orbits, about half of which were suitable for colonization for the reasonable hardy race. The only setback is the distance from the HW (10 jumps).



Lord Uriel

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  • 2 weeks later...

One further question related to IC's...


I've got this wrong twice so thought i'd beter check how it works.


If raw materials are raw, iron level is primary and steel level secondary, electronics level tertiary and finished products (mk 1 nuclear engine level)...


i take the number of raw materials changed to primary + number of primary changed to secondary + number of secondary changedto teritiary. Shouldit also be + number of tertiary changed to finished products?


I hadn't been including anything for teritiary and came short on production of some finished products so wanted to check... in case you are wondering, i decided to make my own spreadsheets as i struggled to make sense of the ones on the site.



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One further question related to IC's...


I've got this wrong twice so thought i'd beter check how it works.


If raw materials are raw, iron level is primary and steel level secondary, electronics level tertiary and finished products (mk 1 nuclear engine level)...


i take the number of raw materials changed to primary + number of primary changed to secondary + number of secondary changedto teritiary. Shouldit also be + number of tertiary changed to finished products?


I hadn't been including anything for teritiary and came short on production of some finished products so wanted to check... in case you are wondering, i decided to make my own spreadsheets as i struggled to make sense of the ones on the site.




 5:	  21000 Raw Resources
4:		200 Industrial Chemicals
4:		600 Crystals
4:		200 Petrochemicals
4:		200 Gaseous Elements
3:		200 Synthetic Materials
3:		200 Refined Crystals
3:		300 Radioactive Elements
3:		600 Iron
2:		200 Steel
2:		100 Processed Radioactives
2:		100 Electronics
1:		  1 Mk I Nuclear Engine

Industrial Usage: 23900

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One further question related to IC's...


I've got this wrong twice so thought i'd beter check how it works.


If raw materials are raw, iron level is primary and steel level secondary, electronics level tertiary and finished products (mk 1 nuclear engine level)...


i take the number of raw materials changed to primary + number of primary changed to secondary + number of secondary changedto teritiary. Shouldit also be + number of tertiary changed to finished products?


I hadn't been including anything for teritiary and came short on production of some finished products so wanted to check... in case you are wondering, i decided to make my own spreadsheets as i struggled to make sense of the ones on the site.



Not absolutely sure if you're saying you've come up short on production capacity from your post.

If so, I can say that I found myself making just the same mistake (as have, probably, most players at some time or another).

A simple example, if you want to make one hundred steel, f'rinstance ---

From raw resources:

3000 raw resources makes 300 iron to make 100 steel = 3300/250 (IC capacity) = 13.2 ICs output

From mined iron:

300 iron to make 100 steel = 300/250 = 1.2 ICs output

The tertiary product does not come into the equation, only the number of products being used to create that end product.

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ok thanks for that. I find myself in a bit of a quandry... is it possible for a bug or some coding to go wrong? My latest turn production doesn't match the orders put in i've listed both below. There are a few issues here including the fact that some materials were produced that weren't ordered and aren't tooled and that for example steel apparently was already in the production queue and that some items were made twice... Can anyone shed any light on this or am i missing something?






-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 10684573, Iron, 29852, 5, No

Industrial managers add 10684573 Iron to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 5



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 59446, Crystals, 29852, 10, No

Industrial managers add 59446 Crystals to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 10



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 8100, Rare Elements, 29852, 15, No

Industrial managers add 8100 Rare Elements to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 15



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 7695400, Steel, 29852, 100, No

** Steel is already in the Industrial Queue for Population Group # 29852 with a Priority of 100 - multiple Industrial Queue entries with the same Priority is allowed, but duplicate entries with the same Priority and Item are not



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 40000, Transaluminum, 29852, 110, No

Industrial managers add 40000 Transaluminum to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 110



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 442000, Refined Crystals, 29852, 120, No

Industrial managers add 442000 Refined Crystals to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 120



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 276200, Synthetic Materials, 29852, 130, No

Industrial managers add 276200 Synthetic Materials to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 130



-----BI (Build Item)-----

BI: 258600, Electronics, 29852, 200, No

Industrial managers add 258600 Electronics to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 200




- 8,809,475 Iron(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 38,632,250 ]

Iron in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

- 152,646 Light Metals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 37,105,790 ]

Light Metals in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

. Production of Iron in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 1894753 because only 1.894753E+07 Raw Resources are present

- 1,894,753 Iron(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 18,158,260 ]

. Production of Lumber in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Lumber(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or


. Production of Crystals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources

or Power

. Production of Crystals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources

or Power

. Production of Rare Elements in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Rare Elements(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available

resources or Power

. Production of Gaseous Elements in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Gaseous Elements(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available

resources or Power

. Production of Petrochemicals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Petrochemicals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available

resources or Power

. Production of Industrial Chemicals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present

- No Industrial Chemicals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available

resources or Power

- 3,695,400 Steel(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 7,072,060 ]

Steel in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

- 40,000 Transaluminum(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 6,952,060 ]

Transaluminum in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

- 40,000 Transaluminum(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 6,832,060 ]

Transaluminum in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

- 442,000 Refined Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 5,506,060 ]

Refined Crystals in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

. Production of Refined Crystals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 24113 because only 72340 Crystals are present

- 24,113 Refined Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 5,433,721 ]

- 276,200 Synthetic Materials(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 4,605,121 ]

Synthetic Materials in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

- 276,200 Synthetic Materials(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 3,776,521 ]

Synthetic Materials in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced

. Production of Electronics in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 233056 because only 466113 Refined Crystals are


- 233,056 Electronics(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 3,077,353 ]

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Looks like you had some entries already in the queue, either on same turn or form a previous one.

The one time run orders are kept in the queue until completed. As you ran out of Raw Materials, some will be still there. If you issue the command again on a different priority, it will be build again.

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Queued orders from a previous turn will be listed on your turn sheet. One solution is to issue a EB CLEAR ALL command. That will clear all orders from your production queue. All, previously queued orders, and tooled orders will all be wiped. But at least you can then issue new orders from a blank slate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was hoping someone would be so generous as to give me a very basic coloniser design. I have an explorer worked out and thats going ok, but coloniser... I was assuming say 50 CB's and 2 AP's and warp travel possible.


Thanks in advance.


P.S. i've searched the site but can't find anything giving me a spec. I've found how to get a far more advanced version but other than that...

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Mk I Nuclear Engine 1

Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive 1

Colonial Berthing 100

Cargo Bay 50000

Fuel Tankage 15000



Cargo Bay and Fuel Tankage can be left out and put into special freighters and/or Tankers if you prefer.

Number of Cargo Bays and Fuel Tankage can be modified as you like.


But with an 2 AP ship you really do not want to go out more than one jump.


An in-system colonizer can even leave out the Jump Drive.


The designs change greatly after some technology advances.

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Try this design:


250 colony berthings

670 Mk II Antimatter Engines

86,000 fuel tankage

1 Nuclear Transwarp drive


This design has 4 APs and enough fuel to go through 2 E points. It is designed to travel from the home world to a system one jump away and back in a single turn. The fuel tankage is variable depending on the two warp points involved.


The previous design was for colonists only. This design includes enough cargo space to hold enough ConMats to employ all 250 colonists on the ship.


125,000 Cargo Bays

250 Colony Berths

703 Mk II Antimatter Engines

90,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive


Again, 4 APs with enough fuel for 2 E points. Single turn for a system colony one jump from the HW.


Sakarissa :beer:

The Circle

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For a long time, I kept finding out that I didn't send enough construction materials. This kept happening over and over again. So now I start a colony with a ship like this:

30 Colonial Berthing

1,100,000 Cargo Bay

40,000 Fuel Tankage

Engine and Drives depend on how far and how fast you want to go. The faster the better.


I continue to feed production colonies with ships like this on a convoy route:

100 Colonial Berthing

100,000 Cargo Bay

Fuel Tankage, Engines, and Drives depend again on the situation.


For more details I added another advice document at http://geocities.com/batkins23/

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