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Game 82


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If Morocco reads this.

Please don't attack my main land.

I will leave you alone to enjoy Malta.

I don't have a beef with you.



How pathetic that sounds.

What I really mean is: "If you don't stop I'll kick you arse"

Get it!



Submit a peace proposal, and I will consider it. I need Bomber practice though....




If it's only bomber practice who am I to stop you.

Be my guest.




Please accept his proposal oh King of England, the air fumes from his bombers are killing us in Spain!


-Spain 82


Well greetings my Spainish friend

Chocking the Sainish people is not a good thing to do.

Now is it?

I will accept Morocco's propsal for peace if he sends one.

Mean while I'll get my Spitfires in position and My bombers have the range so a return visit is on the cards.

My bombers use Ethenol so the fumes wont hurt your people.

We think in the futuer everyone will want to use alternate fuels.

Goodness only knows why.

BG OOoops!



Like I said, YOU submit a peace proposal, and I'll accept. Meanwhile, the bombers are getting better....



Nah I don't think so.

My Marines are getting fat and lazy.

My Spitfires are rusting away.

I rhink I like your visits.

Ir'll be a while but revenge is sweet.

So they say.



You guys bomb each other all you want, but try and avoid flying over France on the way please.


Hey Hungary, glad to see you have finally made it to Augsberg. I have had my best army sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for you, thought you would never make it. We have a great reception planned for you, just a bit farther to the west.

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Kind of disappointed in the way this game has played out. I thought advanced tech and bigger stockpiles would make for a better game but sadly it seems to have the opposite effect. it seems people are quicker to drop when they don't do so well. Despite bulgaria's success this game holds no attraction for me.... :angry2:

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Kind of disappointed in the way this game has played out. I thought advanced tech and bigger stockpiles would make for a better game but sadly it seems to have the opposite effect. it seems people are quicker to drop when they don't do so well. Despite bulgaria's success this game holds no attraction for me.... :angry2:


Don't stop just now! Things get a lot more interesting when you're a few countries richer. True, people tend to stop sooner. But the trouble with an advanced game is that once you make the wrong choice you're done for. The first 5 turns makes and breaks your country.


This will mean that you'll fight the computer a lot, but then again, when you face a human opponent again you see larger armies, stronger airforces and a lot more determination!


So just hang in there, kill everything on your way and look me up in the middle east!

I'm making room for you as we speak, just finished off 32 divisions of saud scrap metal and I'm sure there will be a lot more where they came from!



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Kind of disappointed in the way this game has played out. I thought advanced tech and bigger stockpiles would make for a better game but sadly it seems to have the opposite effect. it seems people are quicker to drop when they don't do so well. Despite bulgaria's success this game holds no attraction for me.... :angry2:

Who has dropped to bring on this post Predator? If it is one of your allies, I empathize with you. I will try and make this game more interesting for you. I can tell you this much, it is sure interesting from the French perspective.

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Who has dropped to bring on this post Predator? If it is one of your allies, I empathize with you. I will try and make this game more interesting for you. I can tell you this much, it is sure interesting from the French perspective.

Very interesting from the German perspective as well! :angry2:


Oh, in case I forgot to tell anyone, I've been running Germany for the past three months or so.... :woohoo:



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Who has dropped to bring on this post Predator? If it is one of your allies, I empathize with you. I will try and make this game more interesting for you. I can tell you this much, it is sure interesting from the French perspective.

Very interesting from the German perspective as well! :angry2:


Oh, in case I forgot to tell anyone, I've been running Germany for the past three months or so.... :woohoo:



Seems it is not going well for you again then. One thing I have always disagreed with Russ on, is letting somebody drop one position in a game and pick up another one. Once dead, you should stay dead. I think anybody who was judging Italy earlier should probably look at themselves on maneuvers like that.

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Seems it is not going well for you again then. One thing I have always disagreed with Russ on, is letting somebody drop one position in a game and pick up another one. Once dead, you should stay dead. I think anybody who was judging Italy earlier should probably look at themselves on maneuvers like that.

Mark, are you seriously equating dropping one country so you can take over for a TA in the same game with playing multiple positions in the same game? Surely not.



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Seems it is not going well for you again then. One thing I have always disagreed with Russ on, is letting somebody drop one position in a game and pick up another one. Once dead, you should stay dead. I think anybody who was judging Italy earlier should probably look at themselves on maneuvers like that




i had nothing to do with the german thing and totally agree with you on both situations. let me give you a good example:


game 78 i am persia and was coming through central russia to europe. i was fighting the group of poland,czech,austria, and germany by myself and beating them. here is what they did. czech drops, poland throws everything he has at me while allowing his ta austria to take his whole country while i fight poland and beat him. they find a replacement for czech and while he throws everything at me and my allies coming through greece he allows his ta germany to take all of his country. keep in mind this is tech 40-55 so poland and czech have alot of firepower as russian and german tech. after beating down both poland and czech austria and germany decide they can't win and quit as well...they also allowed their ta's to overun their bomber bases and pad their kill totals.


in my mind what they did was underhanded and pretty much cheating. there is such a thing in this world as sportsmanship. had they all worked together and communicated they probably could have pushed me back and kept me out of europe altogether.


too many people in victory these days are dropping for no reason when a new game starts. I agree once defeated you should retire. if people stop ta'ing with people who have a reputation for dropping maybe they will stop playing altogether, or at least no one will work with them and they will quickly be conquered and at least have a reason for dropping.


Who has dropped to bring on this post Predator? If it is one of your allies, I empathize with you. I will try and make this game more interesting for you. I can tell you this much, it is sure interesting from the French perspective


Not so much that another has dropped i just am not happy with the way the game within the game has played out. being funneled sucks as i learned and suffered through for 72 turns in game 72 and i pretty much am faced with the same situation in this game. it just holds no enjoyment at this time. Plus by the time i get to france i expect that war to be decided as well, and even if you do survive in six turns can you stop 6 or 7 full armor stacks when i show up weakened by germany and hungary?


I won't drop a playable position and leave it empty because it isn't fair to everyone else--just don't look forward to doing my turns but maybe down the road that will change when we fight cd ernst and company...

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I won't drop a playable position and leave it empty because it isn't fair to everyone else--just don't look forward to doing my turns but maybe down the road that will change when we fight cd ernst and company...


Hey....... I am not dead yet...... :angry2:

So don't assume that Iraq and Syria and their other friends will be seeing you in central Europe. :(


DezertCamel :woohoo:

UAE Ruler of a vast desert empire of sand and stuff

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Seems it is not going well for you again then. One thing I have always disagreed with Russ on, is letting somebody drop one position in a game and pick up another one. Once dead, you should stay dead. I think anybody who was judging Italy earlier should probably look at themselves on maneuvers like that.

Mark, are you seriously equating dropping one country so you can take over for a TA in the same game with playing multiple positions in the same game? Surely not.



Kevin, yes I am. You are also playing 2 countries, just not at the same time. You were defeated, take it like a man, and walk away. Germany obviously did not wish to continue. I have no problem with a replacement, but it should be somebody new to the game. Italy asked if Austria would like to take over his country, I said no chance. We found a different replacement.


I do not believe you should play 2 countries in the same game, period. I consider it bad form in the extreme. You have lost the game, why should you get to keep playing?

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Kevin, yes I am. You are also playing 2 countries, just not at the same time. You were defeated, take it like a man, and walk away. Germany obviously did not wish to continue. I have no problem with a replacement, but it should be somebody new to the game. Italy asked if Austria would like to take over his country, I said no chance. We found a different replacement.


I do not believe you should play 2 countries in the same game, period. I consider it bad form in the extreme. You have lost the game, why should you get to keep playing?

Well, that's certainly your prerogative, but why should the replacement be someone new to the game? I played these two positions completely independent of one another, and didn't funnel any resources or treasury assets into the new position.


And for what it's worth, Germany had out of game reasons for dropping. He was in a good position. I simply took over that position. Why in the world should you have a problem with that?


And yes, I'll take it like a man, but I'm simply unable to just walk away.... :angry2:



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Kevin, yes I am. You are also playing 2 countries, just not at the same time. You were defeated, take it like a man, and walk away. Germany obviously did not wish to continue. I have no problem with a replacement, but it should be somebody new to the game. Italy asked if Austria would like to take over his country, I said no chance. We found a different replacement.


I do not believe you should play 2 countries in the same game, period. I consider it bad form in the extreme. You have lost the game, why should you get to keep playing?

Well, that's certainly your prerogative, but why should the replacement be someone new to the game? I played these two positions completely independent of one another, and didn't funnel any resources or treasury assets into the new position.


And for what it's worth, Germany had out of game reasons for dropping. He was in a good position. I simply took over that position. Why in the world should you have a problem with that?


And yes, I'll take it like a man, but I'm simply unable to just walk away.... :angry2:




Kevin, that is fine. Russ is the final arbiter of what is fair and what is not, and he considers it fair.


For the record, I would prefer to fight a real opponent and lose than to fight the computer. I play this game for the love of competing, and there is no competition with the computer. From my perspective, once I have lost a game, it is lost, and a victory from another position would mean nothing to me, but just because I feel that way, does not mean you need to.


Predator, I am not going anywhere, I will still be here if you ever get through the Alps, which I am not sure you will. I know where the Hungarians are, and I have been following his progress. Yes, his 52 SS divisions could be a problem, but I believe I can defeat him. Between him, you and Germany, you have me outnumbered 2 1/2 to 1. I cannot think of a game that could be much more fun than that!

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judging by the latest battle reports it does not appear as if my help is going to be needed against the French! I can't tell the world how disappointed that makes me. As soon as 78 ends i will be getting in another game and can only hope my chance at M.T. will come then. <_<


So perhaps as bulgaria closes one door we can just as easily open another.......... :ranting: Sorry...that's classified.... :rolleyes:

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I won't drop a playable position and leave it empty because it isn't fair to everyone else--just don't look forward to doing my turns but maybe down the road that will change when we fight cd ernst and company...


Hey....... I am not dead yet...... <_<

So don't assume that Iraq and Syria and their other friends will be seeing you in central Europe. :ranting:


DezertCamel :rolleyes:

UAE Ruler of a vast desert empire of sand and stuff


I agree with DC. Too early to be declairing a winner in the ME. Odds do not favor us, but it is not yet hopeless.

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judging by the latest battle reports it does not appear as if my help is going to be needed against the French! I can't tell the world how disappointed that makes me. As soon as 78 ends i will be getting in another game and can only hope my chance at M.T. will come then. :rolleyes:


So perhaps as bulgaria closes one door we can just as easily open another.......... :robot: Sorry...that's classified.... :ranting:



Someone needed help with the French in 78 <_<

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