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It is now clear that in dropping Rumania has turned the position over to someone affiliated with Spain and Portugal. Greece was approached about dropping his own position so they could put players in both greece and rumania. When told greece wasn't dropping and we didn't want a replacement for rumania they went to rumania and got him to turn the position over to their guy. All along they assumed wrongly that bulgaria was unplayed, false information they gathered from a third party. :beer::):blink::blink:




If you guys wanted to put your people in the game somewhere you sould have done it when your allies Syria and Iraq dropped with still playable countries instead of meddling in our business....

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It is now clear that in dropping Rumania has turned the position over to someone affiliated with Spain and Portugal. Greece was approached about dropping his own position so they could put players in both greece and rumania. When told greece wasn't dropping and we didn't want a replacement for rumania they went to rumania and got him to turn the position over to their guy. All along they assumed wrongly that bulgaria was unplayed, false information they gathered from a third party. :blink::rolleyes::blink::)

Sounds like an invasion of Rumania is imminent. :beer:

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Sounds like an invasion of Rumania is imminent


yea except rumania was bulgaria and greece's TA. Now you see why this smells soooo bad....we went from a guy who wouldn't work with the rest of our group to someone placed by a group who is trying to BPA with Greece. :beer:

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The same here from Poland, not very civilized from the new Rumanian leadership to ignore their Polish neighbors.


Maybe in all the confusion, it slipped their minds and an envoy is underway at this very minute.


As for stinking spies, I have lots of those. That is why they stink, really. :beer:




I, the Sultan of New Morocco, am curious to discover my new ally in Romania. No diplomatic mission has been commisioned to visit my palace.


I think this may be a bit of mis-information... Or my spies really stink.....



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I, the Sultan of New Morocco, am curious to discover my new ally in Romania. No diplomatic mission has been commisioned to visit my palace.


you ally must make him my enemy......his envoy was caught cutting through Bulgaria and killed....after we tortured him of course :beer:


And why is it New Morocco?


Those are international waters Predator, why not?


I do not think it is much of a secret that Bulgaria stopped doing turns for about 45 days, then suddenly reappeared. Who is the new Rumanian?


How did you like my mines I see your sub force is at a strange #! It is amazing to me how you have rallied the world to your cause of defeating our group, or am i just giving you too much credit? You did a remarkable job last turn with your airforce entirely eliminating threats that you didn't have ground troops to stop....Are you the only one left in your group because i am not seeing italy process?

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What kind of back door underhandedness is going on in this game? :beer::ph34r::blink:


The only underhandedness came from you. The rest of us acted in good faith and were rewarded with wrongful libel against us. You did tell everyone on this thread you were dropping did you not? You and Greece both told Rumania you guys were dropping in an attempt to deceive him into dropping so you could attack your TA. Wow did I get that straight? And when I tried to get two old victory players back in the game by taking over a couple of "dropped" positions I get accused of trying cheat...


-A Brogan

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The only underhandedness came from you. The rest of us acted in good faith and were rewarded with wrongful libel against us. You did tell everyone on this thread you were dropping did you not? You and Greece both told Rumania you guys were dropping in an attempt to deceive him into dropping so you could attack your TA. Wow did I get that straight? And when I tried to get two old victory players back in the game by taking over a couple of "dropped" positions I get accused of trying cheat...


First off the only one other than my allies who I personally told I was dropping was france. I never posted to this thread I was dropping. I did drop the game for 45 days because I could'nt afford three games at the time because I was out of work for 4 months having two major surgeries. I only got back in the game because hungary offered to pay my way until I went back to work and he felt the alliance needed my position played.


I only ran one turn before rumania dropped and I had nothing to do with that. that was a decision he made by himself without my help or influence as I haven't talked to him in months. I certainly didn't feel like I owed Spain an explanation that I was either leaving or re-entering the game. furthermore I never told rumania greece was dropping or otherwise and if he is claiming I did he is a liar.


Naturally when a player drops his neighbors will try to bpa with him and take his country. i missed 45 days and my neighbor had been doing precisely that. So it's okay if he does it but its a crime when i do...interesting...


nobody came out and accused you of cheating. It just looked bad when you put a player in our TA spot and portugal tried to break on greece at the same time. naturally if the shoes were on the other feet you would be suspicious.


Rumania can be upset or not i don't care because he is a whiner and lousy ally but before you take up for someone perhaps next time leave the emotion out of it and make sure they are giving you the facts right because clearly in this case they didn't. Hungary and france both can vouch what i said about them is true and you have greece's e-mail he will gladly confirm the rest...


Anyway i thought we settled this privately why are you even posting about this now? :laugh:

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