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Game 82


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Marklen X-- Here's to kicking a guy when he is down--but that is what happens to guys that don't know when to quit. Your effort has been admiral and impressive but it is time for france to die for good.

Well, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that Hungary and Germany could not take me out by themselves, it took Italy and Bulgaria joining in.

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Well, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that Hungary and Germany could not take me out by themselves, it took Italy and Bulgaria joining in.


You mean greece and bulgaria of course, but I think it wasn't the fact that they couldn't finish you off but that their forces where needed elsewhere against a bigger threat. :thumbsup::rolleyes:

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Well, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that Hungary and Germany could not take me out by themselves, it took Italy and Bulgaria joining in.


You mean greece and bulgaria of course, but I think it wasn't the fact that they couldn't finish you off but that their forces where needed elsewhere against a bigger threat. :thumbsup::rolleyes:

So how did the Greeks like their visit to Malmo?

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So how did the Greeks like their visit to Malmo?


I think they were a bit disappointed...perhaps we should be looking for you in central russia?


I thought one of you would come looking, so I left Malmo empty, except for my Spits of course. :P

As for Central Russia, well, we shall see. I may be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Heck, I could just be hanging out with the Swedish Women's ski team by the jacuzzi. :thumbsup: Come to think of it, that sounds like a lot more fun than conquering Europe! :o

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Countries in this game like France and Tunisia amaze me with their tenacity; those players are really what makes playing Victory as much fun as it is...


I agree I went into this game with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder with France but have definately gained a lot of respect for him in this game. I will be sorry to see him go. And Tunisia is like a pit bull that won't let go, I 'm sure the Spanish air force can attest to that :thumbsup:

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Countries in this game like France and Tunisia amaze me with their tenacity; those players are really what makes playing Victory as much fun as it is...


I agree I went into this game with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder with France but have definately gained a lot of respect for him in this game. I will be sorry to see him go. And Tunisia is like a pit bull that won't let go, I 'm sure the Spanish air force can attest to that :python:


Well, I fought the good fight, but it's over. The Hungarians and Germans would of never put me out, but the entry of Bulgaria and Greece into the fray against me is too much.


Baltic States, you were a great TA, and I will fight with you anytime.


Morocco, you swore to attack Greece on turn 42, and yet, here on turn 55 you still have not. I will get my revenge on you in our other game!


You guys from the north, thanks for the effort, but it was a bit too late for me.


To all the rest, I bid,



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Countries in this game like France and Tunisia amaze me with their tenacity; those players are really what makes playing Victory as much fun as it is...


I agree I went into this game with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder with France but have definately gained a lot of respect for him in this game. I will be sorry to see him go. And Tunisia is like a pit bull that won't let go, I 'm sure the Spanish air force can attest to that :python:


Well, I fought the good fight, but it's over. The Hungarians and Germans would of never put me out, but the entry of Bulgaria and Greece into the fray against me is too much.


Baltic States, you were a great TA, and I will fight with you anytime.


Morocco, you swore to attack Greece on turn 42, and yet, here on turn 55 you still have not. I will get my revenge on you in our other game!


You guys from the north, thanks for the effort, but it was a bit too late for me.


To all the rest, I bid,




Thanks Marklen,


It was great working with you! I wish I could have done more to help, but I am still fighting over here in the East. I will be a pain in the butt to the bad guys for as long as I can.


See you in the next game.




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I will be a pain in the butt to the bad guys for as long as I can.


You need to goooooo...but first I am stalking other prey...

Well quit flying your (and Poland's) spy planes over Swedish territory, all that does is irritate me.

Did you find what you were looking for?

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