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Game 82


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Guest Spongebob

I was here but was wiped out far too early, its the fate of many a game when the Sponge dies. Now 85 is going to be a long a fruitful onslaught on the senses.

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That's because it's a boring game


For some this may be be the case...but with 80 russian divisions destroyed in three turns after we finish off what is trapped this round i can say it has been anything but boring. When is Sweden going to get serious and attack somebody? Surely the troops are getting restless so far into the game?

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That's because it's a boring game


For some this may be be the case...but with 80 russian divisions destroyed in three turns after we finish off what is trapped this round i can say it has been anything but boring. When is Sweden going to get serious and attack somebody? Surely the troops are getting restless so far into the game?


This game is not boring

It's nothing but pressure, pressure, pressure

Leave me alone so I kill my enemies

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So Bulgaria.... You have started the dance of death with me eh? I ALWAYS kill my partnersYou have been warned


well well well Ted Foltz surfaces again....this time in morocco I assume? Too bad you are so far away I know you are dying to take a crack at me. Well you and your allies will get a chance before the end of the game. Not long before we own all of europe except spain and portugal and then we will deal with your group of five and win this game. Happy sailing around the med, hope you enjoy all the mines......

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So Bulgaria.... You have started the dance of death with me eh? I ALWAYS kill my partnersYou have been warned


well well well Ted Foltz surfaces again....this time in morocco I assume? Too bad you are so far away I know you are dying to take a crack at me. Well you and your allies will get a chance before the end of the game. Not long before we own all of europe except spain and portugal and then we will deal with your group of five and win this game. Happy sailing around the med, hope you enjoy all the mines......



Sorry to let you down but I am not Ted. It will be interesting doing the Tango with you. I have heard that you have 2 left feet! :woohoo:

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Sorry to let you down but I am not Ted. It will be interesting doing the Tango with you. I have heard that you have 2 left feet


Ha whoever told you that nonsense!? FYI we just killed 80 russian armor divisions in three turns with almost no losses on our side. If you think you are up to the task I can give you directions to Bulgaria it's not that hard to find.


So i am only assuming you are playing morocco since that is who i recently DW on do i have that part right? Interesting you are not who i thought you are as i could have sworn he used that same avatar ozymandias..whatever it's all good at least the game won't be boring... :woohoo:

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Sorry to let you down but I am not Ted. It will be interesting doing the Tango with you. I have heard that you have 2 left feet


Ha whoever told you that nonsense!? FYI we just killed 80 russian armor divisions in three turns with almost no losses on our side. If you think you are up to the task I can give you directions to Bulgaria it's not that hard to find.


So i am only assuming you are playing morocco since that is who i recently DW on do i have that part right? Interesting you are not who i thought you are as i could have sworn he used that same avatar ozymandias..whatever it's all good at least the game won't be boring... :woohoo:



Johnny you miss me that much? I heard someone wanted some advice on how to play Demark, but you keep talking about me in the 82 forum. Is there an open position? Sign me up!



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Johnny you miss me that much? I heard someone wanted some advice on how to play Demark, but you keep talking about me in the 82 forum. Is there an open position? Sign me up!


I just thought the avatar he was using was the one you used when you briefly played rumania. looking back at the posts it must of been him entering the game about the same time you did and I just assumed it was you, that's why i thought it was you. what do you expect from someone who is supposed to have two left feet... :woohoo:

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Johnny you miss me that much? I heard someone wanted some advice on how to play Demark, but you keep talking about me in the 82 forum. Is there an open position? Sign me up!


I just thought the avatar he was using was the one you used when you briefly played rumania. looking back at the posts it must of been him entering the game about the same time you did and I just assumed it was you, that's why i thought it was you. what do you expect from someone who is supposed to have two left feet... :woohoo:


No problem that is understandable. So who left in the game other than you and Andy?



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