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Game 83

Guest Spongebob

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Thats wonderfull news to me my friend! :o:P


I have a great urge to pay a visit to your country and free your people from your inept reign :o


Thank you for answering the question where to direct my troops to :P


PS: Please try not to kill your own troops before I am there - I´d like to have one fight at least :unsure:

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Guest Spongebob

You aint got a clue HPW, spout all you want but we both know that fate is on MY side. I will hunt you down, take all your supplies, capture all your cities, destroy your armies, eat your cakes and finally leave you begging in the gutter praying for a swift end.


Lap it up and eat my chuddies :P

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Did you just insult yourself Monk? :unsure: Thats my job, stop it. Anyway hows the war go, seen any nice poles recently?


O K I W I L L E X P L A I N I T F O R Y O U, S P O N G Y.


You are right; you are extremely stupid therefore you cannot look as stupid as a normal stupid man like me look.


I hope you will get the point now..... :P


The Monk

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Guest Spongebob

No.... Sorry.... Lost me there.


If im not as stupid as you look does that mean your not as stupid as I am, if thats the case then looking stupid is worse than being stupid unless you look as stupid as you do.


Is that its - STOOPID :P:unsure:

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Congratulations Czechoslovakia you have a new neighbor......


Rumania controls Mukachevo :angry2:


The Monk


Why frown Monk? You wanted those nations at war with each other because you thought it would help your TA's in the south right? You have convinced Czechoslovakia to attack Hungary, but apparently you thought it would be a zero sum game. You get Czechoslovakia to attack and Hungary is taken off the firing line.


Apparently you didn't anticipate my actions over the past four turns to convince other players that your ability to twist nations against each other is the real threat to central Europe in game 83? I told you before, I hadn't revealed everything to you and I challanged you to guess what the missing piece was. You have failed in this. I am disappointed Monk.


By the way, please pass on my thanks to your friend France for acting in such a threatening manner.

Your group has succeeded this turn in revealing the truth of your situation; that from the day you received your start up Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy and France have been a tightly organized team that have been planning to TA and conquer central Europe. The lies told to others were just that, lies. The truth is now plain for all to see.


Now we other nations must decide how to best deal with the threat you represent. Clearly there can be no hope of negotiations for your neighbors, for they will not be carried out in good faith by your group.


Any nations wishing to participate in the next phase of diplomacy please contact me. There may be opportunity for your nations in all the chaos spawned by Monk. It will unfortunately have to be at the expense of his nation and his TA's nations but C'est la guerre.



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