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Game 83

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob

Ah Mr ManStain long time no speak - How you been me old bean, still rampaging around central europe? I have a theory, your actually the Monk, you finally decided to assume a new identity as the one you have has been rumbled and the world is out to get you.


Come Man Stain - Confess, repent all your sins and I will forgive you

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Nice try Kurassier :cheers:


You learned to cover your butt well :)


So we stand toe to toe and slug it out :ranting:


Until Persia comes to your rescue :blink:

Thanks, I try. Slug it is. :cheers:

Persia is busy elsewhere, when is Egypt or Saudi going to show up?(other than TAS with TRs that is) :rolleyes:

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Nice try Kurassier :cheers:


You learned to cover your butt well :)


So we stand toe to toe and slug it out :ranting:


Until Persia comes to your rescue :blink:

Thanks, I try. Slug it is. :cheers:

Persia is busy elsewhere, when is Egypt or Saudi going to show up?(other than TAS with TRs that is) :rolleyes:


Obviously not Saudi as Persia has made him busy.

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Nice try Kurassier :cheers:


You learned to cover your butt well :python:


So we stand toe to toe and slug it out <_<


Until Persia comes to your rescue :ranting:

Thanks, I try. Slug it is. :robot:

Persia is busy elsewhere, when is Egypt or Saudi going to show up?(other than TAS with TRs that is) <_<


Obviously not Saudi as Persia has made him busy.

Ok, so when is Egypt showing up? :woohoo::D

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Nice try Kurassier :cheers:


You learned to cover your butt well :P


So we stand toe to toe and slug it out :drunk:


Until Persia comes to your rescue :ranting:

Thanks, I try. Slug it is. :robot:

Persia is busy elsewhere, when is Egypt or Saudi going to show up?(other than TAS with TRs that is) :cheers:


Obviously not Saudi as Persia has made him busy.

Ok, so when is Egypt showing up? :(:P


Egypt is occupied with Libya, for now.

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Guest Spongebob

Where is the Monk - He has been far to quiet of late, too busy getting his butt kicked I guess, wont be long now before he is defeated.


The question on everyones lips however is once I have defeated the Monk who else will warrant my attention.


To kill the Monk is not enough, I must not turn him into a Martyr, I must destroy his spirit because as he is defeated then the rest shall follow.


This is the prophecy I have seen :woohoo:


Hallelulla - Praise be the Sponge :python:

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The smearpants has been taking hallucinogenics.....no such vision has any base in reality.....so sorry , smear


G'Day rfou

owl ya gowin?

Where does Portugal fit in the scheme of things in his game?

You are so good at it!

You must know.

Portugal Paul

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Guest Spongebob
The smearpants has been taking hallucinogenics.....no such vision has any base in reality.....so sorry , smear


I have just had another vision, one with your head on a spike :python:

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Nice try Kurassier :cheers:


You learned to cover your butt well :)


So we stand toe to toe and slug it out :cheers:


Until Persia comes to your rescue :angry:

Thanks, I try. Slug it is. :cheers:

Persia is busy elsewhere, when is Egypt or Saudi going to show up?(other than TAS with TRs that is) :)


Slugging it out with Persia throwing right hooks :(


Nice air force Persia has :ph34r:


Good thing Iraq put up no resistance, Funny how that happened

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Good thing Iraq put up no resistance, Funny how that happened


You would have to ask Iraq. There have been implications (tunisia) re: turkey as well. Neither I nor Persia even knows the persons playing Iraq nor Turkey. Heaven forbid the Persian player is actually good at what he is doing. OOOOHHH NO Iraq has fallen, Persia must have cheated, must be collusion. Wrong on all counts. Persia had a great plan for taking out Iraq, and it worked. Maybe Iraq was a newbie or spongebob, I don't know and don't care. THE PLAN HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH KNOWING THE OPPONENT. Why is it that when someone does well, people want to assume he did it improperly?


I know there are people out there who will do unethical things (such a running 2 nations through a puppet) and I will not associate with such people. I am personally offended that someone would accuse me of 'running' another nation, or anything of that sort. I just won't do it, even if it is offered to me.


I enjoy working well with my TAs (glad you liked the Hampdens, when is Egypt coming?), just ask anybody I've worked with in the past. If I win, great, if I lose, well at least I will of had fun. :):ph34r::):cheers:



One of the last? of the ethical warriors

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Slugging it out with Persia throwing right hooks :)


Still pissed that I defeated you in game 69 (yes it was I playing Persia).

Perfected the strategy in game 70 when iraq was defeated in 6 turns this game Iraq only lasted 5 turns.....


Looks like I must be playing your TA Saudi as well as he is offering no resistance and I have a free walk to his capital :)

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Slugging it out with Persia throwing right hooks :)


Still pissed that I defeated you in game 69 (yes it was I playing Persia).

Perfected the strategy in game 70 when iraq was defeated in 6 turns this game Iraq only lasted 5 turns.....


Looks like I must be playing your TA Saudi as well as he is offering no resistance and I have a free walk to his capital :)


Not pissed. I screwed up my first game on my own. When I pushed your 9 with my 8 I would have cut off your retreat option if I hadn't put the force in deliberate defense. Syria69 keep me in that game much longer than I deserved. You fight a smart game, didn't understand why you didn't win that one?


Still, all those cities in Iraq in one turn, even a dropped position offers more resistance.

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