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Game 83

Guest Spongebob

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I support sponges every day.....I use them in the kitchen all the time , and the sponge industry does a wonderful job harvesting sponges for domestic uses , and I am sure none go to waste.....and they come in such delightful colors , so that they really add a colorful splash to the kitchen .



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Guest Spongebob
I support sponges every day.....I use them in the kitchen all the time , and the sponge industry does a wonderful job harvesting sponges for domestic uses , and I am sure none go to waste.....and they come in such delightful colors , so that they really add a colorful splash to the kitchen .


Ha very funny, If I had as many faces as you then I would laugh as well. You still have not declared which of the 5 nations better know as the Great Monk Muppet Empire you belong too. I know Denmark is HP, Monk is Germany so who are you? Come on paint me a target on your back so I know where else to hit


Unless your chicken and fear the sponge

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Guest Spongebob
I don't believe you have truthfully revealed who you are , so why should I?


No reason just thought that if the war was going great for you then you may want to gloat a bit, unless urrrr CHICKEN :thumbsup:

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Guest Spongebob

I will make you a pact - tell me who your playing and I will cease my attacks on Germany and Denmark - Come on sacrifice yourself to save your buddies, face defeat at the hands of the sponge.


I am guessing your France, With a frenchie name like yours you gotta be. Its afair trade, Germany and Denmark for France.


What you say refsoidghdeiwweyweuif whatsmecallit :thumbsup:


BTW - in case you have not noticed - Its TURN 12 :blink::cheers::D:D:D

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Anyone got anything interesting to say (no that does not include you Bob)


Icelandic cargo ships in British waters were targeted off the coast of York today. A number of the invaders were sunk, others could be seen limping off into the horizon, smoke filling the air from the fires on the decks.

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Guest Spongebob

Yeah I got something interesting to say and no amount of censorship can stop me.


Monty shut up yourself, your a 2nd rate leader of a 3rd world nation. Face facts GB is an aircraft carrier for the United States Airforce, when I get there you going to be cursing the day you signed the land lease agreement.


Monk you still have not explained your logic in attacking Italy. Extoll your wisdome of great Muppet and enlighten the world.


Redumbson tell me your nation, its time to die and i need to know if my attacks have been on the right person.


HPdubya you have my nation and you better get out soon, Denmark is Bobs Country and St M is on his way to liberate it from your German Sausage Eating Mitts - Smitz


The others in the Axis of Evil your so pointless you cant even be bothered to sign into the forum and take the sucker punches I dish out. - Cowards


Finally - The rest of your - Have A Nice Day B)

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