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Game 83

Guest Spongebob

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to the one who has this wonderful idea to waste moral points..... We enjoy it. :blink:


The longest war list I know so far is that of HPW in Vic 78 ... 21 nations. :blink: ... but I am sorry he has still a positive moral.


I have the feeling Jim will soon break this record. :blink:


The Monk

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  • 3 weeks later...
Its been a little quiet these days, anything interesting going on? I see Ireland and Iceland dont just have me to face these days and that brings a smile to my face <_<





Nothing interesting happening in North Africa.

Algeria is still continuing to conquer Morocco while fighting Libya, Spain and Tunisia.

Can I interest you in invading Algeria?

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Its been a little quiet these days, anything interesting going on? I see Ireland and Iceland dont just have me to face these days and that brings a smile to my face <_<





Nothing interesting happening in North Africa.

Algeria is still continuing to conquer Morocco while fighting Libya, Spain and Tunisia.

Can I interest you in invading Algeria?



I would be interested in a little piece of North Africa. I will set sail in about 10 weeks time and get there just before Christmas 1943 (2010) I understand there be oil in them deserts

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Soon the British Is will be ruled by Icelandic / Irish Pact. The chess board has been primed, the pieces laid out and the game is a foot. Sorry Denmark but your ships came too close for my liking. I like my privacy and anyone, not just you, who comes within the territorial waters of Iceland, will be considered an enemy of the state. Any anyway, Faeroe is strategically important to mine and Ireland’s plans for Great Britain. No offence, just don’t come back and I wont turn my sights on you. :thumbsup:

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