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Game 83

Guest Spongebob

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Snivelling little rat-faced git , I will continue to post on this thread as long as you are still in the game ...it gives me no end to joy to watch another failure for you unfold . Wow , you actually sank some minesweepers...totally impressive................( hah , that is not even worth mentioning ) . You , smear , are an embarrassment to the game . Something like checkers would be more suited to your mental capacity . Welcome or not , I will continue to comment your ineptness .

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Dear Spongy, enemy mine..... :thumbsup:


Oi Kurryarse stop giving them ideas, i need help, can you imagine how embarassing it would be if the Monk invaded Iceland and defeated me. He has LSMs sometime around t38 but im not sure never having got that far into a game.


I will never get any landing ships which will be able to reach Iceland. Maybe you should read the rules.


Anyway I have had some success. I wiped out some italian minelayers, what they were doing in calais is anyones guess. And I have taken out a few divisions with my bombing runs. All I need to do now is get on the monks backs but he has elluded me, he is out of reach he has bunkered hamburg and sends long range recons to bomb my capital. Coward, face me on the open sea, I have over 50 capital ships just waiting to take him out.


50 capital ships a bad investment Spongy. Expensive and easy to sink.


One final point, and maybe you can help me with this one Monk - Who the hell is playing France and Italy, not a whisper from either of them and I would have thought my very announced presence would have warrented a comment or two, even if only to pay homage to me. No but nothing. HPW went and Shaft is getting boring. Monk I need fresh pray, please tell me they exist and are not just your puppets.


Jim and Aaron are playing Italy and France. Maybe you should sometimes asked other players, I think it is no secret.


I wondering you recognized my little visit to you capital so late. It seems to me you and your allies are not exchanging informations. Very interesting.


The Monk

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Guest Spongebob
You are most certainly welcome!!


No No the pleasure is all mine :thumbsup: Hey Shafted, if you do join Victory care to be my TA, Monk tried it but failed the test, he could not stop himself from being a back stabbing two timing double crossing worm, maybe you will be better at it.

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No desire to play the game....not in my taste...but at least the turns played by my position in G78 were not disasters...ask the Predator how his allies fared when I played the Czech position....they seemed to have lost quite a few divisions in Greece . As to backstabbing , Dark Monk did not backstab you , it was your arrogance and incompetence that doomed you . In my case , in the hypothetical that I would play , I would never TA with you under any circumstance . Dark Monk TA'ed with you in G78 because he felt sorry for you....when you were then subsequently TA'ed with him , then he realized his mistake. You suicided your position with your tactical / strategic " brilliance " .....Dark Monk merely helped you get to where you wanted to be , you see , even then he was helping you , and your thanks is that you try to sully his good name .

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Guest Spongebob
No desire to play the game....not in my taste...but at least the turns played by my position in G78 were not disasters...ask the Predator how his allies fared when I played the Czech position....they seemed to have lost quite a few divisions in Greece . As to backstabbing , Dark Monk did not backstab you , it was your arrogance and incompetence that doomed you . In my case , in the hypothetical that I would play , I would never TA with you under any circumstance . Dark Monk TA'ed with you in G78 because he felt sorry for you....when you were then subsequently TA'ed with him , then he realized his mistake. You suicided your position with your tactical / strategic " brilliance " .....Dark Monk merely helped you get to where you wanted to be , you see , even then he was helping you , and your thanks is that you try to sully his good name .


Your right Shafted my old man - It would never work - We are too much alike :thumbsup:

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Guest Spongebob
One thing we are is most definitely not alike.....you flatter yourself with that remark . You are nothing like me....and I have no desire to even be remotely in any form or fashion like you .


You mean you dont have a yellow streak down your back with my face all over it, oh no I guess not, for that you would need a spine

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Guest Spongebob
Nope , not at all...you are the only one who professes to be yellow...and my spine is just fine :thumbsup:


Im sure it is, "Bent" and "Crooked" :P

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Guest Spongebob
If that were the case , it still is infinitely better than none....


:thumbsup: Okay you win. However it still surprises me how long it takes you to twig when i offer you the punchline on a plate - Dummy

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