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Game 84

chairman lar

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Well, we'll try this thread since no one wants to post on the 'Official News Beacon'! :unsure:


Mexico? Honduras? Banana Republics? :unsure: Anyone out there? :unsure:


We either have 29 players delaying entries 'til last, or a mighty void in Central Europe! :thumbsup:


Is it possible to have a game with 30 computer-run positions? :huh:


Or all we all so busy with voice mail that we don't have time to prod one another? :o


Turn 3, the game's afoot! B)


Meet you in the middle! :cheers::thumbsup::blink:

Turn 3 due today. I am invading Guatamala and Honduras on turn one! :(

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While I can appreciate the South American gambit as truly unique in Vic! :o , I think I've found a much more interesting map to use. :thumbsup:


Accordingly, the 'Land of Scurrilous Monks' looks like a good target; while my navy is making plans for the 'Islands of Fire' :(


'Here they be Dragons' will have to wait for better tech to come along. B)



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Yeah , you will have to research MkIV Jump Survey Sensors to crack some warp points to get to Here they be Dragons ...good luck on that one , will take to about turn 20 for that , and by then the place will be pretty well fortified .


Actually, I was thinking more along the line of Advanced Genetics. I understand you can't have too many Sacrificial Virgins when dealing with Dragons. B)

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Ahhhh, turn 3! Wars have finally begun. Russia v Russia, USA v Canada, and Portugal and Lowlands v GB?

Ok, didn't see that last one coming.

Till the End! :cheers::beer:



GB's probably thinking the same thing! :angry::blink:



I suspect we will see lots of wars. I see a major coalition in the east, and I seem to be in between them, Let's hope their peace parties will prevail.

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You're absolutely right about a big coalition in the east; but a bit mis-leading about being in the middle. :angry:


From where I sit, I see an even bigger one on my borders; and at least 2 of them cannot be considered friendly! :cheers:


And what's up with all the spy missions? :cheers:


All you had to do was ask! :beer: Details furnished upon request. :drunk:

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You're absolutely right about a big coalition in the east; but a bit mis-leading about being in the middle. :drunk:


From where I sit, I see an even bigger one on my borders; and at least 2 of them cannot be considered friendly! :cheers:


And what's up with all the spy missions? :cheers:


All you had to do was ask! :beer: Details furnished upon request. :cheers:


Also appears to be a large coalition in the North...at least four parties involved. I'm glad I'm not Sweden :angry:

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You're absolutely right about a big coalition in the east; but a bit mis-leading about being in the middle. :angry:


From where I sit, I see an even bigger one on my borders; and at least 2 of them cannot be considered friendly! :cheers:


And what's up with all the spy missions? :cheers:


All you had to do was ask! :beer: Details furnished upon request. :drunk:



Well, I see Syria-Southern Russia-Saudi Arabia-Egypt, that looks like me in the middle. 3 are on your border, so you have lots to fear also.


I have not even done turn 3 yet, so it is not me doing the spy missions, you have bad intel.

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I apologize for making you think I was accusing you of the espionage. It was poorly phrased on my part, and posted for general consumption instead of directed at any one position. :cheers::beer:


What I meant to say: A simple SIM-POL will show that I only have NAP's with countries that are too far away to be part of a cabal. This 'Grand Alliance' everyone seems to worried doesn''t really exist, at least on my part. To be perfectly honest, though, I am seeking an ALL with Saudi Arabia; primarily for morale points.


As for the rest of my neighbors: I'm sure it's only paranoia that leads me to believe that, with TA's between Trans-Jordan/ UAE, Turkey/Iraq & possibly Persia, capturing Iraqi spies on T2, suffering 10 espionage missions on T3, and Iraq's attempt to break our NAP, they have less than my best interests at heart. :cheers:


Yes, I attacked Trans-Jordan. I should have realized the 6 Motor divisions he had on my border were just there for the R&R facilities. :angry:


So we'll fight this out until the game changes to Defeat![not Withdraw!], with the fond hopes that the next one will put you and I in a better position to avoid mis-understandings. :drunk::cheers:

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You're absolutely right about a big coalition in the east; but a bit mis-leading about being in the middle. :ranting:


From where I sit, I see an even bigger one on my borders; and at least 2 of them cannot be considered friendly! :ranting:


And what's up with all the spy missions? :unsure:


All you had to do was ask! :alien: Details furnished upon request. :ranting:


Also appears to be a large coalition in the North...at least four parties involved. I'm glad I'm not Sweden :alien:



I'd be glad if I weren't Sveeden as well. Unfortunately I am.... and my neighbors are turning hostile. Just know this my Viking adversaries... Doctor Strangemind will not go down without a fight! Give me your best shot!!



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