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Game 84

chairman lar

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Ha funny Curry Arse but admit it.... you miss me really dont you :blink:

No, really, were you gone somewhere? :cheers:

Chairman Lar, was spongecus lemming MIA? :P:o

I'd hoped so, but I haven't seen any milk cartons lately. <_<


Since I've only ID'd about 10 players, he could be anywhere. :o Maybe even playing Ecuador . :unsure:


With #85 getting off to slow start, he may be antsy to drop a position; even one hes not playing. :laugh:


If there's such a thing as a 'retro-pseudo' elimination, he'd be the one to use it! ;):cheers::cheers:

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This game doesn't seem to have taken a roll call or alliance analysis...


Anyone want to broadcast such things to the world for fun or profit?


"The All-Knowing Slicer"


(Hmmm...OK.....Would you believe "The Sometimes-Knowing-When-I-Haven't-Had-Too-Much-Whiskey Slicer"?)

You're right-156 posts , 4271 views on 2 threads for the same game and all we really know is from the ones who have been bantering since T3; and some guy named Slicer who's yet to claim any piece of geography but wants to know all about the rest of us!!! :o


C'mon, Slice ol'boy, a little quid pro quo! Even rfouasnon claimed Honduras. :blink: That's something to work with. :laugh::cheers:


OK... ya caught me. I am playing Japan. My Shokaku Class CV with an escort of Hiei and Kirishima BCs and Fubuki Class DDs are on a raid around the Bay of Bengal toward Persia....but PLEEEEEASE don't tell him!


Tomoyuki Slicer Yamashita

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I find it humorous that so many people are afraid to say what country they are playing. Do you really think somebody will attack you are something because of a post on this board? Sheesh, these boards used to be fun, because people had the cojones to actually say something, now they are all just little girls looking for attention like slicer and spongebob.

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I find it humorous that so many people are afraid to say what country they are playing. Do you really think somebody will attack you are something because of a post on this board? Sheesh, these boards used to be fun, because people had the cojones to actually say something, now they are all just little girls looking for attention like slicer and spongebob.

We'll just keep plugging away at them. We've already ID'd the Banana Republics [if Kurassier hasn't taken them out], and I won't be surprised if someone wants to know when the long awaited 'Pacific' package came on-line without them knowing it. <_<

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Lowlands may be finished but we will avenge him on France and Great Britian. Hey Britian, what happened to your invasion of Ireland? <_< I guess the Viking Alliance messed up you plans.


Ireland, don't give up. Britian isn't even a good player. He took all his forces out of Dublin to try and fight us off. Take Dublin back, his armies are gone!!


France, I know Germany already has you by the neck but there are other more painful places he can have you by! :wacko:


Tom The Red

Mad Viking and Main Thwarter of the Brit

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Hey Britian, what happened to your invasion of Ireland? <_< I guess the Viking Alliance messed up you plans.


Ireland, don't give up. Britian isn't even a good player. He took all his forces out of Dublin to try and fight us off. Take Dublin back, his armies are gone!!


Tom The Red

Mad Viking and Main Thwarter of the Brit

Ummm, last I checked, GB has been attacked by what? 5 or 6 players. Not many people could survive let alone sustain an invasion under these circunstances. Oh and last I checked, GB is still there. Gloating prematurely when you are 1 of many is quite bad form.

But to each his own. :wacko:

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Let it be known the Viking Alliance keeps it's word. Lowlands asked us to help thwart the Brit and the Frog and thwart them we have. With only a small commitment of forces on our part the Brit is running scared and has pulled his entire invasion force out of Ireland and back to Britian.


Unless Ireland is no longer playing we have given him his game back, and surely Ireland is still playing this early when he has lost no cities and has lost none of his army. Surely any nation would now fight back.


Tom The Red

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I find it humorous that so many people are afraid to say what country they are playing. Do you really think somebody will attack you are something because of a post on this board? Sheesh, these boards used to be fun, because people had the cojones to actually say something, now they are all just little girls looking for attention like slicer and spongebob.


He, Mr. X(it),


You are completely right...although I am out of this game a looooooong time ago...hmmm did I play it...I am not afraid to tell you what country, was it Yuoslavia.

Well anyway at the moment I have my fun with you, although in another game.

Yes on this forum we all ask for some kind of attention...and you my friend I will shoot youre cojones back to Spain...btw Spain...nice holiday spot. See you on the beach of Tarragona and I will paddle with my rubber boat to xPalma...see what is over there....and girls...did you say girls...what country are they Amazonas...sorry drunk a little to much punch.


Greetings Rednas Ruler of France....do not worry in another game. Thsi game is history for me...snif.


To all: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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I find it humorous that so many people are afraid to say what country they are playing. Do you really think somebody will attack you are something because of a post on this board? Sheesh, these boards used to be fun, because people had the cojones to actually say something, now they are all just little girls looking for attention like slicer and spongebob.




I have given clues as to my country....if you have read my posts, you might have seen the clues.


Besides, I have communicated with my neighbors and have RNA'd a few...but I am all alone and have no allies...I have to be a little circumspect lest my lack of allies make me look....shall we say...juicy?


Slicer Tadou

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Let it be known the Viking Alliance keeps it's word. Lowlands asked us to help thwart the Brit and the Frog and thwart them we have.


Tom The Red

Let's see, by your own words you say Lowlands is toast. So how is it you thwarted France? Also, it was Lowlands that attacked France and GB, not the other way around. Seems to me you let Lowlands get 'toast' so that you or your allies can come sweeping in.

Help no, more like shoved! <_< Quite Macheivellian (sp?) of you, I'll give you credit for that. :cheers: Let's just hope the Lowlands player learned something for next time. :wacko:

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Let it be known the Viking Alliance keeps it's word. Lowlands asked us to help thwart the Brit and the Frog and thwart them we have.


Tom The Red

Let's see, by your own words you say Lowlands is toast. So how is it you thwarted Framce? Also, it was Lowlands that attacked France and GB, not the other way around. Seems to me you let Lowlands get 'toast' so that you or your allies can come sweeping in.

Help no, more like shoved! <_< Quite Macheivellian (sp?) of you, I'll give you credit for that. :cheers: Let's just hope the Lowlands player learned something for next time. :wacko:


What an interesting post. You seek to portray others in a negative light to advance some agenda of your own. What exactly would that agenda be I wonder?


Lowlands himself told us he was toast. He has told us in emails no fewer than three times in the past month he was dropping. I personally have never said I would help Lowlands against France, but I did commit to helping Ireland which I have done. This is of course why you seek now to malign me. You wish to twist the truth so others will not see clearly.


I wonder if you are just making all this up, or do you have information that only your opponents should have? In that case I wonder if the things I heard about you are true and therefore I would owe a debt of honor for the warnings I received at the beginning of this game about you.


Tom The Red

Sharp Eyed Viking

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Let it be known the Viking Alliance keeps it's word. Lowlands asked us to help thwart the Brit and the Frog and thwart them we have.


Tom The Red

I do like to point out obvious flaws in arguments. You state the 'viking alliance' whatever that is, keeps its word. You then stated above that Lowlands asked for your help aganst 'the Brit and the Frog' (which I took to mean France of course) Now you are saying you didn't promise Lowlands? Come on, which is it?

As I said good political manouvering, just don't tell 'the world' you keep your word, when it appears you don't.

Now as to my agenda, it is simple. GB and France are my friends and TAs (I'm Spain) I most likely would not have responded, but you made it personal when you stated that GB wasn't even a good player. Now I know GB doesn't care what you think, heck truthfully I don't either, but I will not stand by when a friend is being libeled. I for one, and I'm sure many others would agree, would much rather have the GB player on my team than you. :wacko: So go have a beer and relax.

Now as for what you have 'heard about me' I can't say because I have no idea what you are talking about. If you want to communicate with me about it, fine, my email is tpalcorn@yahoo.com, or post here, matters not to me.

Just have a Merry Christmas.


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