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Game 84


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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting that despite losing major cities to Germany inside his home country, France decides to use his large Ju-88 force against Portugal, who is no threat to him. Unfortunately, it still won't save your ally...or you.


Harbinger of Death

Ireland 84

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  • 3 weeks later...

Turkey ... Nice Amphibious assault and reloading marines, good tactic that I may use later. However, send my condolences to the marine commander. Also, nice CB on xSuez, that was annoying. Please understand that I am required by law to reciprocate.


Iraq ... I found you again, send more troops my soldiers are enjoying the target practice.


1 PZ IIIF + 3 SS PZ IIIF Isn't that an expensive donation to a losing cause?


Egyptian diplomats to Iraqi diplomats


"Gents, this is an easy one, get out of Trans Jordan, get away from my borders, find someone else to play with or I will have to send negotiators to xBaghdad"


This message was endorsed by King Zarkon

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[iraq ... I found you again, send more troops my soldiers are enjoying the target practice.


1 PZ IIIF + 3 SS PZ IIIF Isn't that an expensive donation to a losing cause?


Egyptian diplomats to Iraqi diplomats


"Gents, this is an easy one, get out of Trans Jordan, get away from my borders, find someone else to play with or I will have to send negotiators to xBaghdad"


This message was endorsed by King Zarkon


I continue to be humbled by your gamesmanship. I am on the verge of being outplayed but sadly you have made a fatal mistake.


By backing me into a corner and removing my facade of superior tactical ability you will now be the victim of my legendary luck. It is always sad to see a good player eventualy have to fall on his own sword when my luck kicks in and save me from my mistakes. Do you REALLY wish to tempt fate????

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Turkey ... Nice Amphibious assault and reloading marines, good tactic that I may use later. However, send my condolences to the marine commander. Also, nice CB on xSuez, that was annoying. Please understand that I am required by law to reciprocate.


Egypt must truly be a strange land, if you are required to coastal bombard xSuez just because I did. I doubt there is much to shoot at there right now, but wait for a few turns, and I will rebuild it so you can have something to shoot at.


You have only begun to see the Turkish marines. That is one of many. I am sure on your next turn, you will be very happy to see more.

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I continue to be humbled by your gamesmanship. I am on the verge of being outplayed but sadly you have made a fatal mistake.


By backing me into a corner and removing my facade of superior tactical ability you will now be the victim of my legendary luck. It is always sad to see a good player eventualy have to fall on his own sword when my luck kicks in and save me from my mistakes. Do you REALLY wish to tempt fate????


Mighty Glamdring,


A thousand pardons for backing you into a corner, does it help that the corner is in your country? I thought you had re re re changed your mind and decided to go back into Saudi. In the words (slightly paraphrased but I had to quote someoen) of Yoda: "Choose wisely, young Jedi, but do make a choice"


I do wish you luck; you are a worthy opponent. However, if you can figure out how to make Mech/Armor move more than 3 a turn, please let me know an I will provide you your own Harem.


PS. does your single division in Dana feel like he is all alone?


King Zarkon



... ably advised by his Grand Vizier to be named later

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Egypt must truly be a strange land, if you are required to coastal bombard xSuez just because I did. I doubt there is much to shoot at there right now, but wait for a few turns, and I will rebuild it so you can have something to shoot at.


You have only begun to see the Turkish marines. That is one of many. I am sure on your next turn, you will be very happy to see more.


Mighty Turkish Leader, WOW losing 18 divisions in one attack on turn 15, that had to hurt. (actually, it has happened to me before and it does sting, so my condolences).


I suppose I should give you some props as my "reciprocate" comment was not understood very clearly. I do not intend to CB xSuez but I will try to return the favor, maybe by taking many of your key cities.


Please build and send more boats, I enjoy watching my Air Force during their target practice and besides, if they use your provided boats as targets I do not have to buy targets and deplete my scant treasury. So, thank you for saving me money, I will throw a feast in your honor.


Let my Vizier know when you want to surrender so I can have my chef's plan and prepare your feast.


I apologize for pushing you off on my Vizier, it is nothing personal, but I must attend to your pal, Iraq's, invasion from the NE.


King Zarkon

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We have struck the first blow against Baltic States. Next will be against Canada. Who else will DW these players this turn? We need solidarity to win!


Tom the Red


Since the guy who started all this hullabaloo is not going to fight him, even though he is supposedly the victim, I find it a bit hard to get worked up over this entire thing.


It seems to me that SR wants others to do his bidding, so he can do Egypts.

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We have struck the first blow against Baltic States. Next will be against Canada. Who else will DW these players this turn? We need solidarity to win!


Tom the Red


I will join the crusade against the Baltic States this turn.



With religious fervor the propagandists rode forth to do battle on the forums. Alas, Ho! What's that I see? Another conquest in this dirty game of words.


I have to say that there are those who have made great strides in this use of this forum. Much like real life, the squeakiest wheel (the red dude) seems to be getting the proverbial oil. I have to take my hat to him, though. Notwithstanding the fact that the name of this forum is "Propaganda Ministry" - some people think that it is a sub-office of both Reuters and the Kriegspiel Polizei. Tom's "we" is his block and he is trying to win just like the rest of us....of course, if you are not his TA, then the "win" is his....and he does it on your back. Of course, I'm certain that everyone remembers that...


Should I have pity for the weak minded or admiration for the demagogue? WAIT! I can have both.


Prime Minister Slicer

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