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Game 84


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We all know the situation with Baltic States. Well. . . .look who else it TA to Baltic States:


Switzerland is totally allied to Germany

Switzerland is totally allied to Baltic States

Switzerland is totally allied to Czechoslovakia

Switzerland is allied to Northern Russia

Switzerland is at war with France

Switzerland is at war with Italy


Futher, Switzerland and Germany are rolling through France. Des (France) rebased all his aircraft to Spain several turns ago and has been using them exclusively against Portugal, while Switzerland and Germany roll though his country. Apparently all his rants against Baltic are just a ruse. He is furthering their cause by not resisting Switzerland.


If you need evidence:


France controls Paris

Germany controls Troyes

Switzerland controls Orleans

Switzerland controls Auxerre

Switzerland controls Grenoble

Switzerland controls Nice

France controls Etienne


Nationality Aircraft Strength Sighted Over Time

France 285 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 382 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 361 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 353 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 402 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 402 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 350 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 357 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 325 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009

France 335 Villanueva Wednesday, April 22, 2009


What is really scary is that Switzerland is also TA with Czech, and we have seen how far the Czech/Hungary alliance has expanded.


I think it is time for the rest of us to take some action, before it is too late.






God, I am so dense!

I have finally worked out what you're saying.

When Portugal, Ireland, Morocco and Lowlands combine to attack Spain, they are playing the Game

of Victory In Europe and working as a team.

But, when Spain and his TA, France, combine to counter-attack Portugal, then that's a conspiracy and

threatens the integrity of the Game.

Is that what you're suggesting?

Gee, changing the equation from 4 against 1 to 4 against 2 doesn't seem to me to bring the Game

into disrepute.





Hey Dense:


Yes, my TA's and I have worked as a team against both GB and Spain. However, there is one key difference between what we have done and what France and Spain have done. . . .


The difference is that none of us helped our TA's at the expense of our own home nations. Such behavior is clearly not against any rules, but is not in the spirit of the game. No country would sacrifice it's homeland defense for an ally, no matter how strong an ally they were.


It doesn't really matter anyway. . . .


You guys started with Yugo, France, Spain, Italy and GB. Recently, you added Canada. Let's see:

Yugo - OUT

Italy - OUT (or will be in a couple turns)

GB - Occupied by at least 4 nations.

France - Bending over for Germany and Switzerland. Soon to lose his capital.

Spain - Down to less than 7 divisions.

Canada - Who knows why he would every want to be part of this????




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Is this your response to me not immediately accepting your "promised" TA proposal? I did agree to help you in your fight and thought that eviscerating France, the country running bombing missions against your forces, would help. Was I mistaken?


You are correct, however, Des is my Byach. We met on Devil's Island and escaped together on a raft made from coconuts, hemp and that toilet paper that never flushes. We even have maching butterfly tatoos on our chests! Now really.


This paranoia is getting a bit out of hand isn't it. Lets make an appointment and we can work this out.


Yours Respectfully,


Dr. P. Freud

Master Cuckcoo (oops! made a little slip there) ... Cocoa Maker of Switzerland 84


Hey Cuckoo man I hope you like your new allies. They better not believe you will stand with them when times get bad after the way you rolled your old allies over when times got hard. Germany trusted you to help him against France but instead you try to cut his army off. Real nice. You make a couple new friends and throw your old ones in the garbage. Go collect your 30 pieces of silver.


Tom the Red

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Is this your response to me not immediately accepting your "promised" TA proposal? I did agree to help you in your fight and thought that eviscerating France, the country running bombing missions against your forces, would help. Was I mistaken?


You are correct, however, Des is my Byach. We met on Devil's Island and escaped together on a raft made from coconuts, hemp and that toilet paper that never flushes. We even have maching butterfly tatoos on our chests! Now really.


This paranoia is getting a bit out of hand isn't it. Lets make an appointment and we can work this out.


Yours Respectfully,


Dr. P. Freud

Master Cuckcoo (oops! made a little slip there) ... Cocoa Maker of Switzerland 84


Hey Cuckoo man I hope you like your new allies. They better not believe you will stand with them when times get bad after the way you rolled your old allies over when times got hard. Germany trusted you to help him against France but instead you try to cut his army off. Real nice. You make a couple new friends and throw your old ones in the garbage. Go collect your 30 pieces of silver.


Tom the Red


It's only proper to call people your old allies if they were acting as allies. Didn't sound to me like you were Tom. I will of course do all I can to be a better ally for the good President Freud.


Race Pilsner

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The following information may be of interest to Germany, Denmark and Switzerland.


Canada, having swept through the undefended US, has now landed in xLa Coruna.


Recon Data:


The __th Air Cmd. reported the following information on the city of xLa Coruna


Canada is the current owner of this city

CHAB= 16 CLAB= 42 LDB= 787 HAA= 0 LAA= 230

Industrial Complexes: Aircraft= 0 Armament= 0 General= 0 Heavy= 0 Munition= 0 Oil= 0 Shipyards= 0

Rail= 169 Air Base Rating=35 Naval Base Rating= 0 City Fortification Level=Good


Strategic reconnaissance on an army force reveals:

43rd Army (Canada) is located at xLa Coruna


Strategic reconnaissance on an air force reveals:

XXXXVIII Wing (Canada) is located at xLa Coruna


Strategic reconnaissance on a naval force reveals:

27th Squadron (Canada) is located at xLa Coruna


Strategic reconnaissance on a naval force reveals:

Task Force 38 (Canada) is located at xLa Coruna


City stats subsequently reduced by coastal bombardment.


Portugal conducted a coastal bombardment of xLa Coruna

The Task Force __ inflicted the following damage to Canada:

3 National Morale points due to terror bombardment

352 points of special rail capacity

8 Security Factors 241 Local Defense Factors 56 Light AA Factors 5 Light Coastal Factors

2 Heavy Coastal Factors

1200 units of Fuel 114 units of General Supplies


Interested parties may wish to pay Canada a visit by sea or air.




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Interested parties may wish to pay Canada a visit by sea or air.





No need to go to Canada, Lisbon is soooooo, much closer. I hear they are having a shortage of munitions, so please feel free to have your ships come by and deliver som via airmail! :pirate2:

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Interested parties may wish to pay Canada a visit by sea or air.





No need to go to Canada, Lisbon is soooooo, much closer. I hear they are having a shortage of munitions, so please feel free to have your ships come by and deliver som via airmail! :pirate2:



You would think Portugal would have a MUN shortage, given the number of Spanish ground forces we have destroyed. However, we have plenty to spare.



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For some reason I cannot fathom, I am reminded of a line from a great old western, Hombre.


Paul Newman says to Zarkon, er... Richard Boone.


"Hey, I have a question, how are you going to get back down that hill?"



Really good question; I suppose it is according to how many bumps are in front of me. Did you find some more armies to fight back with in Batman?


I am looking forward to what you and iraq did to me this turn.


However, the view is very nice up here and you left me a lot of presents for which I thank you


King Zarkon

PS> you could give me a hint as to what I am facing you know ... just to be neighborly

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For some reason I cannot fathom, I am reminded of a line from a great old western, Hombre.


Paul Newman says to Zarkon, er... Richard Boone.


"Hey, I have a question, how are you going to get back down that hill?"



Really good question; I suppose it is according to how many bumps are in front of me. Did you find some more armies to fight back with in Batman?


I am looking forward to what you and iraq did to me this turn.


However, the view is very nice up here and you left me a lot of presents for which I thank you


King Zarkon

PS> you could give me a hint as to what I am facing you know ... just to be neighborly

Maybe, if you watch the movie, you will have some idea. It is just a couple of old farmers with pitchforks, but they are really mad!

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Marlen X,


Very nice nice stack of B-18s, were they in xAbyad or xAleppo? Nice, expendable stack of Mech, last charge of the light brigade perhaps?


So if the 5th Mech is in Abyad and the other 8 are in Aleppo, doesn't that account for all of your troops?



True, in "Hombre", he was shot to pieces and rolled down the hill, I will roll down the hill too, just a different way.


New quote for you ...


"I have the enemy exactly where I want him, he is all around me"


Looking forward to turn results, this is fun



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Marlen X,


Very nice nice stack of B-18s, were they in xAbyad or xAleppo? Nice, expendable stack of Mech, last charge of the light brigade perhaps?


So if the 5th Mech is in Abyad and the other 8 are in Aleppo, doesn't that account for all of your troops?



True, in "Hombre", he was shot to pieces and rolled down the hill, I will roll down the hill too, just a different way.


New quote for you ...


"I have the enemy exactly where I want him, he is all around me"


Looking forward to turn results, this is fun





I presume you are paraphrasing Chesty Puller, who actually said,


"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."


A great quote, and one that you are well served using. The marines with Chesty made it out of the Chosin area, but I am not sure your Egyptian tanks are as good as those marines were. We will see.


As for Turkish troops, we are using the new errata, that allows us to create whole armies out of thin air. Disband your armies in Turkey and I will send you the code so you can do it too!

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I presume you are paraphrasing Chesty Puller, who actually said,


"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."


A great quote, and one that you are well served using. The marines with Chesty made it out of the Chosin area, but I am not sure your Egyptian tanks are as good as those marines were. We will see.


As for Turkish troops, we are using the new errata, that allows us to create whole armies out of thin air. Disband your armies in Turkey and I will send you the code so you can do it too!



Mr. X,


Kudo's to you, you know your quotes, and yes, that was my intent, thank you.


Consider my troops disbanded, I need the code for another VIC game.


But we all know that turkish mech forces aren't quite the caliber of American Marines.



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I presume you are paraphrasing Chesty Puller, who actually said,


"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."


A great quote, and one that you are well served using. The marines with Chesty made it out of the Chosin area, but I am not sure your Egyptian tanks are as good as those marines were. We will see.


As for Turkish troops, we are using the new errata, that allows us to create whole armies out of thin air. Disband your armies in Turkey and I will send you the code so you can do it too!




Mr. X,


Kudo's to you, you know your quotes, and yes, that was my intent, thank you.


Consider my troops disbanded, I need the code for another VIC game.


But we all know that turkish mech forces aren't quite the caliber of American Marines.







Ahh, but you see, you are reversing the roles. My role is that of the Chinese, and your role is that of the marines. I like my mechs better than the Chinese infantry, and I do not think your troops are the caliber of the US Marines in 1950.


Since we are doing quotes, I will give you an old punchline."I don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than you."

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