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Game 84


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Well, with the news of Russ's computer break down this game may very well be all done with. This sucks!! Just as it was going to get real interesting.


Well heck, looks like a Christmas Truce has been decreed by higher powers. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, a prosperous New Year, and hope to see everyone someday in Victory II.

From what I've received privately, sounds like old Victory definately won't be coming back. I'm sure the dynamic duo of Rolling Thunder Games will make Victory II a smashing hit.


Race Pilsner

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With the survival of Game 84 (and all others) it's time to shake things up in here, knock the dust off as it were.


Marklen: Well played in Turkey. You have me cornered, but have you ever cornered a Tunisian wharf rat? A nasty business that is. More surprises are on their way. It will be Ramadan in January.


UAE: Libya's occupation of xSuez had to have hurt. Bet those boys in Cairo are getting a little thirsty and hungry. Do they still have bullets or are they reduced to throwing rocks at the Libyan panzers?


The game is afoot and the Middle East shall burn. Looks like it will be fun. :alien2:





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With the survival of Game 84 (and all others) it's time to shake things up in here, knock the dust off as it were.


Marklen: Well played in Turkey. You have me cornered, but have you ever cornered a Tunisian wharf rat? A nasty business that is. More surprises are on their way. It will be Ramadan in January.


UAE: Libya's occupation of xSuez had to have hurt. Bet those boys in Cairo are getting a little thirsty and hungry. Do they still have bullets or are they reduced to throwing rocks at the Libyan panzers?


The game is afoot and the Middle East shall burn. Looks like it will be fun. :alien2:







Well Sarge, I look forward to the rats. A Tunisian wharf rat stew will likely make our Tunisian POWs feel like they are at home.

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UAE: Libya's occupation of xSuez had to have hurt. Bet those boys in Cairo are getting a little thirsty and hungry. Do they still have bullets or are they reduced to throwing rocks at the Libyan panzers?


The game is afoot and the Middle East shall burn. Looks like it will be fun. :alien2:







I do not usually post but thought this statement needed a reply. The loss of xSuez for a turn was really just a minor slow down and the people have again been Liberated. Also thank you for your concern for my troops in Cairo but it has again been added to my net. The troops to show their graditude for your concern have requested travel instructions and will proceed to Tripoli to thank you in person.


Happy New Year



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With the survival of Game 84 (and all others) it's time to shake things up in here, knock the dust off as it were.


Marklen: Well played in Turkey. You have me cornered, but have you ever cornered a Tunisian wharf rat? A nasty business that is. More surprises are on their way. It will be Ramadan in January.


UAE: Libya's occupation of xSuez had to have hurt. Bet those boys in Cairo are getting a little thirsty and hungry. Do they still have bullets or are they reduced to throwing rocks at the Libyan panzers?


The game is afoot and the Middle East shall burn. Looks like it will be fun. :)







Well Sarge, I look forward to the rats. A Tunisian wharf rat stew will likely make our Tunisian POWs feel like they are at home.


LOL Well said. My vacationers will enjoy the meal. Please include, if you would please, a Michelin travel guide to the Turkish coastline. We are planning out next vacation. With six ports and lots of coastline we have many choices. We would be most appreciative if tourist guide staff could note the locations and quantities of CHABs and CLABs. The lads were hoping for some romance as we have heard the Turkish women are particularily accommodating and friendly. Those big guns banging away will tend to ruin the mood.






Proud member of the Mediterranian Rim Alliance

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Well Race, I must say that you are giving a performance worthy of SPONGEBOB in Lowlands. . . . . He has next to nothing and still keeps bouncing your forces. Do you think you might manage to take his capital by Spring???


I don't know what you are going to do when you actually have fight a REAL PLAYER rather than the computer.


By the way, you better have a talk with your air force commanders, they keep blowing their wad on little groups of AUX. . . . .




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Well Race, I must say that you are giving a performance worthy of SPONGEBOB in Lowlands. . . . . He has next to nothing and still keeps bouncing your forces. Do you think you might manage to take his capital by Spring???


I don't know what you are going to do when you actually have fight a REAL PLAYER rather than the computer.


By the way, you better have a talk with your air force commanders, they keep blowing their wad on little groups of AUX. . . . .





Well thank-you Deathwalker. I wasn't aware that Sponge had a habit of destroying other people's armies. Could you hear your bro's Marshal screaming all the way in Lisbon? BTW, he cried like a little French girl when we pulled him out of that car in xBrussels he was attempting to sneak away in disguised as an old woman. Granted that he fought like an old woman, but the disguise was a bit much.


I thought you said I was going to be fighting "determined" players now that I was facing you and your brothers. Determined to roll over, so far. You keep blathering on about computer players but you have been playing Lowlands yourself, and look at the ruin you have made. Tsk tsk. Maybe you will improve with practice.


As for my further plans now that Lowlands is eliminated as a factor in game 84? Heh heh, well, tune in next week boys and girls, we will have another action packed showwwwwww.



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Well Race, I must say that you are giving a performance worthy of SPONGEBOB in Lowlands. . . . . He has next to nothing and still keeps bouncing your forces. Do you think you might manage to take his capital by Spring???


I don't know what you are going to do when you actually have fight a REAL PLAYER rather than the computer.


By the way, you better have a talk with your air force commanders, they keep blowing their wad on little groups of AUX. . . . .





Well thank-you Deathwalker. I wasn't aware that Sponge had a habit of destroying other people's armies. Could you hear your bro's Marshal screaming all the way in Lisbon? BTW, he cried like a little French girl when we pulled him out of that car in xBrussels he was attempting to sneak away in disguised as an old woman. Granted that he fought like an old woman, but the disguise was a bit much.


I thought you said I was going to be fighting "determined" players now that I was facing you and your brothers. Determined to roll over, so far. You keep blathering on about computer players but you have been playing Lowlands yourself, and look at the ruin you have made. Tsk tsk. Maybe you will improve with practice.


As for my further plans now that Lowlands is eliminated as a factor in game 84? Heh heh, well, tune in next week boys and girls, we will have another action packed showwwwwww.




Gee Race. . . Bragging about destroying a country that had already been battered by several others, including your minion Switzerland. It was very impressive the way you had him do the heavy lifting, then swooped in and stole Brussels out from under him. You'd think the guy would have some self-respect.


Speaking of little girls. . . Facts are facts. . . You have been "handed" everything you have in this game. First by phantom players, then by Germany and France when they got pissed at us for kicking their ass and dropped.


Nobody is impressed by your musings.


If you have the stones, head on South and I'll be happy to open up a can of WHOOP-ASS on you!



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Well Race, I must say that you are giving a performance worthy of SPONGEBOB in Lowlands. . . . . He has next to nothing and still keeps bouncing your forces. Do you think you might manage to take his capital by Spring???


I don't know what you are going to do when you actually have fight a REAL PLAYER rather than the computer.


By the way, you better have a talk with your air force commanders, they keep blowing their wad on little groups of AUX. . . . .





Well thank-you Deathwalker. I wasn't aware that Sponge had a habit of destroying other people's armies. Could you hear your bro's Marshal screaming all the way in Lisbon? BTW, he cried like a little French girl when we pulled him out of that car in xBrussels he was attempting to sneak away in disguised as an old woman. Granted that he fought like an old woman, but the disguise was a bit much.


I thought you said I was going to be fighting "determined" players now that I was facing you and your brothers. Determined to roll over, so far. You keep blathering on about computer players but you have been playing Lowlands yourself, and look at the ruin you have made. Tsk tsk. Maybe you will improve with practice.


As for my further plans now that Lowlands is eliminated as a factor in game 84? Heh heh, well, tune in next week boys and girls, we will have another action packed showwwwwww.




Gee Race. . . Bragging about destroying a country that had already been battered by several others, including your minion Switzerland. It was very impressive the way you had him do the heavy lifting, then swooped in and stole Brussels out from under him. You'd think the guy would have some self-respect.


Speaking of little girls. . . Facts are facts. . . You have been "handed" everything you have in this game. First by phantom players, then by Germany and France when they got pissed at us for kicking their ass and dropped.


Nobody is impressed by your musings.


If you have the stones, head on South and I'll be happy to open up a can of WHOOP-ASS on you!




LOL, you and your brothers are as entertaining as CSpan, and similar in form. You give your speeches to noone! If someone were to pan the camera we would all see that NOONE is watching your oscar winning performance.

You pound the top of your podium with your shoe as you rant, spittle flying to and fro, and all the while you cynically spout nonsense and are aware that it's nonsense.


Lowlands was taken out because I promised I would do it. Now he is dead, reduced to a footnote. I stated to everyone in this game that I had agreed to this deal to take out Lowlands, and voila, he is gone.


I am sure you tried valiently to run Lowlands, Deathwalker (as I am sure you are trying to run Portugal). It must be a bitter disappointment to you since you are a "determined player". Wasn't that what you previously spewed Deathwalker? Yes, that was it wasn't it, now that I was facing "determined players" such as yourself and your imaginary brother I would be in for real trouble. Imagine my surprise that Lowlands just rolled over. Who would have thought that you would run Lowlands in such a conflicted, confused, ineffective way.


As to your invitation to go south, well, the pace of things down there may be a little slow for my preferences. In 34 turns you have taken like one city? Damn, how do you survive those long stretches of boredom? Surely you don't siesta all day long, every day? What ARE you doing in 34 turns to have accomplished nothing at all? Are you just that bad a player? No wonder you are so bitter all the time. This is performance envy! Maybe you need that pill that makes your wood swing bigger!


I can see it now: Deathwalker, new and improved, now with swingin' wood!




Enjoy, no charge.


Race Pilsner

Sittin on Lowlands' furniture

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Let's do a quick fact check: Baltic States DW'd on Lowlands approximately TP 25. At that time, he had just been given all of Germany (and his ally given all of Denmark), after facing no active players in taking Poland, Central Russia, and whatever else he was given. Lowlands had been actively fighting all of his neighbors (Germany, France, and Britain), plus Denmark and Switzerland, and had few Armies and fewer Aircraft. Baltic had at least 12 major cities of additional production to Lowlands 0. Baltic received the help of Switzerland and Sweden (albeit not much from Sweden), while Lowlands received little help from his TA's because they were fully engaged with Britain, Spain, Canada, Tunisia, and Libya. Ten turns later, Lowlands still owns his capital, and a couple other locations. Lowlands has destroyed more ARM points than he has lost despite overwhelming odds against him. Sorry Race.....but I am not impressed.


You may well win this game, but it won't be due to superior strategy or tactics....you simply were handed more production through complicity and dropped positions than anyone else in the game. That's an imbalancing part of the game and your good fortune to capitalize upon it. You successfully negotiated alliances with the only possible threat to you...a feather in your cap. However, you certainly should not be berating those of us who captured territory the hard way....fighting dedicated opponents who fought valiantly until their last territory was taken. That's what makes this game fun. Capturing territory you didn't deserve and then taking over ten turns to capture a small country with little resources fighting three of the top five positions in the game -- I can't imagine your game has been particularly enjoyable thus far despite your potential victory.


Too bad we didn't get to fight one another from an equal starting point....perhaps another game.


Harbinger of Death

Ireland 84

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You forgot the part where you and your bros back stabbed Denmark and Germany after you negotiated an alliance with them. I should thank you for that bit of underhanded treatment, it did benefit my position when they offered cooperation if I would throw a stick in your spokes. You are certainly right there, I couldn't have gained that advantage without your team driving them out of the game. You make it sound like they weren't fighting. Had you kept your promises to Germany and Denmark you would have been powers to be respected. Instead you turned on them when it suited your position and everything fell apart for you. Now you are bogged down in Spain still, and Ireland and Iceland are living the vicarious life at the end of a sinkable line of supply. Tenuous. It's no wonder you would keep up with the whole smear others campaign. It naturally couldn't be the way your team has played this.


Race Pilsner

Still sittin' on Lowland's furniture

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You forgot the part where you and your bros back stabbed Denmark and Germany after you negotiated an alliance with them. I should thank you for that bit of underhanded treatment, it did benefit my position when they offered cooperation if I would throw a stick in your spokes. You are certainly right there, I couldn't have gained that advantage without your team driving them out of the game. You make it sound like they weren't fighting. Had you kept your promises to Germany and Denmark you would have been powers to be respected. Instead you turned on them when it suited your position and everything fell apart for you. Now you are bogged down in Spain still, and Ireland and Iceland are living the vicarious life at the end of a sinkable line of supply. Tenuous. It's no wonder you would keep up with the whole smear others campaign. It naturally couldn't be the way your team has played this.


Race Pilsner

Still sittin' on Lowland's furniture



Sorry...but your opinions have no place in a Fact Check. I negotiated nothing with them....I can't speak for Shane or Larry. That being said, the proverbial straw that they claim broke the camels back was Lowlands forcing peace on Denmark....which was never discussed in the negotiations. So much for backstabbing. Maybe we should look at your statements (by your interpretation, promises) to me about staying out of the Lowlands fight....oh that's right...do as you say, not as you do....I forgot.


Harbinger of Death

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I am sick and tired about hearing how I backstabbed Germany and Denmark. That is such a bunch of bull. Given my postion (Portugal), I had no direct deaings with them. All I know is they got pissed at Lowlands when he forced peace on Denmark, which he never would have been able to do if Tom the Red had properly managed his finances. Instead of staying in the game and fighting it out like men, they pussed out and gave their nations to you. And they weren't the first to do that, were they Race?


Things too slow in Spain you say. . . I guess you aren't paying attention. I have absorbed most the value-added territory and what have I lost. . . practically nothing.


WAIT. . . I see what you have up your sleeve. I bet your going to hang back, take it easy, and let Switzerland take the pounding for you. Then you can swoop in and pick up the pieces like you did with Brussels. Nice idea. . . if your not Switzerland!



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