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Naval Combat Primer (old)


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That would seem to affirm my theory that if you pack your electronics heavily onto a flagship in the rear, then as the battle goes on and you lose your screen ships in the front, you fire control rating will actually improve because fire control is relative to fleet tonngage. Am I right?

Fire control is indeed calculated off of fleet tonnage, so if you lost ships that had poor bridge ratings, your fire control would improve over the course of the battle. Of course, you'd be losing ships in the process :beer:

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Of course that is logical, with the crappy gunners we have in the GGT fleet, it's easier for them to hit something hostile with less friendlies flying about :beer:



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Are you saying that 1 starship of 50,000 tons, armed with, say, 500 Standard Missile batteries and 100 Mk II Computer Systems has better fire control than 1 starship of 500,000 tons with the same number of weapons and computers?



That does not sound logical to me! Surely fire control should be a function of the number of weapons vs Bridge Rating, not ship tonnage vs Bridge Rating!


Yours disappointedly,


Limey O'Riley

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Are you saying that 1 starship of 50,000 tons, armed with, say, 500 Standard Missile batteries and 100 Mk II Computer Systems has better fire control than 1 starship of 500,000 tons with the same number of weapons and computers?

Yours disappointedly,


Limey O'Riley

Yes, that's what he's saying. Enjoy redesigning and rebuilding your ships. :beer:


Have a nice day.

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It's based on tonnage, not ship quantity. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to get a high fire control rating - computers and other systems are rather efficient in this area. Also, if your enemy doesn't have a large number of ships, you don't need to overkill fire control (it doesn't do any good to be able to shoot at 30 ships at a time when the enemy doesn't have that many ships).

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It's based on tonnage, not ship quantity. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to get a high fire control rating - computers and other systems are rather efficient in this area. Also, if your enemy doesn't have a large number of ships, you don't need to overkill fire control (it doesn't do any good to be able to shoot at 30 ships at a time when the enemy doesn't have that many ships).

As I understand it, there are other benefits to computers and other bridge systems, e.g. targetting, so that if you overkill your fire control it isn't a total waste of tonnage. Am I right?

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As I understand it, there are other benefits to computers and other bridge systems, e.g. targetting, so that if you overkill your fire control it isn't a total waste of tonnage. Am I right?

Mmmm...I'd count on those systems primarily for fire control. If you overkill and can target more ships than your enemy happens to have, it doesn't do you much good in that battle, but of course you might lose your flagship or other high-computer/bridge ships, so the overkill then becomes insurance. There's also the possibility that the enemy turns out to have lots of tiny screening vessels, and you'd be well prepared to clean them all out early in the battle with heavy multitargeting :beer:


The following paragraph from the naval combat primer fairly well sums up the capabilities of your computer and bridge systems:


Computers work in conjunction with the bridge of a ship, providing fire control solutions to the combat information center of a warship. A fleet with poor command-and-control will not be able to spread its firepower out over very many targets. This can result in overkill should an enemy force of many small targets is encountered. Ship systems such as holographic battle computers, fleet formation scanners, battle imaging systems and regular computers all work together to provide your entire force with superior fire control. Like sensors, computers are not required. It is also possible to have a single flagship present in your fleet, with that vessel coordinating the entire battle. You might be wise to place such a ship in the rear ranks of your formation, or make it hard to kill—the loss of that one ship could spell trouble if you were depending on its bridge for complete battle coordination duty.

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As I understand it, there are other benefits to computers and other bridge systems, e.g. targetting, so that if you overkill your fire control it isn't a total waste of tonnage.  Am I right?

Mmmm...I'd count on those systems primarily for fire control. If you overkill and can target more ships than your enemy happens to have, it doesn't do you much good in that battle, but of course you might lose your flagship or other high-computer/bridge ships, so the overkill then becomes insurance. There's also the possibility that the enemy turns out to have lots of tiny screening vessels, and you'd be well prepared to clean them all out early in the battle with heavy multitargeting :D


The following paragraph from the naval combat primer fairly well sums up the capabilities of your computer and bridge systems:


Computers work in conjunction with the bridge of a ship, providing fire control solutions to the combat information center of a warship. A fleet with poor command-and-control will not be able to spread its firepower out over very many targets. This can result in overkill should an enemy force of many small targets is encountered. Ship systems such as holographic battle computers, fleet formation scanners, battle imaging systems and regular computers all work together to provide your entire force with superior fire control. Like sensors, computers are not required. It is also possible to have a single flagship present in your fleet, with that vessel coordinating the entire battle. You might be wise to place such a ship in the rear ranks of your formation, or make it hard to kill—the loss of that one ship could spell trouble if you were depending on its bridge for complete battle coordination duty.

Am I to understand that computers have no function outside of fire control then? Because the ANZ description certainly implies a lot more...

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Fire control is their primary function. They may have other uses, but fire control is their main purpose. As the combat primer notes, there is no need to get carried away with putting computers on (ie, don't try the Supernova II strategy of trying to get your ships to 95% hit chance while reducing the enemy to 5% hit chance - that doesn't work here). If you need more fire control, add some on (or other bridge gear). They're pretty efficient, so you don't even need all that much unless you absolutely have to get a high fire control rating. New combat reports will list exact #'s for fire control calculations.

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New combat reports will list exact #'s for fire control calculations.



Oh Yummy! <_<


Now if that's not enough - then nothing will be........ :ranting:


The mysteries of SN:ROTE revealed.......


With my other head on, the Star League are starting to organise the second of the planned Flagship articles which will hope to encourage ever more adherents to the SN:ROTE universe.


A year on from the first article I had planned to cover the new things I had hoped to have experienced by now, such as contact, diplomacy and perhaps battles. Now being a nice chap, battle results were always going to be problematical and I gave up trying to DIP a neutral as I wanted to bring the ship back!


However, and especially with the the new style Battle Reports coming on line, I have just discovered a handy dropped empire. Whilst I'm hoping to therefore add some genuine, but one-sided, battle experience to the article, I'm happy to also report it here first - both to try and add some enjoyment a la Concordium vs NSI style and to compliment Pete's examples.


In return, I'd very much appreciate some feedback and any other experiences that people would like to share for the article (either publicly here, or by private e-mail). I'm also going back to convince those recalcitrant Crabs that joining the Star League is the best thing they could ever do....... :angry:


Chief Warmaster to Ur-Lord Tedric




aka Mark

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Ur-Lord -


I would not count on the battles being one sided. Especially in the Ground Combat area. The Mindsphere dropped when I took out their colonial liners (2 systems out from their home world). In the 9 turns it took to locate their home system/world and get troops their they built 25 divisions and a fortress.


We are about 10 turns away from a mega fight. 75+divisions on my side v. his army. Ground combat reports are pretty cool BTW.



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Ur-Lord -


I would not count on the battles being one sided. Especially in the Ground Combat area. The Mindsphere dropped when I took out their colonial liners (2 systems out from their home world). In the 9 turns it took to locate their home system/world and get troops their they built 25 divisions and a fortress.


We are about 10 turns away from a mega fight. 75+divisions on my side v. his army. Ground combat reports are pretty cool BTW.



Hello, dear old chum :D


I thought you'd gone very quiet..... <_<


I certainly don't expect a 'drop' to be easy, our Pete has promised "more interesting" things rather than a walkover. By one-sided I meant that there wasn't going to be a very unhappy directing intelligence working to frustrate my every move.


That way I can plan some battle reports that will hopefully tell us something, rather than be fighting for my very existence! :angry:


Of course, had there been someone playing, then there would be a lot of diplomatic effort instead. Being an avowed peacemaker I wouldn't have been starting any wars, but I now have the ability to gain some knowledge for the universe without hurting anyone but myself in the process.


Whilst I hope to be able to generate some battle detail to put into the article, I fully suspect that taking out the HW won't be happening this year!!! :ph34r:


However, what I can do is give prospective players a better insight into this facet of the game and also generate some 'real' battle reports for here that we can all discuss and perhaps gain understanding and then only request minor extra tweaks.....


And after all that, perhaps you personally would consider a two-sided continuing Flagship diary where the Pirates meet the forces of Law & Order. The Star League would have to come to the rescue of any empire suffering the depradations of 'pesky pirates'.... :ranting:


Chief Warmaster to Ur-Lord Tedric

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I'm all for publishing battle reports.


With more detailed battle reports we should all have a nice idea on how things work in PRACTICE rather than theory :D


I realize that my future skirmishes with Arcane Services Inc should receive some form of permission from him in future encounters past our current fleet testing, though.


I will definately post all battle results with a dropped empire if I ever track down them down! (Anybody heard of the The Saurian Approach?)


Looking forward to more collaboration on this issue! Some great ideas here.

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