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Game 86

Rogue Leader

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My only question at this point is: fvbeivboevbeovneouvneovuneouvnotvnotvnhoethbvethv I'm sorry my troops are suffering from shell shock they have been on the front lines without relief waaaaaay too long...speaking of front lines they seem to be moving in the right direction FINALLY!! :)<_<<_<



I know what you mean. I will be happy to get the sand out of my ears, shoes and other places once I leave Libya. Italy is such a nice place compared the Africa. No wonder everyone there is always so angry. :ranting:


- Turkey 86

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I know what you mean. I will be happy to get the sand out of my ears, shoes and other places once I leave Libya. Italy is such a nice place compared the Africa. No wonder everyone there is always so angry


I will outline a plan for your final departure of libya and submit it to my generals for approval... :)

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I know what you mean. I will be happy to get the sand out of my ears, shoes and other places once I leave Libya. Italy is such a nice place compared the Africa. No wonder everyone there is always so angry


I will outline a plan for your final departure of libya and submit it to my generals for approval... :python:



What, no new armies in Tobruk this turn? The Turks hold the throat of Libya on more turn! <_<

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Ah, CR, so you do not have enough to do, you want to play with me? Ok, I am good with that. Do you think you can save Britain? I am anxious to see your vaunted Marat class BB's in action against Iowa's and Alabama's, should be fun.


I would think he would be smart enough to use Tu-2s

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U-S-A! U-S-A ! U-S-A!


You're still playing?! This must be the turtle defense.


You're still playing? I am not sure what your defense scheme is at all?!?!!!! Knowing the USA was over-running Ireland and you were next on the snack plate, your continued aggression in Scandinavia is puzzling. I guess your survival is not important, you just want to fail at a second position in this game: ignore what is happening behind you to keep attacking what's in front. GREAT Strategy!


Not that the two (actually four, Ireland & Iceland are presumed dead at this point - & Iceland was a rather easy kill) of you have done all that good a job of killing me. I am back to where I was when I was fighting Sweden & Finland. Plenty of fight still left in me, so, it's kind of like a reset.


Good Luck with the Americans...just remember, you picked this fight because you couldn't handle anything else in Europe in this game, & it doesn't look like you will handle this situation much longer either. Enjoy what's left of the rest of your game! :python:

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Well, it sounds like a little testiness here. Enemies barking at each other, who'd a thunk it.


Rogue, I gotta say, your days appear numbered. Can the eastern bloc save Britain from the USA? Seems a reach to me.



He's just happy he's not fighting the Danes. I feel like McCloud in the beginning of the Highlander movies, "why won't anybody fight me?" Now, where's the Kyrgan?


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What, no new armies in Tobruk this turn? The Turks hold the throat of Libya on more turn


Well I don't want to be too predictable...besides that force isn't going anywhere :python:


I agree with Earthling I hate when players jump positions because it always changes the dynamic and the direction a game was going unexpectedly...

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