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Game 86

Rogue Leader

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i thought it was germany but I pulled that from memory so I think Im wrong. I went back and checked the posts and couldnt find where he claimed a country...I thought it was germany because I thought I remembered when the game started doing an rna and seeing his name and remembered I was fighting him in 90...I dont keep old turns so cant go back and check the rna order....

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Since this is becoming quite the mountain let's shine the light elsewhere. France has played a good game. A great game? His timing and ability to run such incredible blind turns is uncanny. Or are they blind? Am I the only one passing information? That is another debated being discussed among the Central Alliance.


Don't know about any of the back stabbing/double dealing/treachery, or whatever you call it, but I have given France quite a bit of information. Enemy of my enemy and all that. If the Central Alliance won't fight me, I'll help those who can.


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i thought it was germany but I pulled that from memory so I think Im wrong. I went back and checked the posts and couldnt find where he claimed a country...I thought it was germany because I thought I remembered when the game started doing an rna and seeing his name and remembered I was fighting him in 90...I dont keep old turns so cant go back and check the rna order....

The Player who began the game as Germany (my original TA), to my knowledge, is not in game 90. There was a player who took over Germany when the original player resigned, but he probably only played 5 or 6 turns.

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Wow - and now I realize that we are adversaries in 91 as well as 86! I guess with the community of players being so small these days, it's inevitable to find yourself fighting the same players over and over again. Maybe we should talk about working together in a future game past 92 instead of beating each other up again? That would be novel - trying something different? :ninja:

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Have heared about some double dealing Treachery being done between this game for some favores in another game!!!---not very cool :angry2:


Perhaps you need to be more specific. I hear through the grapevine you are implicating me, and I am frankly not amused. There has been NO cross gaming of any sort done here, and if you have an accusation, make it, so it can be responded to, or shut your pie hole.

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Have heared about some double dealing Treachery being done between this game for some favores in another game!!!---not very cool :angry2:


Perhaps you need to be more specific. I hear through the grapevine you are implicating me, and I am frankly not amused. There has been NO cross gaming of any sort done here, and if you have an accusation, make it, so it can be responded to, or shut your pie hole.


If he is implicating you, than means you are trading with either myself, Denmark or France, correct? Possibly even Algeria?


I want to know what the accusation is now. Speak up.....

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Earthling, since you are slightly involved, I will tell all about a deal I made with GB, after you told me you were not going to be finishing the game.


After I had already conquered 2/3 of Great Britain, and had the cities of Liverpool, Birmingham, Lincoln, York, Edinburgh, Leicester and several smaller ones in my possesion, you intimated to me that you would not be finishing the game, as you knew you would have a lousy score. At that point, I approached GB with a deal. I know the player from another game, which is hardly a news flash, as I have either fought with or against, or both, virtually every player in every game. I believed I could trust him to keep his word, because of my other experience with him, which is the extent of "cross gaming" that went on. Since it was a forgone conclusion that he would fall, I offered to let a tank army of his I had trapped escape, and to let his bombers leave his air base unhindered, in exchange for him not fighting me anymore, (his bombers were causing some damage.) He agreed. We both lived up to our deal.


There is nothing insidious or underhanded in this deal. The only person it could possibly have hurt, Norway, had already told me he was quitting the game. Anybody that has a problem with this, feel free to tell me why, but do not insinuate nefarious dealings, because that is very offensive.

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I don't have any issue with this...it's a legitimate 'temporary' ceasefire agreement. Is this the 'deal' in question? Hope not, because that's not much to complain about.

And then you went and spoiled my fun by forcing peace on me! Spoil sport!!


Yes we are fighting in game 91, sort of. I'm playing turtle for a bit longer.


Maybe game 93 we can work together!

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I don't have any issue with this...it's a legitimate 'temporary' ceasefire agreement. Is this the 'deal' in question? Hope not, because that's not much to complain about.

And then you went and spoiled my fun by forcing peace on me! Spoil sport!!


Yes we are fighting in game 91, sort of. I'm playing turtle for a bit longer.


Maybe game 93 we can work together!


I will still process a turn here and there for this game, but will definitely not finish. You will get your war back. If 93 doesn't start until after 85 ends, we can certainly try if we are close on the map......I cannot let you turtle in 91 until those T34's arrive. I will be forced to put more pressure on you by then, but I am sure you already knew that.......

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Guest Spongebob

I have read with glee the batting back and forth of accusations and take comfort that not everyone is as white as could be. I guess many people have more in common with the Sponge than they care to admit. :rolleyes:

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I have read with glee the batting back and forth of accusations and take comfort that not everyone is as white as could be. I guess many people have more in common with the Sponge than they care to admit. :rolleyes:

Sorry spongecus, the only thing we have in common is that my middle name is your first name, other than that, nada! :woohoo::beer:

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I have read with glee the batting back and forth of accusations and take comfort that not everyone is as white as could be. I guess many people have more in common with the Sponge than they care to admit. :rolleyes:


I think the circumstance in question here are slightly different though.......there was no promise to work with anyone that was doubled back upon. Having witnessed what was done to you when you played GB and the aftermath of game 91, i would say that this is very different from both of those situations. I was leaving this game, so there is no reason for me to complain about the deals made in my absence.

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