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Game 86

Rogue Leader

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Go Mark! I am having the same effect against the Turks...And we are gaining ground in Egypt at a fast clip....I wish this game could go another 25 turns as it has been fun...our enemies have fought the good fight the entire game!


Your land offensive in Egypt has slowed to a snails pace, I am interested to see how far you and Libya can go before the end game. Yes, I have lost some air points, but killed quite a few myself. Not to mention my allies and I have put back into play Tunisia, once no doubt thought of as safe by your alliance. I am not sure I really want the game to go any longer than 73 turns! All good things must come to an end at some point. :laugh:


- Turkey 86



Yes Andy! we are like two fighters stuck in the corner slugging it out each of us too tired to fall first....I mostly lost interest in this game way back when Italy sat at the spanish border with two armies too scared to cross when I had spain on the ropes..turn 25 maybe...From that point forward this game has been about getting libya back and defeating syria and uae...we have accomplished that so I'm not real interested in egypt because there is not enough time to fight you for the middle east...I think your gains in tunisia have peaked...we won't win this game overall but against overwhelming odds in Afrika we do declare victory and will take away some satisfaction in that...good game to my allies and enemies alike :beer:



Yes, the job you and Ken did in Libya was very impressive, and it was pretty exciting for a while for both sides I think. I really was not clued into what was going on over in Europe other than world events, it seems that Morocco has been fighting Spain I think for most of the game. Somehow France is still managing to hold on some what as well. I can't wait to see the end game stats, you and Ken have to end up with a ton of air and ground kills.


Turkey 86


Indeed we both have over a 100,000 kills in a category, equally impressive are the numbers france has tallied throughout the game...it has been fun and one of the most challenging games to make it to the end...our enemies outnumber us and are very powerful but have been honorable in their conquests... B)

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I have to say, it has been a helluva game. I have never played a game without a TA before, and it is really tough. CR has taken full advantage of that, as I am now writing almost 60 orders each turn just to cover all the contingencies, and last turn I still didn't get it right.


Some kind souls have helped me when recent world events show me losing a city, but the Russias are adaptable, and now they are taking provinces, knowing full well there is nobody to help me. They are winning the air war without having to fight my superior planes, a very smart strategy.

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Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll, time to finish this game!!!

Yes please, my fighter pilots are tired of pretending to shoot at your bombers as they fly by in the distance. :blush:

Stupid diplomats.... :angry2:





(no sponges allowed) :woohoo:

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Well CR, looks like you will end with a couple of big victories. Not having intel against your alliance is going to end up being the deciding factor. I am stunned those Bulgarian pilots had the intestinal fortitude to fight through those P-47's, that was impressive, but they won't make it next time.


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Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll, time to finish this game!!!

Yes please, my fighter pilots are tired of pretending to shoot at your bombers as they fly by in the distance. :blush:

Stupid diplomats.... :angry2:





(no sponges allowed) :woohoo:





my hats off to you brother for sticking it out to the end of this game...it is a shame the big alliance out of russia and the balkans were cowards and would not fight you! I guess it is understandable as the three strongest in their group couldn't finish off france!

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Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll, time to finish this game!!!

Yes please, my fighter pilots are tired of pretending to shoot at your bombers as they fly by in the distance. :blush:

Stupid diplomats.... :angry2:





(no sponges allowed) :woohoo:





my hats off to you brother for sticking it out to the end of this game...it is a shame the big alliance out of russia and the balkans were cowards and would not fight you! I guess it is understandable as the three strongest in their group couldn't finish off france!

You just keep pushing that button.

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Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll, time to finish this game!!!

Yes please, my fighter pilots are tired of pretending to shoot at your bombers as they fly by in the distance. :blush:

Stupid diplomats.... :angry2:





(no sponges allowed) :woohoo:





my hats off to you brother for sticking it out to the end of this game...it is a shame the big alliance out of russia and the balkans were cowards and would not fight you! I guess it is understandable as the three strongest in their group couldn't finish off france!

You just keep pushing that button.

Hey, my p-51h's are just itching to shoot down some planes......

I did notice someone spying on me......!!!!! :)

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Drugs, Sex and Rock & Roll, time to finish this game!!!

Yes please, my fighter pilots are tired of pretending to shoot at your bombers as they fly by in the distance. :blush:

Stupid diplomats.... :angry2:





(no sponges allowed) :woohoo:





my hats off to you brother for sticking it out to the end of this game...it is a shame the big alliance out of russia and the balkans were cowards and would not fight you! I guess it is understandable as the three strongest in their group couldn't finish off france!


He was out of range :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been a long, fun game. My allies were great and my enemies were tough as nails. Some nations like France and Denmark really surprised me with their mettle. The USA as usual had a huge impact the last 1/3 of the game. I still can't beileve that Crete has made it though to the end. Predator you had Crete on the ropes not once but twice! One stray torpedo plane saved me the first time, my alliance saved me the second. Good luck to everyone that is left. Can't wait to see the final scores!


- Andy aka Turkey 86

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Indeed Andy it was a fun game...I want to thank everyone in this game for their honorable play and gamesmanship....it will be interesting to see the final numbers...the outcome at crete was disappointing but you had luck and good allies...We both had good allies that's what made it such a fun fight, and a bloody one at that!


Hope to see some of you in 93!

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Yes, my first try at Victory and I'm still here -- thanks to my patient and helpful allies, and also thanks to my enemies for teaching me even more (the importance of retreat paths... of fighter cover... I could go on,,,) Shame my TA Persia had to drop just before the end or we'd have had ya!

It's been fun, honoured & delighted to play with/against you all! :)

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Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho--It was a fun game. Slow some times for me stuck in a corner but a very enjoyable game all the same. Nice to finish one, it has been awhile.

I'll see some of you in #92 and maybe in #93. I also want to thank everybody for there honorable play and gamesmanship, Predator is right, it has been a good game.

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