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Game 86

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I would indeed have expected that, but he conquered Ghent, looked around and run away with his tail between his legs. Must have spotted my mighty army


That's funny because france killed his other army at xParis and when he saw what france had he turned and ran back to Calais abandoning the Irish. Ta's like that who needs enemies!! I'm sure the Lowlands can't be too happy he went after the French instead of trying to help with the Danes and Germans... :ranting:

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Well, I would like to comment on some of the action, but most of my enemies do not seem to be here, so what's the point?


Maybe your enemies don't post here because their enemies (i.e. you) don't seem to be here, so they don't see the point in posting.


But indeed, why has there been no bragging on the forum about the parade of the Danish fleet general who sunk the English fleet with less ships, and why has there been no reports on the French-British fight over Paris? Or how about Switzerland, is that gone already?


As for me, I would love to brag about the German soldiers relaxing at the beach of Scheveningen, but after Lowlands refused entry and they went anyway, Lowlands somehow did put up a fight. Don't ask, we were just there to enjoy the sea. To make matters worse, Scheveningen had been took by Lowlands, Denmark and I think Great Britain, but not by me. The good news is that Lowlands is nearly on it's knees and we can finally enjoy the Dutch beaches. Now my soldiers are complaining that it is winter now and there is nothing to enjoy. Can you believe that?


I took over Switzerland a turn too late and there was nothing I could do to stop France. Switzerland still has money to distribute and intel to gather, but no land of it's own.

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But indeed, why has there been no bragging on the forum about the parade of the Danish fleet general who sunk the English fleet with less ships, and why has there been no reports on the French-British fight over Paris? Or how about Switzerland, is that gone already?


What fleet did the Danish sink? Was it ships of war or a cargo fleet? Algerian naval pilots have been sinking Irish and Icelandic shipping as fast as they are building them, we also put a hurt to the British many turns ago ourselves until he decided to put fighters over the English Channel.


Since you asked.




Great Britain initiated a naval combat at NOR13 against Denmark on Sunday, December 20, 2009


Fleet Admiral Pound is the commander for Great Britain Combat Bonuses for Great Britain total +10%

Fleet Admiral Juel is the commander for Denmark Combat Bonuses for Denmark total +10%




Task Force 25

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Nelson, BB-98 Green 100% Nelson, BB-103 Veteran 100%

Nelson, BB-124 Green 100% Nelson, BB-125 Line 100%

Tribal, DD-129 Line 100% Tribal, DD-131 Line 100%

Tribal, DD-132 Line 100% Tribal, DD-133 Line 100%

Tribal, DD-134 Green 100% Tribal, DD-135 Line 100%

Tribal, DD-137 Green 100% Tribal, DD-138 Veteran 100%

Leander, CL-140 Green 100% Leander, CL-141 Veteran 100%



This battle began with a distance of 48000 yards between the opposing forces


The attacker detected the enemy at 48000 yards The defender detected the enemy at 48000 yards

The attacker's open fire range is 40000 yards The defender's open fire range is 21000 yards

The attacker's torpedo fire range is 10000 yards The defender's torpedo fire range is 6000 yards

The attacker attempted to target primarily large warships The defender attempted to target primarily large warships

The attacker's overall tactic was type 3 The defender's overall tactic was type 2


The attacker has lost this naval engagement





Task Force 25

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Nelson, BB-98 Green 0% Nelson, BB-103 Veteran 0%

Nelson, BB-124 Green 0% Nelson, BB-125 Line 0%

Tribal, DD-129 Line 0% Tribal, DD-131 Line 0%

Tribal, DD-132 Line 0% Tribal, DD-133 Line 0%

Tribal, DD-134 Green 0% Tribal, DD-135 Line 0%

Tribal, DD-137 Green 0% Tribal, DD-138 Veteran 0%

Leander, CL-140 Green 0% Leander, CL-141 Veteran 0%


At least one ship suffered secondary explosions onboard



FYI, I had 2 BB, 1 CA and a number of lesser ships (CLs and DDs) Admiral Juel has been granted great honors by the Danes and is considered a national hero. Oh, and NO Danish ships were lost, and my worst ships was at 54%.


Later that same turn....



4th Squadron

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

AK-1, AK-122 Line 0% AK-1, AK-123 Line 0%

AK-1, AK-157 Green 0% AK-1, AK-158 Green 0%


At least one ship suffered secondary explosions onboard


I believe the British navy was attempting to clear me out of NOR13 so the transports could provide much needed supplies to xAmsterdam. Needless to say, it didn't work. LONG LIVE THE DANISH NAVY!!!!!! :P:thumbsup::ranting::cheers::ranting: It is also my belief that the open fire range of 40,000 caused the Britts to waste ammo firing ineffectively at me. IMHO.

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I'm sure the Lowlands can't be too happy [GB] went after the French instead of trying to help with the Danes and Germans... :ranting:

With the Danes and Germans? Hmm, that would be an interesting option, instead of going against the Danes and Germans.


Well, you know to find my embassy in case you want to do sneaky things. :ranting:

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With the Danes and Germans? Hmm, that would be an interesting option, instead of going against the Danes and Germans.


Well, you know to find my embassy in case you want to do sneaky things


Hey thanks for the grammer correction--I slept much better last night knowing you had my back :ranting: I am much too busy with the Spaniards right now too infiltrate the German hierarchy...


I believe the British navy was attempting to clear me out of NOR13 so the transports could provide much needed supplies to xAmsterdam. Needless to say, it didn't work. LONG LIVE THE DANISH NAVY!!


While I appreciate the information it is a bit risky posting the location of your NMI force to the world...A request by Fleet Admiral Antonino to sink the Danish navy off of Lowlands coast becuase they are strong allies of the Spanish have been denied by Algerian high command. :ranting:

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Egad, the peer pressure around here. I am in 86. I am Italy. Yes, I have been lurking around and not posting. Why? I'm really quite boring.


Happy now? I am!



Now this is a posting!!! I LIKE IT :python:

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While I appreciate the information it is a bit risky posting the location of your NMI force to the world...A request by Fleet Admiral Antonino to sink the Danish navy off of Lowlands coast becuase they are strong allies of the Spanish have been denied by Algerian high command. :thumbsup:


Fleet Admiral Antonino is free to come and try. His fate would be much the same as the British. :python:

Oh, and it is no longer the Lowlands coast. It is now officially called Southern Jutland. :cheers:

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While I appreciate the information it is a bit risky posting the location of your NMI force to the world...A request by Fleet Admiral Antonino to sink the Danish navy off of Lowlands coast becuase they are strong allies of the Spanish have been denied by Algerian high command. :cheers:


Fleet Admiral Antonino is free to come and try. His fate would be much the same as the British. :python:

Oh, and it is no longer the Lowlands coast. It is now officially called Southern Jutland. :cheers:



Who needs boats!!! :thumbsup:

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Fleet Admiral Antonino is free to come and try. His fate would be much the same as the British


Your optimism is admirable but Algerian forces would not suffer the same fate as the british. As Admiral Antonino is in command of the naval force he is also commander of the air forces that are attached. We could quite easily sink all of the Danish ships without endangering our own ships. However since Algeria asked for information on the British fate and the Danes were forthcoming we do not at this time wish to pursue hostilities against the Danes. Maybe next turn...... :python:

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Fleet Admiral Antonino is free to come and try. His fate would be much the same as the British


Your optimism is admirable but Algerian forces would not suffer the same fate as the british. As Admiral Antonino is in command of the naval force he is also commander of the air forces that are attached. We could quite easily sink all of the Danish ships without endangering our own ships. However since Algeria asked for information on the British fate and the Danes were forthcoming we do not at this time wish to pursue hostilities against the Danes. Maybe next turn...... :python:

Well my friend, I was only talking about naval forces. Keep your nasty Ju-88a-4s to yourself. However, if you flew them right now, and assuming they survive the fighter cover, I can guarantee they won't sink more than one or two vessels.

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Well my friend, I was only talking about naval forces. Keep your nasty Ju-88a-4s to yourself. However, if you flew them right now, and assuming they survive the fighter cover, I can guarantee they won't sink more than one or two vessels


Well no Ju-88's on this end. More like 100 groups of Vindicators...but they have their hands full at the moment sinking The Irish and Icelandic fleets of transports....seems most missions they expend all their ammo and fuel before they run out of targets :python:

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It's a shame that Yugoslavia is not around here. I wanted to commend him on the quick mobilisation of his forces.

I'm finally meeting some resistance again :python:

Could you please send some janitors with you next group? Czech blood doesn't wash out very well in Yugos's grassy fields.

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