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Game 86

Rogue Leader

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Earthling, you plan to quit this game in turn 72? Your sig suggests so, but i can't really believe it! :D


Or Sooner! (LOL) - I was doing OK until the Central war machine decided I had to go. And when you are fighting it all alone, against several aggressors, it is a very lonely and discouraging fight. The only thing that has kept me going is that I have provided enough of a distraction for others to continue their efforts in the mean while. I have been able to fight off several invaders since early in the game. Made my nation whole twice ~ first time after a Swedish & Finnish invasion, then a triad of nations (Ireland, Iceland and Great Britain) all invaded me. I forced them out and was even able to kill off Iceland with an invasion of my own while the USA destroyed Ireland and Great Britain. The British still survive in Sweden and have re-occupied Oslo since my feeble attempts to stop CR from destroying my northern border. This game was a lot of fun! I had a lot of enjoyment throughout, even while I got my butt kicked during the last 10+ turns by CR. It was interesting going though a game mostly on my own. The final Norwegian score will be embarrassing - so, I intend to drop just before the game ends. On top of it all, I am not sure that I will survive to turn 72 at the rate of decay I am experiencing.


I haven't run any recent SIM POL's, but I have to believe that CR is trying to shed it's TA with Great Britain. Otherwise the balance of the score should hurt that player's chances. CR has done a very good job of building an impressive air force. I just don't have enough resources anymore to try and defend the quantity of attacks that the nation is capable of when it decides I am the target for a few turns in a row.

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Earthling, you plan to quit this game in turn 72? Your sig suggests so, but i can't really believe it! :D


Or Sooner! (LOL) - I was doing OK until the Central war machine decided I had to go. And when you are fighting it all alone, against several aggressors, it is a very lonely and discouraging fight. The only thing that has kept me going is that I have provided enough of a distraction for others to continue their efforts in the mean while. I have been able to fight off several invaders since early in the game. Made my nation whole twice ~ first time after a Swedish & Finnish invasion, then a triad of nations (Ireland, Iceland and Great Britain) all invaded me. I forced them out and was even able to kill off Iceland with an invasion of my own while the USA destroyed Ireland and Great Britain. The British still survive in Sweden and have re-occupied Oslo since my feeble attempts to stop CR from destroying my northern border. This game was a lot of fun! I had a lot of enjoyment throughout, even while I got my butt kicked during the last 10+ turns by CR. It was interesting going though a game mostly on my own. The final Norwegian score will be embarrassing - so, I intend to drop just before the game ends. On top of it all, I am not sure that I will survive to turn 72 at the rate of decay I am experiencing.


I haven't run any recent SIM POL's, but I have to believe that CR is trying to shed it's TA with Great Britain. Otherwise the balance of the score should hurt that player's chances. CR has done a very good job of building an impressive air force. I just don't have enough resources anymore to try and defend the quantity of attacks that the nation is capable of when it decides I am the target for a few turns in a row.


I was never a TA of Central. We have a working relationship and share TAs. He is at war with me so he can overfly my territory. Sometime he forgets where my intercepts are though.


He took over a strong position and has done very well with it. He would be doing a bit better if a couple of TAs would stop letting him done.

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I was never a TA of Central. We have a working relationship and share TAs. He is at war with me so he can overfly my territory. Sometime he forgets where my intercepts are though.


He took over a strong position and has done very well with it. He would be doing a bit better if a couple of TAs would stop letting him done.


It's too bad that his TA's are letting him down (cough, cough). All joking and sarcasm aside ~ He's done a good job with the position. NR and I had a peace agreement with the original CR, but that all went out the window when the current player took over. I wish it could have been worked out, but it just didn't happen. Not sure how the endgame looks around the map, but CR should put up a good score.

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Here are the recent world events, from roughly turn 53 to turn 62.


Central Russia has declared war on United States

Syria has declared war on Denmark

France has conquered xLux from Germany

Southern Russia has conquered xOffenbach from France

Central Russia has conquered xKittila from Norway

Central Russia has conquered xHamburg from Germany

Bulgaria has conquered xBern from France

Bulgaria has conquered xZurich from France

Bulgaria has conquered xBellinzona from Italy

Yugoslavia has conquered xRome from Italy

Peace has been declared between Syria and Iraq

Peace has been declared between Syria and Persia

Great Britain has conquered xBirmingham from United States

Morocco has conquered xCordoba from Spain

Peace has been declared between Algeria and Ireland

Central Russia has conquered xSvir from Northern Russia

Central Russia has conquered xAlsfeld from Germany

United States has conquered xYork from Great Britain

Morocco has conquered xAlmaden from Spain

Peace has been declared between Syria and Trans-Jordan

Central Russia has conquered xKemi from Norway

United States has conquered xLiverpool from Great Britain

United States has conquered xLeicester from Great Britain

United States has conquered xLincoln from Great Britain

United States has conquered xBirmingham from Great Britain

United States has conquered xEdinburgh from Great Britain

Norway has conquered xHelmsdale from Ireland

Southern Russia has conquered xFrankfurt from Germany

Bulgaria has conquered xGeneva from Germany

Great Britain has conquered xOslo from Norway

France has conquered xGuadalajara from Spain

Central Russia has declared war on Morocco

Central Russia has conquered xKirkenes from Norway

Central Russia has conquered xKautokeino from Norway

Central Russia has conquered xGallivare from Norway

United States has conquered xCarradale from Great Britain

Peace has been declared between Norway and Great Britain

Peace has been declared between Italy and Lowlands

Yugoslavia has conquered xNaples from Italy

Central Russia has declared war on France

United States has conquered xAberdeen from Great Britain

Morocco has conquered xCoimbra from Portugal

Peace has been declared between Italy and Great Britain

Peace has been declared between Bulgaria and Denmark

Bulgaria has conquered xGrenoble from France

Libya has conquered xSelima from Syria

Peace has been declared between France and Great Britain

France has conquered xMadrid from Spain

Central Russia has declared war on Ireland

Central Russia has conquered xPechora from Northern Russia

Peace has been declared between Great Britain and Turkey

United States has conquered xHertford from Great Britain

United States has conquered xLondon from Great Britain

Peace has been declared between Algeria and Iceland

Central Russia has conquered xLiege from France

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I have to say that was a rather shitty outcome to a brilliant plan...guess I needed a few more div to pull it off. funny thing is I was halfway to crete when it dawned on me that yugo and bulgaria may be in range of crete so I went back to port for 4 more div in case that happened.


so looks like your group consists of southern and central russia, syria, UAE, turkey, yugo and bulgaria. I don't think there is anyone left to challenge you guys now...norway by himself...me, libya, morocco, and france...a lone denmark...and a couple islands...


our group is quite upset that replacement players were put in germany and czech and they promply stopped defending their countries against your horde of countries moving across their lands so they could attack france and italy to help spain and portugal. no problem helping your allies in a pinch if you are going to die soon anyway but after all but killing italy all four countries promply dropped out.


you are all but assured of winning in europe and that should win you the game but you guys wont take africa from us...

Tnx, Mark!


Together with the above post by Predator i believe i should be able to make a 90% correct draft. I'm going to put up a post with assumed frontlines and groupings later in the day, for you guys to shoot at, then post a revised version for Dag to work with.

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Ok, here's my first try, please correct me where i'm wrong:


Group 1 [Morocco, Algeria, Lybia, France, Italy] : Morocco, Algeria, Lybia, Tunesia, Portugal (Coimbra and south of there), Spain, France (all except Grenoble), Lowlands (all except Liege?), Italy (the south and Turin?)


Group 2 [Norway]: Norway (from Narvik southwards, except Oslo), Sweden (all except Kvikkjokk and Gallivare), Great Britain (Helmsdale)


Group 3 [Denmark]: Denmark, Germany (Hamburg & Berlin and all north/between those two), Poland (???)


Group 4 [uSA]: USA, Canada, ?Iceland?, Ireland, Great Britain (except Helmsdale)


Group 5 [GB, Ireland]: Norway (Oslo)


Group 6 [Central Russia, Southern Russia, Turkey, Syria, UAE, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria]: all their home countries plus Saoudi-Arabia, Iraq, Eqypt, Trans-Jordan, Persia, Northern Russia (probably all, maybe except for a few bigger cities), Finland, Sweden (northern part), Norway (north of Narvik), Baltic States, Poland (???), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Greece, Italy (all except southern minors, the islands and Turin), Austria, Switserland, France (Grenoble), Germany (all non-Danish), Lowlands (Liege).




My main question marks are Lowlands, Poland and Iceland, and made a big assumption about Ireland already being taken by the USA..



So, how did i do? :woohoo:

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Good Job Mickey - I still control a good part of Sweden. I am in the provinces of Stockholm and Gavle but GB still controls the cities and all of the coastline to the ports of Malmo and Goteborg as well as inland to Norberg. Iceland has been invaded by Norway not the USA. I took xHofsjkull and all of his stockpiles with an air drop, UGU all the air units to infantry (the same turn as the drop) and put them on DD behind fortifications the following turn, effectively ruining what was left of his game and he dropped without even trying to take the city back. That wraps it up for the Norway part.....and yes, the USA took Ireland.

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