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Game 87

Ali Tosis

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All these assumptions, have you not seen the mince meat I have made of Earthling in 85. The Sponge has finally found his MoJo and I fully intend to keep it going



"Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer" Spongy :woohoo:


For general edification, this translates as "One swallow does not make Summer". Well, one swallow will sure as hell make MY summer! :woohoo::rolleyes::woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



Pssssttttt, do not tell such secrets to the Sponge.

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Guest Spongebob
I know I should avoid an alliance with General Spongebob. :woohoo: But are there any other important hints for a rookie like me? :woohoo:


Confusus says - "There are many sides to a square, dont make your mind up until you have seen them all :rolleyes: "

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I know I should avoid an alliance with General Spongebob. :unsure: But are there any other important hints for a rookie like me? :wacko:


Confusus says - "There are many sides to a square, dont make your mind up until you have seen them all <_< "


...... there are some sides o a Sponge nobody like to see.

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I know I should avoid an alliance with General Spongebob. :wacko: But are there any other important hints for a rookie like me? <_<


I am not pretending to be a grizzled veteran myself, but some advice:


For the first few turns: no navy, no airforce and almost no army, but lots of things to do.


- Avoid becoming the bottom of the food chain: the one without allies that gets carved up by the rest before the end of turn 10. Each game a few nations will get swamped. Avoid this fate. Choose your allies well. Don’t think you can survive on your own, but don’t commit yourself to a total alliance until you are sure you want to. Keep a close eye on alliances developing. Use RNA to get to know the players next to you and make contact.

- Some nations have issues with other nations, almost from the beginning of the game. Either one of them ends up dead, or they destroy eachother, or they become total allies. E.g.: Portugal – Spain, USA – Saudi-Arabia or Canada –USA.

- IF you have Total Allies, Set intelligence sharing “on” and exchange information. Coordinate who will play his turn on which day, so you have the advantage of battle information before your own turn is processed.

- Define a strategy and make a plan. Pick a target and work towards attack, or keep your options open. The first might net you an easy victory an an early advantage, the last will prevent someone walking over you while your army is occupied elsewhere. Decide what to do with your 10 Static infantry: upgrade, keep or disband.

- Use the extra CP to build extra factories. Extra ARM factories require lots of resources. Extra AIR, lots of population (as each only produces so few AIR points). If you need a navy, build extra shipyards. If you want to defend, keep an extra supply of CP to build fortifications. And build bases where needed.

- Look to your economy. Do something about shortages and start doing it now. Build up rail capacity and change the AIC network if it can be improved upon.

- Build at least 1 LDB in each profitable province under threat from an early attack.

- Plan what you’re building for the future. Most useful equipment will only appear later on in the game ( e.g. T-34, Queen Mary, Ju-88 or P-47N’s), but it is no use waiting till the moment you can build them. Study the strengths and weaknesses of each unit and build those units that are relevant to you and useful within the first 10 turns. Each unit has its uses. When in doubt, build units that are versatile, like Marines, Mechanised , Medium bombers with good range and Tac strike rating.

- If you are planning a land war, use LFE on your troops.

- Assign your officers, adjust your training scheme if needed.


After that, in the first third of the game:

- Do not divide your power over too many stacks. Two armies of 8 div’s are far weaker as one army of the same div’s.

- When attacking, focus. Choose the right tactics, study the economy of your enemy (as where to hit him), Try to keep your armies and fleet under solid fighter cover and always make sure you have a safe, workable retreat location, if possible. A lot of armament points are lost by failing to retreat and by enemy bombers.

- When defending, keep your nerve and plan a counter attack. Use static defenses when needed and build fighters for Fighter cover and Intercept. A weak attack can be defeated by building enough LDB’s. But don’t protect everything (unless you’re Switzerland) to the max, as that will cost you your capacity to counterattack.

- When counterattacking, try to cut the enemy off from his retreat location and then try to force his army to retreat. (remember those LFE?)

- Do not run a deficit if it can be avoided.

- Coastal cities with harbors are vulnerable to coastal bombardment. Level those of the enemy and protect your own.

- Build enough LDB’s in important cities vulnerable to paradrops. De the same in your AIC centers and air bases. One lousy AIR regiment can wipe out your mighty airforce of 8000 medium bombers.

- And last: do not take any advice for granted, especially when coming from potential enemies.

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I know I should avoid an alliance with General Spongebob. :wacko: But are there any other important hints for a rookie like me? <_<


I am not pretending to be a grizzled veteran myself, but some advice:


For the first few turns: no navy, no airforce and almost no army, but lots of things to do.


- Avoid becoming the bottom of the food chain: the one without allies that gets carved up by the rest before the end of turn 10. Each game a few nations will get swamped. Avoid this fate. Choose your allies well. Don’t think you can survive on your own, but don’t commit yourself to a total alliance until you are sure you want to. Keep a close eye on alliances developing. Use RNA to get to know the players next to you and make contact.

- Some nations have issues with other nations, almost from the beginning of the game. Either one of them ends up dead, or they destroy eachother, or they become total allies. E.g.: Portugal – Spain, USA – Saudi-Arabia or Canada –USA.

- IF you have Total Allies, Set intelligence sharing “on” and exchange information. Coordinate who will play his turn on which day, so you have the advantage of battle information before your own turn is processed.

- Define a strategy and make a plan. Pick a target and work towards attack, or keep your options open. The first might net you an easy victory an an early advantage, the last will prevent someone walking over you while your army is occupied elsewhere. Decide what to do with your 10 Static infantry: upgrade, keep or disband.

- Use the extra CP to build extra factories. Extra ARM factories require lots of resources. Extra AIR, lots of population (as each only produces so few AIR points). If you need a navy, build extra shipyards. If you want to defend, keep an extra supply of CP to build fortifications. And build bases where needed.

- Look to your economy. Do something about shortages and start doing it now. Build up rail capacity and change the AIC network if it can be improved upon.

- Build at least 1 LDB in each profitable province under threat from an early attack.

- Plan what you’re building for the future. Most useful equipment will only appear later on in the game ( e.g. T-34, Queen Mary, Ju-88 or P-47N’s), but it is no use waiting till the moment you can build them. Study the strengths and weaknesses of each unit and build those units that are relevant to you and useful within the first 10 turns. Each unit has its uses. When in doubt, build units that are versatile, like Marines, Mechanised , Medium bombers with good range and Tac strike rating.

- If you are planning a land war, use LFE on your troops.

- Assign your officers, adjust your training scheme if needed.


After that, in the first third of the game:

- Do not divide your power over too many stacks. Two armies of 8 div’s are far weaker as one army of the same div’s.

- When attacking, focus. Choose the right tactics, study the economy of your enemy (as where to hit him), Try to keep your armies and fleet under solid fighter cover and always make sure you have a safe, workable retreat location, if possible. A lot of armament points are lost by failing to retreat and by enemy bombers.

- When defending, keep your nerve and plan a counter attack. Use static defenses when needed and build fighters for Fighter cover and Intercept. A weak attack can be defeated by building enough LDB’s. But don’t protect everything (unless you’re Switzerland) to the max, as that will cost you your capacity to counterattack.

- When counterattacking, try to cut the enemy off from his retreat location and then try to force his army to retreat. (remember those LFE?)

- Do not run a deficit if it can be avoided.

- Coastal cities with harbors are vulnerable to coastal bombardment. Level those of the enemy and protect your own.

- Build enough LDB’s in important cities vulnerable to paradrops. De the same in your AIC centers and air bases. One lousy AIR regiment can wipe out your mighty airforce of 8000 medium bombers.

- And last: do not take any advice for granted, especially when coming from potential enemies.


Makes a helluva lot of sense, actually.

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Guest Spongebob

Nah!!! Ignore that, Declare War on everyone and attack, wipe them out and when your finished sit down have a beer and pat yourself on the back congratulating yourself on a job well done.


Thats what I do <_<

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Guest Spongebob
I know I should avoid an alliance with General Spongebob. :unsure: But are there any other important hints for a rookie like me? :wacko:


Confusus says - "There are many sides to a square, dont make your mind up until you have seen them all <_< "


...... there are some sides o a Sponge nobody like to see.


And what side do you refer to? :ranting: You are the only one here with two faces and you spend most of your time sitting on one of them <_<:wacko::unsure:

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I know I should avoid an alliance with General Spongebob. :wacko: But are there any other important hints for a rookie like me? <_<


I am not pretending to be a grizzled veteran myself, but some advice:


For the first few turns: no navy, no airforce and almost no army, but lots of things to do.


- Avoid becoming the bottom of the food chain: the one without allies that gets carved up by the rest before the end of turn 10. Each game a few nations will get swamped. Avoid this fate. Choose your allies well. Don’t think you can survive on your own, but don’t commit yourself to a total alliance until you are sure you want to. Keep a close eye on alliances developing. Use RNA to get to know the players next to you and make contact.

- Some nations have issues with other nations, almost from the beginning of the game. Either one of them ends up dead, or they destroy eachother, or they become total allies. E.g.: Portugal – Spain, USA – Saudi-Arabia or Canada –USA.

- IF you have Total Allies, Set intelligence sharing “on” and exchange information. Coordinate who will play his turn on which day, so you have the advantage of battle information before your own turn is processed.

- Define a strategy and make a plan. Pick a target and work towards attack, or keep your options open. The first might net you an easy victory an an early advantage, the last will prevent someone walking over you while your army is occupied elsewhere. Decide what to do with your 10 Static infantry: upgrade, keep or disband.

- Use the extra CP to build extra factories. Extra ARM factories require lots of resources. Extra AIR, lots of population (as each only produces so few AIR points). If you need a navy, build extra shipyards. If you want to defend, keep an extra supply of CP to build fortifications. And build bases where needed.

- Look to your economy. Do something about shortages and start doing it now. Build up rail capacity and change the AIC network if it can be improved upon.

- Build at least 1 LDB in each profitable province under threat from an early attack.

- Plan what you’re building for the future. Most useful equipment will only appear later on in the game ( e.g. T-34, Queen Mary, Ju-88 or P-47N’s), but it is no use waiting till the moment you can build them. Study the strengths and weaknesses of each unit and build those units that are relevant to you and useful within the first 10 turns. Each unit has its uses. When in doubt, build units that are versatile, like Marines, Mechanised , Medium bombers with good range and Tac strike rating.

- If you are planning a land war, use LFE on your troops.

- Assign your officers, adjust your training scheme if needed.


After that, in the first third of the game:

- Do not divide your power over too many stacks. Two armies of 8 div’s are far weaker as one army of the same div’s.

- When attacking, focus. Choose the right tactics, study the economy of your enemy (as where to hit him), Try to keep your armies and fleet under solid fighter cover and always make sure you have a safe, workable retreat location, if possible. A lot of armament points are lost by failing to retreat and by enemy bombers.

- When defending, keep your nerve and plan a counter attack. Use static defenses when needed and build fighters for Fighter cover and Intercept. A weak attack can be defeated by building enough LDB’s. But don’t protect everything (unless you’re Switzerland) to the max, as that will cost you your capacity to counterattack.

- When counterattacking, try to cut the enemy off from his retreat location and then try to force his army to retreat. (remember those LFE?)

- Do not run a deficit if it can be avoided.

- Coastal cities with harbors are vulnerable to coastal bombardment. Level those of the enemy and protect your own.

- Build enough LDB’s in important cities vulnerable to paradrops. De the same in your AIC centers and air bases. One lousy AIR regiment can wipe out your mighty airforce of 8000 medium bombers.

- And last: do not take any advice for granted, especially when coming from potential enemies.


Makes a helluva lot of sense, actually.




An excellent synopsis, but I would make a couple of changes.


1. do LFE period, what you are planning is irrelevant, because you will be in a land war

2. There are times when large armies are more valuable, and times when small forces are more valuable. It is easy to defeat an army of 18 divisions with small force tactics, do not get sucked into this common mistake.

3. Build early, I do not agree with no units the first three turns. I have effectively conquered countries on turn 3 that followed that advice.

4. Always upgrade the static divisions, it will give you a big firepower advantage on your first opponent, if he does as many do, and leaves them as static divisions.

5. Do RNA's on anybody close to you, find out who are veterans, and who are rookies. Victory! is the ultimate Darwinian game, and killing the weakest (for instance, if spongebob is next to you, attack immediately) and being friendly with the strongest is the key to long term strength.

Build LDB's in EVERY province that a foreign power can reach in one turns SMR, if you don't you will be in for an unpleasant surprise.

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Guest Spongebob
killing the weakest (for instance, if spongebob is next to you, attack immediately)


Errrrm watch ya gob Mr X or you will find that if we are ever next to each other then you will be eating your words with a large slice of humble pie <_<

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killing the weakest (for instance, if spongebob is next to you, attack immediately)


Errrrm what ya gob Mr X or you will find that if we are ever next to each other then you will be eating your words with a large slice of humble pie <_<


Uh, we were next to each other in game 79. You were Iceland, I am Great Britain. You tried to help your ally Denmark. I hit your fleet, and next thing I know, you are quitting the game because you say your position was out of money, as if that is a reason to quit.


I am always hopeful to find you adjacent, but not normally so lucky.

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Guest Spongebob
killing the weakest (for instance, if spongebob is next to you, attack immediately)


Errrrm what ya gob Mr X or you will find that if we are ever next to each other then you will be eating your words with a large slice of humble pie <_<


Uh, we were next to each other in game 79. You were Iceland, I am Great Britain. You tried to help your ally Denmark. I hit your fleet, and next thing I know, you are quitting the game because you say your position was out of money, as if that is a reason to quit.


I am always hopeful to find you adjacent, but not normally so lucky.


So a total lack of money is not reason enough to bail? every turn in negative money reduced moral and things get worse and worse. I admit I blew it but I have learned from all the mistakes I have made over the last 10 games. Well lets see what the world brings us shall we? you joining the fray for 87?

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killing the weakest (for instance, if spongebob is next to you, attack immediately)


Errrrm what ya gob Mr X or you will find that if we are ever next to each other then you will be eating your words with a large slice of humble pie <_<


Uh, we were next to each other in game 79. You were Iceland, I am Great Britain. You tried to help your ally Denmark. I hit your fleet, and next thing I know, you are quitting the game because you say your position was out of money, as if that is a reason to quit.


I am always hopeful to find you adjacent, but not normally so lucky.


So a total lack of money is not reason enough to bail? every turn in negative money reduced moral and things get worse and worse. I admit I blew it but I have learned from all the mistakes I have made over the last 10 games. Well lets see what the world brings us shall we? you joining the fray for 87?



Have I already mention that soon Iceland 79 will be mine? Sorry Steve but I have to take that island just to control old Spongistan.


The Monk

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