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Underdeep Rises!


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It was the Galactic Star League in the beginning. We had a lovely logo and minister positions and a very long and detailed charter.


I was just looking through my emails from back in 2003. The cheat mentioned allowed anyone to ANZ any name they had (which people were finding left and right through explores .. the old explorer code would give to a random boost to ANY item in the game you might every try to research, giving everyone lots of possible future tech names). But if you were unable to research the item, you did not get the requirements to the item -- just resource needs like 25,000 advanced steel. I was helping maintain the list of items researched / analyzed by GSL folks. And that's the information that was sent to me for posting in our shared excel listing.


So when Pete corrected the error, he felt no need to broadcast this as there was not a lot of benefit to knowing just the resources. I mean that's one reason tech trading was still useful in the game. I was able to early on trade the secrets to Mk I Antimatter Engines and Fusion Transwarp drives (found on a Neutral) to folks like MMB for information on Type A Plasma Torpedos or other such stuff as folks did not know the paths to the tech.


The big tech advantage GSL had came from trading of research / analyze information. Back in the start days I was receiving almost 40 emails per day from all the various GSL members trading what techs opened up what new techs, time to research and assigned RC's, item names discovered in explores, and more. With some folks using SRP to jump some levels along key tech paths, we had a pretty damn good grasp on what 4th and 5th generation techs existed in the game very, very quickly.


You could be telling what actually happened, that is not what I was told, I was told that full ANZ's were received. Actually, this shows once again the GM should actually communicate. Then I wonder how many dropped thinking they were too far behind? An explanation of the problem now fixed would of saved lots of anger outside the GSL.





Why would one drop, because one is *thinking* one is lagging behind?


I could understand dropping if you get attacked by overwhelming odds and superior tech, but because of *thinking*?

How odd.

If I would do drop for such a reason, my core empire would have been dropped long ago.


But it is alive and kicking till this day.

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In the beginning there was a small bug. If you typed in a tech name exactly you could get an ANZ for it. This must have been within the first dozen turns or so. At that time we had only a very sketchy knowledge of the tech tree and didn't have much exploration data. As such there were very few techs known past the next Mk ?? in the tree.


This bug lasted for about 3 turns before it was corrected. There were a few techs gotten from it but I don't recall hearing any bragging about nifty stuff. I recall seeing that a Mk III was uncovered a few turns prior to it being available for research and ANZ anyway. This was not a game breaker by any means and all that same information is now passed about freely to new players.


Not a real big deal.


Also in the beginning colony beacons only required a single cargo space. I still have a few early freighters with 20 colony beacons in 1000 cargo holds. Not a real big deal and not a game breaker.


I don't know what the purpose was to bring up these historical events, but I did want to clarify them a bit.



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In the beginning there was a small bug. If you typed in a tech name exactly you could get an ANZ for it. This must have been within the first dozen turns or so. At that time we had only a very sketchy knowledge of the tech tree and didn't have much exploration data. As such there were very few techs known past the next Mk ?? in the tree.


This bug lasted for about 3 turns before it was corrected. There were a few techs gotten from it but I don't recall hearing any bragging about nifty stuff. I recall seeing that a Mk III was uncovered a few turns prior to it being available for research and ANZ anyway. This was not a game breaker by any means and all that same information is now passed about freely to new players.


Not a real big deal.


Also in the beginning colony beacons only required a single cargo space. I still have a few early freighters with 20 colony beacons in 1000 cargo holds. Not a real big deal and not a game breaker.


I don't know what the purpose was to bring up these historical events, but I did want to clarify them a bit.




The reason I brought them up was I was asked for more details.


Getting the ANZ for 3rd gen industry, would of been REALLY valuable back then I remember how long it took me to find it. And that would of been easy to spell.


As to dropping cause you think you are behind, there would of course have to be other pressures. However, one pressire might be anger at GM for the error, causing you to be behind from the start.


IF as everyone is saying there were only a few ANZ's gotten this way then a better solution would of been for the GM to post the ANZ's received on everyones turn. One of the PA suggested this this and was ignored.


My main point in this is the SO CALLED goody two shoes, white hat, we are the world, we are the people, who claim others are cheating and using bugs in the game system to their advantage, Were the FIRST to use a BUG to their advantage. And how do you find out that an ANZ can be done on anything you spell Correctly. You have to be searching for a bug to do it RIGHT at the start. Evil Evil Evil. Bad Show there. Rotten to the core. That is not cricket. ECT

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You really did not know to get to 3rd Gen Ind Science? It is directly related to 2nd Gen.


And wasn't that tech on your PA tech tree gif already, that I got really early on in the game?


Or are you talking about AIC? That one could not be ANZed.

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Well, I don't know who has the time to look for bugs. They crop up as they do and people either notice them or they don't. Sometimes you have to go back over numerous turns to validate a bug is there and not a player error. Once you find it you let Pete know and he either fixes it or he doesn't. Most bug's can't be exploited and are just annoying, but there have been a few that could be exploited. Some folks will report these and some won't, just depends on who you are.



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Well I would make a huge difference between the ANZ bug and the Gate bug.

It is obviously a bug, that you should not be able to TR something *WITHOUT* a gate.

It is not so obvious, that you should not be able to ANZ stuff you found on EXPL tech finds.

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Well I would make a huge difference between the ANZ bug and the Gate bug.

It is obviously a bug, that you should not be able to TR something *WITHOUT* a gate.

It is not so obvious, that you should not be able to ANZ stuff you found on EXPL tech finds.



Point is it is an exploited bug, like you are complaining about, but it is not PA so.....

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Well I would make a huge difference between the ANZ bug and the Gate bug.

It is obviously a bug, that you should not be able to TR something *WITHOUT* a gate.

It is not so obvious, that you should not be able to ANZ stuff you found on EXPL tech finds.



Point is it is an exploited bug, like you are complaining about, but it is not PA so.....



So, per the section that I bolded in your most recent post (see above), you freely admit that the PA utilized the Gate bug... Thanks for that confession Gary, was it really that hard to admit?


Tell us now, was the bug used to evacuate the population of Semjan? Come on little camper, you can say it... go ahead, it's good for the soul.

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Well I would make a huge difference between the ANZ bug and the Gate bug.

It is obviously a bug, that you should not be able to TR something *WITHOUT* a gate.

It is not so obvious, that you should not be able to ANZ stuff you found on EXPL tech finds.



Point is it is an exploited bug, like you are complaining about, but it is not PA so.....



So, per the section that I bolded in your most recent post (see above), you freely admit that the PA utilized the Gate bug... Thanks for that confession Gary, was it really that hard to admit?


Tell us now, was the bug used to evacuate the population of Semjan? Come on little camper, you can say it... go ahead, it's good for the soul.


LOL READ the message where I already posted how the pop was removed from Semjan.


I knew every bug that concerned UG's, Did not you? You seem to ACT like you know a lot? Did you use them? My Empire never used any of them, as My empire Has NOT completed research on UG's yet. I hearby grant Pete permission to confirm that MACrohard does not have Universal gates. Geee and you wanted me to of cheated SOOOOO bad! SORRY!


Better add this NO empire of mine in the current war with TG has UG's


IF however I had UG's I would of used them and every trick I could, as due to GM lack of communication you can never tell if it is a BUG or A feature of the game. You know, Like any empire can use a any ones wormholes, the new feature added by the GM when he was unable to make them only work for allies.

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Better add this NO empire of mine in the current war with TG has UG's


Ok, just so those of us at home can follow along, PA is Phoenix Arisen alliance? right?

What does TG stand for?


Anybody care to share who is attached to which alliance? Just in case I run into one or more of them. (maybe I have and just don't know it)


Thanks in advance. :)

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Well I would make a huge difference between the ANZ bug and the Gate bug.

It is obviously a bug, that you should not be able to TR something *WITHOUT* a gate.

It is not so obvious, that you should not be able to ANZ stuff you found on EXPL tech finds.



Point is it is an exploited bug, like you are complaining about, but it is not PA so.....



So, per the section that I bolded in your most recent post (see above), you freely admit that the PA utilized the Gate bug... Thanks for that confession Gary, was it really that hard to admit?


Tell us now, was the bug used to evacuate the population of Semjan? Come on little camper, you can say it... go ahead, it's good for the soul.


LOL READ the message where I already posted how the pop was removed from Semjan.


I knew every bug that concerned UG's, Did not you? You seem to ACT like you know a lot? Did you use them? My Empire never used any of them, as My empire Has NOT completed research on UG's yet. I hearby grant Pete permission to confirm that MACrohard does not have Universal gates. Geee and you wanted me to of cheated SOOOOO bad! SORRY!


Better add this NO empire of mine in the current war with TG has UG's


IF however I had UG's I would of used them and every trick I could, as due to GM lack of communication you can never tell if it is a BUG or A feature of the game. You know, Like any empire can use a any ones wormholes, the new feature added by the GM when he was unable to make them only work for allies.


LOL, read MY message. I accused PA of using the gate bug, not you Gary.


As you've admitted to having known "every bug that concerned UG's", no doubt that all of PA knew of the gate bugs as well. Having admitted your attitude by the statement "IF however I had UG's I would of used them and every trick I could" is it really a stretch to believe the PA would have used the bug? I think not.


So, despite your message about how Semjan was pillaged, I think it now becomes obvious what really happened there.


Oh, and it sounds as if you are still miffed that we were able to take down TWO PA HW's (formerly owned by Black Cloud) using the PA's own wormholes. We would never have known of that game feature if you hadn't made it known, so I guess ultimately it's you we should thank for all that nice new population working in our mines and industries. Of course, we used properly powered and constructed UGates to 'reassign' the pops... just ask White Shadow who has retaken control of Evremond. He can attest to currently owning a couple hundred pop, 80 antimatter power plants and enough Adv Conmats to construct one UGate. It's comforting knowing that we stay within the game rules unlike some others <cough cough PA>.

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LOL wow you are the great and almighty C NUT.(who is behind that curtain)


Actually I am referring to the loss of the PA wormweb that delivered goods to Semjan, TG warped thru the worms and captured some of them and we never got fleet sightings or at that time knew any one could warp thru one, it was after emails to the GM that the note about worms was posted on the top of the turn, as the GM could not get the worms to work the tight way. We still managed to defend the HW, but our worm web strategy was mostly ruined by the change. At that time we decided to try UG's.


It appears every empire someone wants to fight is called PA, and then attacked, we really do not have THAT many Members. Oh wait PA or MMB, with PA ranked as even more evil. MMB must feel so sad. Sorry I left you out for a second there MMB.


One alliance actually voted to attack the PA because MMB was once part of the PA, and that alliance had MMB as a member before he joined us. SO I believe they should go.......themselves first.

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LOL wow you are the great and almighty C NUT.(who is behind that curtain)


Actually I am referring to the loss of the PA wormweb that delivered goods to Semjan, TG warped thru the worms and captured some of them and we never got fleet sightings or at that time knew any one could warp thru one, it was after emails to the GM that the note about worms was posted on the top of the turn, as the GM could not get the worms to work the tight way. We still managed to defend the HW, but our worm web strategy was mostly ruined by the change. At that time we decided to try UG's.


It appears every empire someone wants to fight is called PA, and then attacked, we really do not have THAT many Members. Oh wait PA or MMB, with PA ranked as even more evil. MMB must feel so sad. Sorry I left you out for a second there MMB.


One alliance actually voted to attack the PA because MMB was once part of the PA, and that alliance had MMB as a member before he joined us. SO I believe they should go.......themselves first.


It is a bit ostentatious but I like it. From now on you and ALL PA members will refer to me as "The Great and Almighty C NUT".


When you say "we decided to try UG's" do you mean powered or un-powered versions? Or did you even bother to construct them at all once you made the breakthru? Has the PA ever used a legitimately built and fully powered Ugate (before being forced to do so via the new rules emplaced)?


As far as every empire under attack being called PA, do you deny that The Black Cloud, White Shadow Imperium, Galvorn Protectorate (the one with the Stable Wormhole we used), The Eyre and The Go'ald are part of PA??? Those are the empires we are in combat with, strictly PA members and no one else.


Finally, if it is true when you say "we really do not have THAT many Members", then how come the vote to stay or go is taking so long? Finish it up and leave already.

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