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Please prevent cheating


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Yes , I am sure it is a minor thing , but if one specifically sends Pete an email that something is not working right , and it still does not get fixed , it kind of defeats the purpose . To a huge empire , it is no big deal . I am sure the fix is easy , and would not take alot of time . I have built the needed power plants to run the installation properly , so I am not doing anything wrong , but will the next person ? And I am just using that as an example , but I am sure there are others .


I send that question to Pete long ago and never got an answer. I was worried, that the DCHS did not work at all, but

the reduction in attrition told me otherwise.


Its been a while but I think that when you build a Deep Core Heat Sink, you get no attrition reduction unless you have it powered up. However, for some reason, the power requirements are not subtracted out, even though it needs power to run.


Of course this issue was around back in 2005 and I really don't recall what the remedy was and I really don't feel like looking back into old posts to see the sequence of events. But yes, I would have expected it to be fixed by this point too.

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This is the sort of thing I REALLY wish Pete would fix ASAP. Obviously I've never seen the code but I would think this would be a trivial fix. I've built the required power for all of my deep core surveyors and it is a large investment as my homeworld was not blessed with hydro or geo potential. It bothers me that other less scrupulous players are getting a free ride on that.


I agree about the 95% comment. Pete has invested a tremendous amount of time and energy in to creating this game and for lack of that last 5% effort the game is maybe 50% of what it could be, which is a shame.


It is a pity that this game is incomplete , and has several features ( bugs , whatever you want to call them ) . Probably the work put into the game is about 95% finished , and it is that nasty 5% that makes the game not logical , or not the way it should or was meant to be . I found that if you build a deep core heatsink , it does not pull power from the power plants . I sent Pete an email two turns ago , but the thing is still running without pulling power . I initially built the thing on a world that was still missing about 10k power , and I had the imp con mats and an order I needed to fill . I have since got enough power to run the thing , but it runs ( no more attrition on the world ) , and on a world with 3 fission power plants , I have 29400 excess power on the world . I am sure there are others...I heard gates work ( or worked ) without power plants . Oh well , SNRotE is unique......


Erm, you are mixing up Deep Core Surveyers (these draw power) and Deep Core Heatsinks (which are buggy and draw no power).

The latter is not such a biggy, but I would like to have that fixed as well, but not ASAP, as its a minor thing.


Ah. I did misread that. Thanks. And I am glad to hear the Deep Core Surveyers are using power properly.

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Well I was bitten by the bug from the original posting in this thread, IE during transfer of ships between fleets all the fuel disappeared. I sent an email to Pete to get the fuel back, but as usual no response.


So I will complain here, and see if PETE is reading the board, since he is NOT reading the three now EMAILS I sent him.

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Well I was bitten by the bug from the original posting in this thread, IE during transfer of ships between fleets all the fuel disappeared. I sent an email to Pete to get the fuel back, but as usual no response.


So I will complain here, and see if PETE is reading the board, since he is NOT reading the three now EMAILS I sent him.

I manually tracked every order on your turn, following Fuel expenditures for all of your fleets after every order, paying special attention to LC, OC and RN orders. It took a very long time, but it paid off. There was no program issue--you made an error on one order that affected the fleet in question in a big way. I won't go into the details here, but have emailed you describing what happened.

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Well I was bitten by the bug from the original posting in this thread, IE during transfer of ships between fleets all the fuel disappeared. I sent an email to Pete to get the fuel back, but as usual no response.


So I will complain here, and see if PETE is reading the board, since he is NOT reading the three now EMAILS I sent him.


Three emails? Gee, I always get a polite response after one email. Perhaps it's your breath? :unsure:

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Well I was bitten by the bug from the original posting in this thread, IE during transfer of ships between fleets all the fuel disappeared. I sent an email to Pete to get the fuel back, but as usual no response.


So I will complain here, and see if PETE is reading the board, since he is NOT reading the three now EMAILS I sent him.

I manually tracked every order on your turn, following Fuel expenditures for all of your fleets after every order, paying special attention to LC, OC and RN orders. It took a very long time, but it paid off. There was no program issue--you made an error on one order that affected the fleet in question in a big way. I won't go into the details here, but have emailed you describing what happened.


OkKKKKKKKK, so since the turn sheet shows TWO different numbers for the amount of fuel on the FLEET, which one is correct the higher one or the lower one.

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OkKKKKKKKK, so since the turn sheet shows TWO different numbers for the amount of fuel on the FLEET, which one is correct the higher one or the lower one.

The turn results shows fuel in several places.


  • In the Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Summary, the exact amount is shown quite precisely.
  • In the Fleet Report section, fuel is shown again. In the cargo section of that report, the exact same value is printed.
  • To the right of that it is displayed again, but with very large numbers sometimes the leading digits get cut off. No matter - the value is absolutely crystal clear in the boxed section on the left.

I'd correct the leading edge cutoff, but it's already really tiny and it's hard to fit more in there. The cargo list on the left is almost certainly what everyone uses anyway, since it's easy to read and shows all of the cargo on board the fleet with a larger font and perfect clarity.

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OkKKKKKKKK, so since the turn sheet shows TWO different numbers for the amount of fuel on the FLEET, which one is correct the higher one or the lower one.

The turn results shows fuel in several places.


  • In the Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Summary, the exact amount is shown quite precisely.
  • In the Fleet Report section, fuel is shown again. In the cargo section of that report, the exact same value is printed.
  • To the right of that it is displayed again, but with very large numbers sometimes the leading digits get cut off. No matter - the value is absolutely crystal clear in the boxed section on the left.

I'd correct the leading edge cutoff, but it's already really tiny and it's hard to fit more in there. The cargo list on the left is almost certainly what everyone uses anyway, since it's easy to read and shows all of the cargo on board the fleet with a larger font and perfect clarity.

If I understand what you are saying correctly I have to say I dont usually look at the box for information on my fuel stats because the tiny numbers show the fleet fuel cap as well but I will keep your comment in mind for the future especially if I build a ship with a really large fuel capacity.

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OkKKKKKKKK, so since the turn sheet shows TWO different numbers for the amount of fuel on the FLEET, which one is correct the higher one or the lower one.

The turn results shows fuel in several places.


  • In the Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Summary, the exact amount is shown quite precisely.
  • In the Fleet Report section, fuel is shown again. In the cargo section of that report, the exact same value is printed.
  • To the right of that it is displayed again, but with very large numbers sometimes the leading digits get cut off. No matter - the value is absolutely crystal clear in the boxed section on the left.

I'd correct the leading edge cutoff, but it's already really tiny and it's hard to fit more in there. The cargo list on the left is almost certainly what everyone uses anyway, since it's easy to read and shows all of the cargo on board the fleet with a larger font and perfect clarity.


As Pete has now skipped answering the division transfering (mutation?) question several times, I will take this as a yes for transfering divisions to other empire is a valid move.

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Normally these Divisions should be transfered to an army to fight (which luckily happened to me on an somewhat illegal attack on landing forces by the HW owner. They were shuffled to the already established army, but my command would have been two orders later).


So you should not be able to capture divisions.


And in the past, the database *was* that bright.

If there happen to be divisions sitting in a pop group that's attacked, if I happen to see them I can transfer them to the defending army. This takes (1) Precious time during processing, and (2) I have to actually notice it. If the world gets conquered and there are divisions in stockpile, if I see them I delete them. Thus it is not a predictable method of transferring divisions, and thus not a good method.


In any event there are so many ways to transfer pop around that to be honest this isn't an issue.


If divisions do end up switching empires, they would take on the characteristics of the new empire's race. The former owner could just as well have given the target empire the materials and had him build the divisions himself. The quantities of pop involved are really rather trivial.


If players were to transfer divisions all over the place in some way that caused trouble, I could prohibit it harshly in the code.

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As Pete has now skipped answering the division transfering (mutation?) question several times, I will take this as a yes for transfering divisions to other empire is a valid move.

Well, I happened to be typing up a reply when you posted this ;)



Well it seems you can simply TR divisions from one empire to the other. I have my suspicions about that. I'll check

it and once confirmed, I let you know to implement these harsh restricitons in the code.

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As Pete has now skipped answering the division transfering (mutation?) question several times, I will take this as a yes for transfering divisions to other empire is a valid move.

Well, I happened to be typing up a reply when you posted this ;)



Well it seems you can simply TR divisions from one empire to the other. I have my suspicions about that. I'll check

it and once confirmed, I let you know to implement these harsh restricitons in the code.


Well, one cannot build troops with just a Transportation Center, but the difference between a 0.33 division and a 12 division is quite significant.


So to defend a world, you only need a popgroup of your merc empire on your planet you want to defend and put troops into it. voila, super defense.

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It's a pure exploit in my opinion. It takes a lot more to build troops than just the materials. A lot more investment than a pop group with a TC.


Anyone doing it. Anyone. Is essentially cheating in my book, and I have zero respect for them or their gamesmanship.


Not that anyone doing it cares about that.


Edit: Just make divisions non-tradeable. Period. You can build them, and you can assign them to an army. That's it. And if a pop group is captured, all divisions inside are automatically wiped if not killed in battle. End of exploit.

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