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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob
The sad thing is that when Sponge is eliminated, this board will be silent. He fills this board with so much of nothing that others don't chime in with much trash talk. I guess we all need to take in as much Sponge as we can handle now because in a couple of turns we will no longer have his rambling.


I will continue to ramble for as long as I can and its going to take more than a couple of turns to get rid of me. I have a cunning plan to remain in this game forever, you will never, ever defeat me, ever. Germany is a BIG BIG place and I have a secret hide away just waiting for me to build a bunker. You should be a little more worried about what Poland and Hungary are doing to your homeland than think about my defeat. I am taking bets that I will outlast Czech. :thumbsup:



How much?


Bottle of Single Malt from Scotland, criteria being who lasts longest in this game and if we both survive then the one with the highest victory points wins. And before eveyone jumps on the bandwaggon there is only 1 bottle of Scotch so back off. If I win then you send me an equivilent bottle of something from your fine country. Gentlemans agreement, handshake across the ocean and all that. Im a sponge of my word so I will take your acceptance honour bound. :woohoo:

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The sad thing is that when Sponge is eliminated, this board will be silent. He fills this board with so much of nothing that others don't chime in with much trash talk. I guess we all need to take in as much Sponge as we can handle now because in a couple of turns we will no longer have his rambling.


I will continue to ramble for as long as I can and its going to take more than a couple of turns to get rid of me. I have a cunning plan to remain in this game forever, you will never, ever defeat me, ever. Germany is a BIG BIG place and I have a secret hide away just waiting for me to build a bunker. You should be a little more worried about what Poland and Hungary are doing to your homeland than think about my defeat. I am taking bets that I will outlast Czech. :thumbsup:



How much?


Bottle of Single Malt from Scotland, criteria being who lasts longest in this game and if we both survive then the one with the highest victory points wins. And before eveyone jumps on the bandwaggon there is only 1 bottle of Scotch so back off. If I win then you send me an equivilent bottle of something from your fine country. Gentlemans agreement, handshake across the ocean and all that. Im a sponge of my word so I will take your acceptance honour bound. :woohoo:



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No, I won't be doing that anymore, since Persia, Iraq, and Syria have moved all of their troops into my country.


Let me ask you a question. What happens when the 3 of you have taken my whole country and there are no stockpiles to run the factories, or what factories are left after I implement the scorched earth tatic.


I do not doubt your ability to wreck your economy, but why should you? This war is far from decided! We scored some points (xRiyadh, Qusaiba, the penetration to Alain), but so did the UAE and you (xTanura, the slaughter of the Persian fleet and your counterattack vs Syria (Ouch)).


We discovered some empty air bases and were were asking ourself "were does SA hide his airforce? Does he have any?" You answered that question last turn (let me repeat: Ouch!).


Blowing up your economy by removing your stacks at this stage only weakens you while your western ecomomy is still intact. It means accepting defeat. Kurassier then has to fight a 3:1 war on his own. When Syria, Iraq and Persia attacked you we expected the UAE and Persia to cancel eachother out. Maybe I overestimate my skill in this, but it would leave Iraq and Syria to contend with you. As both of them are absolute beginners this is not as one-sided as it looks.


As Victory is all about information and guessing the weak points of a position, the fear of what an enemy might do is strong. We had some scary moments, but only the nightmare of Syria was (partially) realised.

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No, I won't be doing that anymore, since Persia, Iraq, and Syria have moved all of their troops into my country.


Let me ask you a question. What happens when the 3 of you have taken my whole country and there are no stockpiles to run the factories, or what factories are left after I implement the scorched earth tatic.


I do not doubt your ability to wreck your economy, but why should you? This war is far from decided! We scored some points (xRiyadh, Qusaiba, the penetration to Alain), but so did the UAE and you (xTanura, the slaughter of the Persian fleet and your counterattack vs Syria (Ouch)).


We discovered some empty air bases and were were asking ourself "were does SA hide his airforce? Does he have any?" You answered that question last turn (let me repeat: Ouch!).


Blowing up your economy by removing your stacks at this stage only weakens you while your western ecomomy is still intact. It means accepting defeat. Kurassier then has to fight a 3:1 war on his own. When Syria, Iraq and Persia attacked you we expected the UAE and Persia to cancel eachother out. Maybe I overestimate my skill in this, but it would leave Iraq and Syria to contend with you. As both of them are absolute beginners this is not as one-sided as it looks.


As Victory is all about information and guessing the weak points of a position, the fear of what an enemy might do is strong. We had some scary moments, but only the nightmare of Syria was (partially) realised.



Or you might say: he, nice victory, one down, one to go. So just let him wreck his economy even more, then it's just one left

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No, I won't be doing that anymore, since Persia, Iraq, and Syria have moved all of their troops into my country.


Let me ask you a question. What happens when the 3 of you have taken my whole country and there are no stockpiles to run the factories, or what factories are left after I implement the scorched earth tatic.


I do not doubt your ability to wreck your economy, but why should you? This war is far from decided! We scored some points (xRiyadh, Qusaiba, the penetration to Alain), but so did the UAE and you (xTanura, the slaughter of the Persian fleet and your counterattack vs Syria (Ouch)).


We discovered some empty air bases and were were asking ourself "were does SA hide his airforce? Does he have any?" You answered that question last turn (let me repeat: Ouch!).


Blowing up your economy by removing your stacks at this stage only weakens you while your western ecomomy is still intact. It means accepting defeat. Kurassier then has to fight a 3:1 war on his own. When Syria, Iraq and Persia attacked you we expected the UAE and Persia to cancel eachother out. Maybe I overestimate my skill in this, but it would leave Iraq and Syria to contend with you. As both of them are absolute beginners this is not as one-sided as it looks.


As Victory is all about information and guessing the weak points of a position, the fear of what an enemy might do is strong. We had some scary moments, but only the nightmare of Syria was (partially) realised.



Or you might say: he, nice victory, one down, one to go. So just let him wreck his economy even more, then it's just one left


Hey, I am trying to cheer him up, you spoilsport

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Yo Fastfreddy, come on, you can make it! Send the cavalry to the persian border, he'll give them a warm welcome!


I understand why you, as Transjordan, want him on the Persian border.

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Or maybe I will let all three of you come deep into my country, then cut your troops off from their needed supplies, and when they are out of munitions, hit them with that lone SS PZ IIIF. It sucks when 4 or 5 divisions get killed by 1 due to insufficient munitions. Oh by the way, I welcome TJ to join in the fight. Egypt would like that very much.


Also, I am not fooled by all these talks of Syria and Iraq being rookies. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 odds are hard to overcome, even with a bunch of rookie mistakes.

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Or maybe I will let all three of you come deep into my country, then cut your troops off from their needed supplies, and when they are out of munitions, hit them with that lone SS PZ IIIF. It sucks when 4 or 5 divisions get killed by 1 due to insufficient munitions. Oh by the way, I welcome TJ to join in the fight. Egypt would like that very much.


Also, I am not fooled by all these talks of Syria and Iraq being rookies. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 odds are hard to overcome, even with a bunch of rookie mistakes.


That's the spirit !

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Or maybe I will let all three of you come deep into my country, then cut your troops off from their needed supplies, and when they are out of munitions, hit them with that lone SS PZ IIIF. It sucks when 4 or 5 divisions get killed by 1 due to insufficient munitions. Oh by the way, I welcome TJ to join in the fight. Egypt would like that very much.


Also, I am not fooled by all these talks of Syria and Iraq being rookies. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 odds are hard to overcome, even with a bunch of rookie mistakes.


I believe the odds are atleast 3:2, with most UAE armies located on Saudi soil somewhere (most probably hidden beneath that one fake sanddune in the desert). And TJ didn't want a fight with SA, as mentioned in the diplomatic prelude to this conflict. But then, you weren't really in a diplomatic mood during that time. :cannon:

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The great Persian - Saudian war.




Saudian losses due to Persian attacks:



Saudian population under Persian occupation:



Saudian resources under Persian control:

None *


Persian losses due to Saudian activities:

0.03 CAV division

3 Munition


Persian losses due to Saudian weather:

0.02 CAV division

0.08 MECH 39 division

15 tons of sunblock 50 lotion


Saudian losses due to Persian weather:



* We do not consider Saudian sand a valuable resource.

We are willing to exchange captured sand for surplus Persian rocks, of which we have an ample supply.

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Guest Spongebob

Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


The Danish and Czech Sponge Expertmination Squads are running riot around my northern provinces. They are on a mission to wipe Spongistan off the face of the map but this will not happen.


We have forced the interlopers out of Hamburg but our valient suicide squad in Czechoslovakia fought to the last Sponge. We have continued to pound the Danish coast and have started to use our bombs on the Danish rail network.


I had a question from the state controlled press asking how we are doing against the Danish and Czechs, I responded by saying Danish marines are no match for Frankfurt Armour and that Czechoslovakia is not worthy of my attention, Poland and Hungary will take care of Czechoslovakia and I will take care of Denmark.

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Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


I was under the impression the survival of Germany has already been decided. In turn 1.

You are just afraid Fastfreddy has more reasons to whine than you have, and that there MIGHT be another topic on this forum that does not include you.


Let see: both of you have German tech, both of you lost your capital, both of you are fighting a war against multiple attackers, both of you have TA's nearby. At least Fastfreddy is doing heavy damage to his attackers.


As far as I know Germany has no area's in which natural sponges can proliferate.

The Persian gulf, however ...

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Just out of interest, what is an equivalent from your neck of the woods, in fact where is your neck of the woods.



My neck of the woods is California. And I have a very extensive wine collection, with some very valuable vintages. If you would like to let me know the approximate value of scotch you will be sending, I will find a cab, or if you prefer, other wine of similar value.

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