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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob


Just out of interest, what is an equivalent from your neck of the woods, in fact where is your neck of the woods.



My neck of the woods is California. And I have a very extensive wine collection, with some very valuable vintages. If you would like to let me know the approximate value of scotch you will be sending, I will find a cab, or if you prefer, other wine of similar value.


I am thinking around the $25 mark and the correct way of saying it is MAY be sending not WILL :cannon:

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Just out of interest, what is an equivalent from your neck of the woods, in fact where is your neck of the woods.



My neck of the woods is California. And I have a very extensive wine collection, with some very valuable vintages. If you would like to let me know the approximate value of scotch you will be sending, I will find a cab, or if you prefer, other wine of similar value.


I am thinking around the $25 mark and the correct way of saying it is MAY be sending not WILL :cannon:



I believe I said it correctly.

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Guest Spongebob


Just out of interest, what is an equivalent from your neck of the woods, in fact where is your neck of the woods.



My neck of the woods is California. And I have a very extensive wine collection, with some very valuable vintages. If you would like to let me know the approximate value of scotch you will be sending, I will find a cab, or if you prefer, other wine of similar value.


I am thinking around the $25 mark and the correct way of saying it is MAY be sending not WILL :cannon:



I believe I said it correctly.


Belief does not make it so :cannon:

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Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


The Danish and Czech Sponge Expertmination Squads are running riot around my northern provinces. They are on a mission to wipe Spongistan off the face of the map but this will not happen.


We have forced the interlopers out of Hamburg but our valient suicide squad in Czechoslovakia fought to the last Sponge. We have continued to pound the Danish coast and have started to use our bombs on the Danish rail network.


I had a question from the state controlled press asking how we are doing against the Danish and Czechs, I responded by saying Danish marines are no match for Frankfurt Armour and that Czechoslovakia is not worthy of my attention, Poland and Hungary will take care of Czechoslovakia and I will take care of Denmark.



You have brown eyes don't you?

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Guest Spongebob
Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


The Danish and Czech Sponge Expertmination Squads are running riot around my northern provinces. They are on a mission to wipe Spongistan off the face of the map but this will not happen.


We have forced the interlopers out of Hamburg but our valient suicide squad in Czechoslovakia fought to the last Sponge. We have continued to pound the Danish coast and have started to use our bombs on the Danish rail network.


I had a question from the state controlled press asking how we are doing against the Danish and Czechs, I responded by saying Danish marines are no match for Frankfurt Armour and that Czechoslovakia is not worthy of my attention, Poland and Hungary will take care of Czechoslovakia and I will take care of Denmark.



You have brown eyes don't you?


And whats that got to do with the price of fish? GIRL

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Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


The Danish and Czech Sponge Expertmination Squads are running riot around my northern provinces. They are on a mission to wipe Spongistan off the face of the map but this will not happen.


We have forced the interlopers out of Hamburg but our valient suicide squad in Czechoslovakia fought to the last Sponge. We have continued to pound the Danish coast and have started to use our bombs on the Danish rail network.


I had a question from the state controlled press asking how we are doing against the Danish and Czechs, I responded by saying Danish marines are no match for Frankfurt Armour and that Czechoslovakia is not worthy of my attention, Poland and Hungary will take care of Czechoslovakia and I will take care of Denmark.



You have brown eyes don't you?


And whats that got to do with the price of fish? GIRL


You must have brown eyes, because you are full of crap. You don't have enough divisions left to push me out of Hamburg!

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Guest Spongebob
Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


The Danish and Czech Sponge Expertmination Squads are running riot around my northern provinces. They are on a mission to wipe Spongistan off the face of the map but this will not happen.


We have forced the interlopers out of Hamburg but our valient suicide squad in Czechoslovakia fought to the last Sponge. We have continued to pound the Danish coast and have started to use our bombs on the Danish rail network.


I had a question from the state controlled press asking how we are doing against the Danish and Czechs, I responded by saying Danish marines are no match for Frankfurt Armour and that Czechoslovakia is not worthy of my attention, Poland and Hungary will take care of Czechoslovakia and I will take care of Denmark.



You have brown eyes don't you?


And whats that got to do with the price of fish? GIRL


You must have brown eyes, because you are full of crap. You don't have enough divisions left to push me out of Hamburg!


As a sponge I can soak up a lot of punishment, I become mishapen but return to my normal shape and when I am done I can be squeezed dry to come back and MOP UP YOUR BLOODIED BODY FROM THE STREETS OF COPENHAGEN


So keep coming, its you and me Girl and your gonna lose eventually.

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Just continue to abuse the yellow victim , Shadowy Figure . You are scoring some good hits on that idiot.....love to see that . Brown-eyed Bob...sounds kinda neat , but I will keep yellow victim as his name . Still the idea is really good , and probably has alot of truth in it .

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Can I just draw the worlds attention to the important conflict that involves the lives of millions of Sponges. Germanys survival. Sand in far off lands are no concern of the civilised world.


The Danish and Czech Sponge Expertmination Squads are running riot around my northern provinces. They are on a mission to wipe Spongistan off the face of the map but this will not happen.


We have forced the interlopers out of Hamburg but our valient suicide squad in Czechoslovakia fought to the last Sponge. We have continued to pound the Danish coast and have started to use our bombs on the Danish rail network.


I had a question from the state controlled press asking how we are doing against the Danish and Czechs, I responded by saying Danish marines are no match for Frankfurt Armour and that Czechoslovakia is not worthy of my attention, Poland and Hungary will take care of Czechoslovakia and I will take care of Denmark.



Hmm, it appears that xHamburg has fallen to the Danes, perhaps your veracity is in question here? Don't you have enough trouble without going to war with Great Britain?

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I got my results back Spongie, and you are a big fat liar!


I think I will rename my 2nd army to the Rubber Army, since you bounced off it so many times.


No rail strikes, no naval movement, little damage done, you have FAILED again!


Your 7 cavalry divisions are trapped in Minden and will be destroyed next turn.


That leaves you with only 6 divisions scattered around. (2 armor, 3 Inf and a mtn)


No match for the 9th or Rubber armies.


Should I start singing your funeral dirge?

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Guest Spongebob

Start singing all you want subtefuege is also part of the battle. As for starting on GB well I had to try, those Mechs are potentially more dangerous than the whole Danish Rubber Army because Mr X is an opponent with a reputation and the Danish army is full of GIRLS

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Your 7 cavalry divisions are trapped in Minden and will be destroyed next turn.



Horses? Wrong century Sponge, wrong century. Napoleon used horses. Real men use Panzers! Hardened steel und combustion engines! If you love animals go to the Zoo. Vell this saturday another round of Sponge wringen begins. Looking forward to it.


Time to have a drink und stare at zhe map. Yes yes it is printed 200% und glued to zhe wall. I throw darts at Germany. Needless to say the wall needs repair at that place.



Have a lovely weekend!

Von Manstein

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Your 7 cavalry divisions are trapped in Minden and will be destroyed next turn.



Horses? Wrong century Sponge, wrong century. Napoleon used horses. Real men use Panzers! Hardened steel und combustion engines! If you love animals go to the Zoo. Vell this saturday another round of Sponge wringen begins. Looking forward to it.


Time to have a drink und stare at zhe map. Yes yes it is printed 200% und glued to zhe wall. I throw darts at Germany. Needless to say the wall needs repair at that place.



Have a lovely weekend!

Von Manstein


CAV divisions have their use. They are doing good work in those situations where an INF is too slow and a MECH is overkill, like gobbling up empty desert and undefended cities. And when upgraded from Static's they are cheap.

That's why the Syrians, Saudi's, Persians and Iraqi all have CAV divisions. But no one here has a stack of 7 CAV. And we all probably use camels anyway.

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