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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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[quote name='Kurassier' post='47895' date='Mar 10 2010, 06:04 PM'


Have no fear, Spongebobs here - I'll Save You :rolleyes:

Don'tr need saving at the moment. Might ask Persia if he needs help.


The best thing you can do now, Bob, is to survive longer in this game than Kurassier.

Doing 120 EM orders to help your TA's does not count as "survival" for me.


Hmmm if there's one thing I learned in Vic80 it's that 'never ever quit' is a very good strategy and most players are surprised if you don't roll over & die after the first attack.


After doing 90EM's and surviving for several turns I'm now racing towards Madrid. Funny.

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The new map for turn 13:




Sweden moved to "dropped"

Hungary shown as belonging to two major alliances.

Changed the list of who is at war with another.

Purple sure is having an interesting game

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The new map for turn 13:




Sweden moved to "dropped"

Hungary shown as belonging to two major alliances.

Changed the list of who is at war with another.

Purple sure is having an interesting game


I am a little color blind, is purple the western alliance?

Also, Ireland and the western hemispere are in cahoots, you can change them to the same color.

Bob is full of crap as usual, he is toast.

Austria is invading France, not sure it will go well for him.

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I am a little color blind, is purple the western alliance?

Also, Ireland and the western hemispere are in cahoots, you can change them to the same color.

Bob is full of crap as usual, he is toast.

Austria is invading France, not sure it will go well for him.


The western alliance is purple.

I will update the map halfway through turn 14 and add names to the alliances.


Atlantic (ireland, USA, Canada)

Northern (Baltic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Iceland, Hungary)

Western (France, Spain, GB, Denmark, Czechoslovakia)

Adriatic (Italy, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece)

East Balkan (Rumania, Bulgaria)

Russian (C and S Russia)

Mideastern (Iraq, Persia, Transjordan, Turkey, Syria)

Southern (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Algeria)

African (Morocco, Libya)

Central (Germany, Hungary)




Any idea who is to suffer under the combined attention of the "Atlantic alliance"? Is everyone against the western alliance?

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I am a little color blind, is purple the western alliance?

Also, Ireland and the western hemispere are in cahoots, you can change them to the same color.

Bob is full of crap as usual, he is toast.

Austria is invading France, not sure it will go well for him.


The western alliance is purple.

I will update the map halfway through turn 14 and add names to the alliances.


Atlantic (ireland, USA, Canada)

Northern (Baltic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Iceland, Hungary)

Western (France, Spain, GB, Denmark, Czechoslovakia)

Adriatic (Italy, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece)

East Balkan (Rumania, Bulgaria)

Russian (C and S Russia)

Mideastern (Iraq, Persia, Transjordan, Turkey, Syria)

Southern (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Algeria)

African (Morocco, Libya)

Central (Germany, Hungary)




Any idea who is to suffer under the combined attention of the "Atlantic alliance"? Is everyone against the western alliance?


It sure feels that way.

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Guest Spongebob

Well the Sponge is NOT full of crap :rolleyes: Czech is down to TWO, yes thats right TWO home provinces. Me I am on the march to regain my capital and nothing is in my way, no Czech, no Danish and definatly no French or British. So stick that in your X spot and smoke it :wacko:

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Guest Spongebob
It sure feels that way.


Nothing more than you deserve GIRL for picking on a Sponge, its a little harder to play Denmark when the world is against you. I already have a deposit on Copenhagen once the population is starved to less than 50 :wacko:

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Guest Spongebob

Have you all noticed that now the tide has turned how meek the mighty are. No more do we have the likes of Denmark spouting negative propaganda against the Sponge and the mighty Lesser Spongistanian Empire. Now you and your cohorts are facing some real opposition your all tight lipped.


Lets keep it that way shall we, the less we hear from you the better.


Now me on the other hand have had a studdy conducted by the University of Public Opinion. I fully understand why nations choose not to allign themselves with the Sponge, I dont last long but you should never underestimate the value of a Sponge.


Take that into account next time the Sponge is on your border. :wacko: I may be a junior partner in all that is taking place but when the crunch comes, the Sponge will still be here.

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Sponge, your lack of knowledge of this game is epic. You are hardly on the way back, in fact, you are turns away from complete annihilation. The Austrians face a disaster of major magnitude.


The reason you do not hear from us all the time, is how many times and how many ways can you say somebody is toast?

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Guest Spongebob
Sponge, your lack of knowledge of this game is epic. You are hardly on the way back, in fact, you are turns away from complete annihilation. The Austrians face a disaster of major magnitude.


The reason you do not hear from us all the time, is how many times and how many ways can you say somebody is toast?


Keep thinking the way you are and we shall soon see who is facing disaster. I have a Prussian holiday home, a deposit waiting to pay the first one who cedes me copenhagen and a hidden mountain hideaway so I am going to be in this game for a very very long time.

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Sponge, your lack of knowledge of this game is epic. You are hardly on the way back, in fact, you are turns away from complete annihilation. The Austrians face a disaster of major magnitude.


The reason you do not hear from us all the time, is how many times and how many ways can you say somebody is toast?


Keep thinking the way you are and we shall soon see who is facing disaster. I have a Prussian holiday home, a deposit waiting to pay the first one who cedes me copenhagen and a hidden mountain hideaway so I am going to be in this game for a very very long time.



Well, you cannot get ceded Copenhagen in this game, it is too large. For it to get below 25 will take 70 turns of starvation. That pretty much sums up the fantasy land you live in I suppose. You think that mishmash of divisions in Fulda will survive now that I have nothing to do but kill sponges? You have been ignored for some time, but not any more.

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Guest Spongebob

You think that mish mash of divisions will still be thier when you arrive from Alsfeld? :thumbsup:


What you mean :wacko: I cant have Copenhagen, Lets see shall we, we have to cut off Copenhagen to start the Starvation, then we can kill some of the population with coastal bombardments, air raids and a touch of Genocide. I already have great leaders who see the value of the Sponge in his true Capital plotting to hand over the prize. When that is handed over the propaganda miles I can get out of that will last me till game 120.


My ownership of Copenhagen in this game will happen, you can bank on it. Just need to get a few fishing boats and a few marines, oh and make my way to a port, :rolleyes: and build a shipyard, get some supplies, and money, and.... well you get the picture. As you can see I have thought this through and the plan is set.

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The Austrians face a disaster of major magnitude.


:wacko: Russss! I quit.

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