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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Ummm, didn't you declare war on GB? :woohoo:


I did, but AFTER the UAE did. Apologies were expressed for that. It was the only way to kick you out. And Tunesia. And Algeria. Kuwayt is liberated now. Alas, as GB is already TA'd with 4 other nations it is impossible to cede control back. But no problem. The people of Kuwayt are in good hands now. Though those who suffered under UAE occupation (And Tunesia, and Algeria), are still a bit upset. We are working on that.



Umm, if you have sued me for peace, I must of missed it

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One word for smearpants...coward



It's not that he is afraid to fight, he just doesn't know how to do it.


I guess he could be afraid since he let me take his country after defeating armies in Dortmund and Hamburg.

The coward was in regards to smearpant's posturing that he was going to conquer the SN universe , and a couple of weeks later he dropped his SN position....he posted something on our boards ( he has been on ignore for some time , so I am not sure or even curious what he said ) , so I posted this back for that little idiot .

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Guest Spongebob
I have been awaiting more pithy comments from Manstein and Spongeboob, but I guess they just cannot think of anything to say.


I just got my results Mr X Rated, so what sort of comment do you want. Shall I tell you the one about the Brave German army standing upto the Czech and French armies who came to rescue the feeble citizens of Prague :ranting: Well they succeeded but only in revealing how desperate they are.... two huge armies to fight off 4 divisions made up of old men and boys. I bet I had Coot scared for a second din't I? Having to call on the French to save him, the French for petes sake.


I understand southern France is nice this time of year, I have been getting a number of postcards from the area. So I wonder what is going to happen next, one thing is for sure the Coot has only delayed his demise a turn, he still has no where to run and the French can keep Prague, the jobs the same, isolation.


I win either way. :rolleyes:

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I have been awaiting more pithy comments from Manstein and Spongeboob, but I guess they just cannot think of anything to say.


I can't speak for the Sponge--face it, who wants to?--but I'm sure Manstein is thinking...wait for it...drumrolls please...that it's better to be pithed off than pithed on. :ranting::cheers::rolleyes:

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I'm not quite sure what is so brave about German panzers who sneak in behind enemy lines trying to take a city without a fight. No part of my country is taken without a fight. Unfortunately for Sponge, those supposed brave troops are now working the coal mines of Teplice.


As for running out of room to run - I employ a different strategy than running. I fight. The only reason you are still in this game, Spongy, is because Germany has lots of room to run and hide. That to me doesn't seem very satisfying, but if that is the best you can do...


I also was thinking of how Spongy can survive possibly to turn 25. If he were to take a bigger country like Northern Russia, he might last to say turn 30. There are lots of little places to hide in that country.

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I hate to admit this but the Sponge is right about one thing. The French troops who came to wipe out the Germans in Prague was a tactical error. I will now leave them alone and head to finish off the final Czechoslovakian army.



I doubt that. They not only killed off Spongeboobs tanks, they wasted your best army. And that is just a sideshow for France, as Austria found out.

I am not sure you are the hunter anymore, we shall see.

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I hate to admit this but the Sponge is right about one thing. The French troops who came to wipe out the Germans in Prague was a tactical error. I will now leave them alone and head to finish off the final Czechoslovakian army.



I doubt that. They not only killed off Spongeboobs tanks, they wasted your best army. And that is just a sideshow for France, as Austria found out.

I am not sure you are the hunter anymore, we shall see.


I did more damage to the French military machine than he did to me so I will take that at face value, France has a stark choice. Stay in Prague, come out for round two or head home with his tail between his legs. As France does not post here I can only hope his allies speak wise words and advise him to head home. His lines of supply are stretched, mine are not, read into that what you will. Go home while you still can, their is a time when you cannot save an ally and to try is foolish.

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I hate to admit this but the Sponge is right about one thing. The French troops who came to wipe out the Germans in Prague was a tactical error. I will now leave them alone and head to finish off the final Czechoslovakian army.



I doubt that. They not only killed off Spongeboobs tanks, they wasted your best army. And that is just a sideshow for France, as Austria found out.

I am not sure you are the hunter anymore, we shall see.


I did more damage to the French military machine than he did to me so I will take that at face value, France has a stark choice. Stay in Prague, come out for round two or head home with his tail between his legs. As France does not post here I can only hope his allies speak wise words and advise him to head home. His lines of supply are stretched, mine are not, read into that what you will. Go home while you still can, their is a time when you cannot save an ally and to try is foolish.


Bah, you no doubt are putting some stock in the Austrian invasion of France. Manstein is not being forthcoming with news of his disaster, so just let me say this, the only Austrians still on French soil are dead or POW's.


France accomplished exactly what he wanted. If he leaves Czechoslovakia, it will be because he wants to, not with his tail between his legs. That is just a small part of his army, and he does not need it in France.


You have far more worries than France, as you will soon see.

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Bah, you no doubt are putting some stock in the Austrian invasion of France. Manstein is not being forthcoming with news of his disaster, so just let me say this, the only Austrians still on French soil are dead or POW's.


France accomplished exactly what he wanted. If he leaves Czechoslovakia, it will be because he wants to, not with his tail between his legs. That is just a small part of his army, and he does not need it in France.


You have far more worries than France, as you will soon see.


Hmmm love this game!


Have to admit I was surprised to find that many troops you-know-where. I applaud your strategy it worked very well. But it ain't over till zhe fat lady sings. Und she will sing, very very loud...


In the mean time, come visit the Alps. Beautifull this time of year. Green fields, flowers, Sponges, sheep. Very very nice.


Oh nice targets for my Ju88's in Prague I understand? :rolleyes:




Von Manstein

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I have been awaiting more pithy comments from Manstein and Spongeboob, but I guess they just cannot think of anything to say.


I can't speak for the Sponge--face it, who wants to?--but I'm sure Manstein is thinking...wait for it...drumrolls please...that it's better to be pithed off than pithed on. :cheers: :cheers: :rolleyes:




Thinking, planning, using Excel, VOEPing, moving armies, contacting people, calling up zhe forces of the Dark Side, planning a route to xParis. Resistance is futile. France will be terminated.


Spongeboob? :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:



Life ist gut.

Von Manstein

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