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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Not up to your usual fine work Dag. How did Great Britain become allied to the USA?


The map was made on the blank original by Spongebob. I challenged him to make such a map and gave him the blank original, When he made the map I posted it on the forum.

The next map by me will be in about a week or so,

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Guest Spongebob

So your an art critic now Mr X :thumbsup: you never seemed to be interested when Germany was being shown in white yet cry about northern Ireland being taken from you. I cannot wait till you and the Traitor start scrapping, I'm going to sit on that fence eating pop corn, drinking cola and laugh my square pants off and your mutual destruction. If I was you Mr X I would turn tail and run on home, your gonna need all the troops you can muster to defend against the Americas :thumbsup:

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So your an art critic now Mr X :thumbsup: you never seemed to be interested when Germany was being shown in white yet cry about northern Ireland being taken from you. I cannot wait till you and the Traitor start scrapping, I'm going to sit on that fence eating pop corn, drinking cola and laugh my square pants off and your mutual destruction. If I was you Mr X I would turn tail and run on home, your gonna need all the troops you can muster to defend against the Americas :thumbsup:


Since you will basically be eliminated by the end of my next turn, are you saying that you are going to stick around to watch the fun?

Not like those 6 weak sauce divisions in Coburg will stand up to tanks. This is almost 1941, what do you hope to accomplish with cavalry against modern armies?

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Guest Spongebob

I could ammend that map but it would give away far too much information to the enemy. And yes I am going to stick around as long as I can and be a thorn in the side of you Heritics. You have Earthling to thank for that, in 85 he has taught me much from the confinds of his wheelchair.


The Sponge has always been about the fun, not the winning, not even the taking part, its the fun and the perverse pleasure I get from watching you lot chew on your own fat trying to wipe me out. You so blinded by hatred of the Sponge you have not seen what the Sponge is... I am the second coming, My followers grow stronger every day, they see the underdog and defend its cause.


You infidels can never understand the meaning of greatness until you fall on your swords and worship all that is... SPONGE!!!! :thumbsup:

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Guest Spongebob

Hey Mr X maybe you should ask yourself about how I got my prediction right about Ireland whuppin your ass.... Well I cannot wait to tell you


Hersir is my best bud, we planned the fake hatred since forever and the Irish, American and Canadians are coming to Rescue Germany. Wont be long before my allies are landing on the west coast of France, landing on the beaches of England and stomping all the way to the German border.... oh.... :python: Denmark WILL be mine, you can bank on it.


Thanks Hersir, your a star, still a double crossing back stabbing git, but still a star - I could not have done it without you.

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Hey Mr X maybe you should ask yourself about how I got my prediction right about Ireland whuppin your ass.... Well I cannot wait to tell you


Hersir is my best bud, we planned the fake hatred since forever and the Irish, American and Canadians are coming to Rescue Germany. Wont be long before my allies are landing on the west coast of France, landing on the beaches of England and stomping all the way to the German border.... oh.... :python: Denmark WILL be mine, you can bank on it.


Thanks Hersir, your a star, still a double crossing back stabbing git, but still a star - I could not have done it without you.


Wow, what a relief. I was worried you would be rooting for me in the war with Ireland. I have been expecting Ireland to go to war with me for some time, and am not really very worried. He may do some damage, while I am pointed at the mainland, but I am confident in the ultimate outcome. I know his new world friends will be involved, and welcome that challenge. It will be fun to fight an opponent, rather than a punching bag like Spongeboob.

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Hey Mr X maybe you should ask yourself about how I got my prediction right about Ireland whuppin your ass.... Well I cannot wait to tell you


Hersir is my best bud, we planned the fake hatred since forever and the Irish, American and Canadians are coming to Rescue Germany. Wont be long before my allies are landing on the west coast of France, landing on the beaches of England and stomping all the way to the German border.... oh.... :python: Denmark WILL be mine, you can bank on it.


Thanks Hersir, your a star, still a double crossing back stabbing git, but still a star - I could not have done it without you.


When you start ranting like that you remind of that song my grandfather listened to on that silly Dr Demento show.


I think it was something like "They're coming to take me away". I guess they forgot you. Wish I could, that or defeat, I mean face you each game.


What medication did you forget to take today?

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I loved that song.... " They're coming to take me away , haha , they're coming to take me away , haha , the funny white men in funny white clothes , they're coming to take me away , haha " . It had a catchy tune to it as well . That much I could remember....

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I loved that song.... " They're coming to take me away , haha , they're coming to take me away , haha , the funny white men in funny white clothes , they're coming to take me away , haha " . It had a catchy tune to it as well . That much I could remember....


Napoleon XIV

"They are coming to take me away"


Just look under Napoleon XIV on Youtube.

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Hey Mr X maybe you should ask yourself about how I got my prediction right about Ireland whuppin your ass.... Well I cannot wait to tell you


Hersir is my best bud, we planned the fake hatred since forever and the Irish, American and Canadians are coming to Rescue Germany. Wont be long before my allies are landing on the west coast of France, landing on the beaches of England and stomping all the way to the German border.... oh.... :python: Denmark WILL be mine, you can bank on it.


Thanks Hersir, your a star, still a double crossing back stabbing git, but still a star - I could not have done it without you.


I sure hope this does not challenge my #1 position on your list :mellow:

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Hey Mr X maybe you should ask yourself about how I got my prediction right about Ireland whuppin your ass.... Well I cannot wait to tell you


Hersir is my best bud, we planned the fake hatred since forever and the Irish, American and Canadians are coming to Rescue Germany. Wont be long before my allies are landing on the west coast of France, landing on the beaches of England and stomping all the way to the German border.... oh.... :python: Denmark WILL be mine, you can bank on it.


Thanks Hersir, your a star, still a double crossing back stabbing git, but still a star - I could not have done it without you.


I sure hope this does not challenge my #1 position on your list :mellow:


Wow Hersir, I was expecting a heck of a fight, but how tough could a sponge lackey be?

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