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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Why, are you planning to lose some soon? :ranting:


I'll do my best to keep ahead of you. I could use Italy as a stepping point for further expansion of the TJ empire, and a foothold in europe. Seems like the appropriate place to trample under the boots of my numerous legions.


Our alliance already is at war with the nr 1 on this list. You, as the nr 2, want to extend the conflict to the nr 3? Ever heard of the concept of "Hubris"?


Wasn't that the name of the main character in that series written bij Piers Anthony, "Bio of a space tyrant"?


I'm not at war with Algeria. I (almost) wasn't involved in actions against SA and UAE (who both declared war on me). Southern European alliance is at war with both the west and the east (where they're not really winning as far as we can see). How many troops do you think are located in the heel of Italy? This would be a perfect time to attack there. And it would strenghten the west european alliance, giving them some air to organize. As far as I can see, a perfect strategy (as long as the russians don't get involved in the war, that is).


I like how you think. We are only at war with half the countries in the game.


Yes, I'm always one who helps the poor and needy of this world.... :-)


Who said you need to be poor to be needy? :ranting:


but you are right..taking a province in the tail of Italy will not be a big challance. :ranting: ..staying there however will be of a complete other dimension... :ranting:


Super Mario

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Why, are you planning to lose some soon? :ranting:


I'll do my best to keep ahead of you. I could use Italy as a stepping point for further expansion of the TJ empire, and a foothold in europe. Seems like the appropriate place to trample under the boots of my numerous legions.


Our alliance already is at war with the nr 1 on this list. You, as the nr 2, want to extend the conflict to the nr 3? Ever heard of the concept of "Hubris"?


Wasn't that the name of the main character in that series written bij Piers Anthony, "Bio of a space tyrant"?


I'm not at war with Algeria. I (almost) wasn't involved in actions against SA and UAE (who both declared war on me). Southern European alliance is at war with both the west and the east (where they're not really winning as far as we can see). How many troops do you think are located in the heel of Italy? This would be a perfect time to attack there. And it would strenghten the west european alliance, giving them some air to organize. As far as I can see, a perfect strategy (as long as the russians don't get involved in the war, that is).


I like how you think. We are only at war with half the countries in the game.


Yes, I'm always one who helps the poor and needy of this world.... :-)


Who said you need to be poor to be needy? :ranting:


but you are right..taking a province in the tail of Italy will not be a big challance. :ranting: ..staying there however will be of a complete other dimension... :ranting:


Super Mario


I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.

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Well if that scenario was to take place then I would have to make an intervention, any situation that threatens the Hungarian way of life would have to be challenged. At this time I have only one very weak enemy, then I will have another to deal with. You do not want to force my hand and make me change direction. I have more than enough allies to cover my rear whichever direction that is. While I am heading west everyone else is safe and will be of no concern of me. But do not underestimate my resolve. Become a target and I will fire. Finally, if you do not want to become a target and to mitigate any misunderstanding it would be wise for all interested parties to send me a carrier pigeon. :ranting:

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Why, are you planning to lose some soon? :ranting:


I'll do my best to keep ahead of you. I could use Italy as a stepping point for further expansion of the TJ empire, and a foothold in europe. Seems like the appropriate place to trample under the boots of my numerous legions.


Our alliance already is at war with the nr 1 on this list. You, as the nr 2, want to extend the conflict to the nr 3? Ever heard of the concept of "Hubris"?


Wasn't that the name of the main character in that series written bij Piers Anthony, "Bio of a space tyrant"?


I'm not at war with Algeria. I (almost) wasn't involved in actions against SA and UAE (who both declared war on me). Southern European alliance is at war with both the west and the east (where they're not really winning as far as we can see). How many troops do you think are located in the heel of Italy? This would be a perfect time to attack there. And it would strenghten the west european alliance, giving them some air to organize. As far as I can see, a perfect strategy (as long as the russians don't get involved in the war, that is).


I like how you think. We are only at war with half the countries in the game.


Yes, I'm always one who helps the poor and needy of this world.... :-)


Who said you need to be poor to be needy? :ranting:


but you are right..taking a province in the tail of Italy will not be a big challance. :ranting: ..staying there however will be of a complete other dimension... :ranting:


Super Mario


I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


As in real life reserves are sooooo nice to have.


As our Czech friend found out the hard way...

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I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt.


Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place.

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I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt.


Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place.



defending the whole 'boot' of Italy is always a challange...however building, transporting and protecting landing units is an even bigger one...


it can be done in a way that it is annoying to Italy, but it will be much more costly to the invader. how ever in somecases sacrificing some abbundant africans for the good of a few spanish may be worth while...


or it can be done to invade and stay... however the preparations needed for that are very significant...


finally only talking about it might result in Italy investing in defense... if he would be impressed... fortunately It's Super Mario....they don't call him super for nothing. :ranting: .. he is not impressed...

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Well if that scenario was to take place then I would have to make an intervention, any situation that threatens the Hungarian way of life would have to be challenged. At this time I have only one very weak enemy, then I will have another to deal with. You do not want to force my hand and make me change direction. I have more than enough allies to cover my rear whichever direction that is. While I am heading west everyone else is safe and will be of no concern of me. But do not underestimate my resolve. Become a target and I will fire. Finally, if you do not want to become a target and to mitigate any misunderstanding it would be wise for all interested parties to send me a carrier pigeon. :ranting:


At the moment you seem to be part of a bigger anti - WEA (Western European Alliance) - Alliance.

Your possible intervention in the Balkan war could easily swing that war in either direction. You can Avenge the Swiss (Rebember Geneva!) or joint the other team. The MEA has absolutely NO plans against you for the forseeable future. It the Russians however attack us from behind while we are still occupied on the Arabian Peninsula we would think highly of you if you somehow could do the same to them.


Brought to you by courier camel,

The MEA (Middle East Alliance)

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Guest Spongebob
I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt.


Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place.


I will tell you how they got into this Mess - ME - they were so blinded by the easy target I was that they did not think of what would happen once I was gone. Sometimes it is wise to be a friend if the Sponge even if the Sponge does not survive. :ranting:

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I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt.


Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place.


I will tell you how they got into this Mess - ME - they were so blinded by the easy target I was that they did not think of what would happen once I was gone. Sometimes it is wise to be a friend if the Sponge even if the Sponge does not survive. :ranting:


Not quite Spongie. With Denmark, France and Czechoslovakia TAs, what is the obvious country to attack? As for the rest, just a confluence of events. Ireland and Great Britain are always fated to fight, and Ireland had two TAs. Poland attacked Czechoslovakia sensing an easy kill, but found out otherwise. He was checked until Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind. Norway, BS and Finland took out Sweden, and their obvious next target was Denmark. Same with Italy and Austria after Switzerland, we knew they would be attacking us. Yugoslaviia and Greece happen to be their TAs. Algeria fought Spain for Morocco, as for Tunisia, something there is fishy. Anyway, just the fact of too many neighbors. I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.

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Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind.


Country Hopping, is this some sort of Dance? I went into exile from Switzerland and when the great nation of Hungary found itself being torn apart by civil war I just stepped into the political void and brought order to chaos. I could have seeked revenge on the Austrians but the people of Switzerland decided they would be better off under Austrian and Italian rule. Who am I to go against public opinion.


Czechoslovakia was already at war with Hungary, they thought they could grab an easy meal.


One final thing, the odds you speak of, do I detect a hint of desperation?

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Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind.


Country Hopping, is this some sort of Dance? I went into exile from Switzerland and when the great nation of Hungary found itself being torn apart by civil war I just stepped into the political void and brought order to chaos. I could have seeked revenge on the Austrians but the people of Switzerland decided they would be better off under Austrian and Italian rule. Who am I to go against public opinion.


Czechoslovakia was already at war with Hungary, they thought they could grab an easy meal.


One final thing, the odds you speak of, do I detect a hint of desperation?



Yes, in a way it is, the dance of the beaten. They cannot accept having been defeated, and so they change to another country, and claim to be doing well, when in effect they have already lost this game. I have long said I consider the practice to be gamey and unethical, but it is there, so I will deal with it.


As for desperate, there is no time when Victory! is as fun as when facing huge odds. I have done it enough times, it does not faze me at all. The question is, with all of your numbers advantages, what will you have to say if you lose?

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Okay beaten yes but their was an opening and I took it. Its not breaking the rules but I do accept your point, however in my defense Hungary was not in great shape when I assumed power, its only advantage over Switzerland was that the country was complete. In my opinion and in no way is this meant disparingly on the previous player; it had not expanded, was very much in a "Defensive" stance. If I compare my holdings with others you will find I am still a minor player in this grand design.

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I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.



It's gonna be a long hot summer. :blush:

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I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.



It's gonna be a long hot summer. :blush:


Better not tell that to my troops in the desert, they might desert. :rolleyes:

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I am not so sure. With your entire air force and all of your troops in the north, and the Spanish now in the war, can you afford to pull forces from that front? I think a one division attack would have little chance at success, but a well thought out offensive could drive you out of the war.


But then, wouldn't this be the case for every country in war? I'd not be happy if someone landed in my homecountry, while all armies are running around wreaking havoc in egypt.


Guess meanwhile your alliance is at war with more than half of the world. How did ya'll get into this predicament? Caught between a rock and a hard place.


I will tell you how they got into this Mess - ME - they were so blinded by the easy target I was that they did not think of what would happen once I was gone. Sometimes it is wise to be a friend if the Sponge even if the Sponge does not survive. :blush:


Not quite Spongie. With Denmark, France and Czechoslovakia TAs, what is the obvious country to attack? As for the rest, just a confluence of events. Ireland and Great Britain are always fated to fight, and Ireland had two TAs. Poland attacked Czechoslovakia sensing an easy kill, but found out otherwise. He was checked until Monty did the country hopping thing into Hungary and hit the Czechs from behind. Norway, BS and Finland took out Sweden, and their obvious next target was Denmark. Same with Italy and Austria after Switzerland, we knew they would be attacking us. Yugoslaviia and Greece happen to be their TAs. Algeria fought Spain for Morocco, as for Tunisia, something there is fishy. Anyway, just the fact of too many neighbors. I like the odds though, 13 on 5. That is not counting 3 dead enemies. We may not hold, but we intend to cut down that 13 number a bit.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, isn't that what they say? So actually I think we are friends already. The African alliance (AFA) is in war with your alliance, we (MEA) are at war with them. So the WEA isn't all alone. There's even the EAE (BUL&ROM) which are also enemies of one of your other enemy alliances, the SEA. So the EAE are also our friends. So the WAE, the MEA and the EAE are fighting the NEA, the SEA, the AA and the AFA. Makes it more even, doesn't it? Only 3 vs 4.


Friend, what can we do for you?

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