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And of course, lets not forget Super Mario und der general. Not much in conquered cities, but lots of pop in lil ol suisse.


Moi? <looking innocent> All those swiss bankers? Worthless scum. Can't even produce their own food!!!




Lill frenchie is provin to be a tough nut to crack. But vhile I keep his troops occupied my little italian pasta eating friend is taking a walk in France, liberating a lot of provinces.


BTW Remember those 7 Czech divisions that tried to do the same thing in Vienna? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. :cheers:

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That map is looking better every turn. Appreciate the effort!


Oh congrats on the three extra seats vor D'66. Glad I could help. :thumbsup:


Aargh! now every Dutch player on the forum knows I am a politician! My credibility just went out of the window!

(In the National election over here the Dutch Democratic party went from 3 seats in parlement to 10. In the Municipal elections in march we gained 3 seats in the local city council. One of them is mine)


Thanks , btw! Party morale is excellent!

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And of course, lets not forget Super Mario und der general. Not much in conquered cities, but lots of pop in lil ol suisse.


Moi? <looking innocent> All those swiss bankers? Worthless scum. Can't even produce their own food!!!




Lill frenchie is provin to be a tough nut to crack. But vhile I keep his troops occupied my little italian pasta eating friend is taking a walk in France, liberating a lot of provinces.


BTW Remember those 7 Czech divisions that tried to do the same thing in Vienna? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. :cheers:


How can a serious General work together with those pasta eaters? Don't you know that they will let you down later on?


But rumors abound that the great austrian army met a horrifying fate in the fields of France. As your airforce was destroyed by those worthless bankers who fled to Hungary, so is the flower of austria destroyed in trenches of those goatcheese eating froggies. Keeping them occupied is another way of putting it.... :cheers:

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That map is looking better every turn. Appreciate the effort!


Oh congrats on the three extra seats vor D'66. Glad I could help. :thumbsup:


Aargh! now every Dutch player on the forum knows I am a politician! My credibility just went out of the window!

(In the National election over here the Dutch Democratic party went from 3 seats in parlement to 10. In the Municipal elections in march we gained 3 seats in the local city council. One of them is mine)


Thanks , btw! Party morale is excellent!


Sorry Dag but the link to your Vic map gave you away. But it's not exactly something to be ashamed for. On zhe contrary.




Von Manstein

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And of course, lets not forget Super Mario und der general. Not much in conquered cities, but lots of pop in lil ol suisse.


Moi? <looking innocent> All those swiss bankers? Worthless scum. Can't even produce their own food!!!




Lill frenchie is provin to be a tough nut to crack. But vhile I keep his troops occupied my little italian pasta eating friend is taking a walk in France, liberating a lot of provinces.


BTW Remember those 7 Czech divisions that tried to do the same thing in Vienna? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. :cheers:


How can a serious General work together with those pasta eaters? Don't you know that they will let you down later on?


But rumors abound that the great austrian army met a horrifying fate in the fields of France. As your airforce was destroyed by those worthless bankers who fled to Hungary, so is the flower of austria destroyed in trenches of those goatcheese eating froggies. Keeping them occupied is another way of putting it.... :cheers:


Italian: Monica Bellucci. :cheers:


No further arguments required.


As for those rumours: It ain't over till zhe fat lady sings.

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Congratulations with restoring the integrity of the United Arab Emirate territories. I was tempted to try to take xShiinas back straight away, but there were more tempting targets to concentrate on. There is always next turn but the airspace over the UAE is getting a bit crowded.


All ships of the Persian navy have glass bottoms. It is a special design feature to better detect and avoid all those mines .

This time a Marat class actually survived your air attack! We have to study this in detail. Maybe it's the beginning of a new trend.

We certainly did not expect to have to repair that unit!


In the meantime there are quite a few Iraqi T-34A's looking for a parking place to go shopping for ore.

And the city of xYas appears to be a fine place for the Persian army to rest after wandering through the desert during a summer turn.

Curious little boxes on tracks, those M2A4's. Nice first try for a tank. The Italians must be green with envy.

Maybe- after the war - we should organise a symposium for Emirate tank designers and Persian ship designers.

:cheers: The glass bottom boats are so the new Persian navy can see the old Persian navy. And that Marat should be glad that my navy found another target. Now the AK-1 former captains probably wish we had found the Marat..... :cheers:


The only reason I even mention the navy is I have to point to something going right. Although the families of my soldiers are glad to have them close to home, those pesky Persian and Iraqi soldiers are bad for the neighborhood. :thumbsup: Where is border security when you need it? :cheers:

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And of course, lets not forget Super Mario und der general. Not much in conquered cities, but lots of pop in lil ol suisse.


Moi? <looking innocent> All those swiss bankers? Worthless scum. Can't even produce their own food!!!




Lill frenchie is provin to be a tough nut to crack. But vhile I keep his troops occupied my little italian pasta eating friend is taking a walk in France, liberating a lot of provinces.


BTW Remember those 7 Czech divisions that tried to do the same thing in Vienna? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. :cheers:


How can a serious General work together with those pasta eaters? Don't you know that they will let you down later on?


But rumors abound that the great austrian army met a horrifying fate in the fields of France. As your airforce was destroyed by those worthless bankers who fled to Hungary, so is the flower of austria destroyed in trenches of those goatcheese eating froggies. Keeping them occupied is another way of putting it.... :cheers:


Not quite the disaster it could of been. Very close to total annihilation. The Austrians may have reserves, but they kind of need some frontline guys at the moment. The Itis have benefited from the French preoccupation with Austria, no doubt, but they have been corraled a bit of late.

Will Hungary ever actually take any cities of import in Czechoslovakia?

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Where is border security when you need it? :thumbsup:

You seem to have your border security outside of the border, instead of inside.


I did have a saharah vision when I though of Uzd.

a couple of cav on the edge of a dune, with legions and legions of demons inside the fabled and very lost city of Uzd.

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Where is border security when you need it? :thumbsup:

You seem to have your border security outside of the border, instead of inside.


I did have a saharah vision when I though of Uzd.

a couple of cav on the edge of a dune, with legions and legions of demons inside the fabled and very lost city of Uzd.


You are having a feeling for drama. No doubt you are imagining the Camel corps in the garb of the French foreign legion.

Coming soon: the famous last stand of the Iraqi Camel corps against overwhelming odds, while trying to secure the supply lines of the Iraqi armored army that has moved on to more profitable places.

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