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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Another turn almost gone by, tech period 21 is about to start.


The major event this turn must be the fall of some Czech cities to the Hungarian forces. After a declaration of war in turn 5, cities have finally fallen. Internal conflict, a change of leadership, all issues that had to be resolved before Hungary could really join in the events of this world, but finally they have. This joining seems to declare the end of one of the countries of the mighty WEA. Are the rumors true? Are there still Czech forces? Do they hide behind the forces of their allies? Hungary has declared that they won't stop before they reach the North Sea, and won't hesitate to cross the channel in search of their enemies. Next to the home cities, the Czech stronghold in Berlin has also been destroyed, to the polish agressors.


Other news: Canada seems bent on conquering Portugal in a record time. Will Spain have any chance, with half of Portugal gone? Will the British be able to turn the tide? France is also in this war, but he seems to have some small issues with Italy, who continues to gobble up cities in France as if they were pasta. More WEA losses, Denmark seems to be losing home cities to it's agressors. Will the WEA be able to stand against all these losses? Is the WEA crumbling already?


The world seems to have gone up in flames. But who are the agressors? Which countries seem to be so intent on war that they dare declare on anybody? Here is a list:

1) France, in dire straits at the moment, is number one, with 9 declarations of war

2) Austria, after liberating lil' ol' Suisse, has declared 7 more times, for a total of 8 wars.

3) Algeria, way down south, still manages to meddle in european affairs, with 7 declarations of war.

4) Syria seems to be the major agressor in the middle east, with 6 declarations.

4) Denmark, complaining that they are victims and attacked by everyone, has also declared 6 times, so don't feel sorry for the Danes.

6) Ireland, Italy and Persia are following close behind with 5 declarations of war.


Who are the victims, who are those everyone wants a piece of?

1) Great Brittain has been declared upon 8 times, but some of those declarations are from overseas. But even with 6 serious declarations GB is still going strong.

2) Chechoslovakia, the Czech are having a hard time with 7 wars declared on them.

2) Spain, who had an easy time with Portugal, now feels a cold steel sword descending on them. They also have 7 wars declared on them.

4) Germany, what happened their is widely known, 6 countries have declared on the Sponge (guess the other 33 would've declared also, given the chance)

5) Denmark, one of the great agressors, is also declared upon 5 times. Maybe we should feel (a bit) sorry for shadowy figures? Losing home cities can't be good for morale.

6) Libya, gone, as far as we know. Gulliblepratt, has he been true to his name? Has he fallen for promises of the African Alliance. 4 countries have thus far declared on Libya.

6) France, Agressor Number One, also has 4 wars declared on him. Sowing the seeds of war and now reaping the grim profits. Will he survive?


20 turns gone, 53 more to go. Where will this end? A quick overview of the biggest winners so far (some seem to be losing again):

1) Algeria. 10 cities conquered. Put into perspective: it is just one country with lots of 25+ cities, Morocco.

2) Trans Jordan, 8 cities conquered. Egypt has fallen and one city in Libya has been overrun.

3) Italy, 7 cities. Super Mario owns part of Suisse, 3 cities in France and 2 in Yugo, but those city are probably liberated, aren't they?

4) Syria, has galloped over the western part of the desert kingdom with 5 cities conquered

5) France, 5 cities in Lowlands and Germany. But with 3! home cities lost, the gain seems small

6) Spain, 5 cities in Portugal. Having lost 3! of those, and a home city, to the North American Alliance, makes this somewhat overrated.


Lucky for the world, the greatest winners seem to be at odds with each other. Des, other topics on the forum mention you to be one of the best. I'm ready to rumble!


Edited for the latest news!


An excellent synopsis. A few details for you.

Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales.

The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA.

The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone.

USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated.

The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power.

We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid.

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Another turn almost gone by, tech period 21 is about to start.



20 turns gone, 53 more to go. Where will this end? A quick overview of the biggest winners so far (some seem to be losing again):


3) Italy, 7 cities. Super Mario owns part of Suisse, 3 cities in France and 2 in Yugo, but those city are probably liberated, aren't they?



Lucky for the world, the greatest winners seem to be at odds with each other. Des, other topics on the forum mention you to be one of the best. I'm ready to rumble!


Edited for the latest news!



well we can hardly call these two villages in Yugo a city... no decent pizza availlable... I have some nice Rumanian though...

France is going down fast now...several armies were eliminated these last days and cities taken....


Dageraad should colour switzerland green.. these watchmakers have been fully assimilated in a way that the Borg would be jealouz about..



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Just a minor point but xBratislavia will not last the Winter and as previously stated Hungary is the lynch pin between two great alliances.


Here in Hungary we have been training many of the unemployed, mostly czech migrants in the nobel art of Fishing, for when we reach the North Sea. There will be plenty of Jobs once the British have been forced to cut the quotas on North Sea Cod

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An excellent synopsis. A few details for you.

Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales.

The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA.

The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone.

USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated.

The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power.

We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid.


Thanks for filling in the details. Down south we don't get much info, too many mines in the Med and too much fighter cover to risks any planes.... :thumbsup:


I just took all world events en mixed them up in a story. Never tells the complete story of course, but I wanted to put some data in excel anyways, easier to manipulate. Good luck on your defense, and good luck on surviving to you all, you'll need it.

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An excellent synopsis. A few details for you.

Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales.

The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA.

The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone.

USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated.

The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power.

We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid.


A very interesting assessment, Mark, and certainly a rose-colored assessment. I guess the real question is....can any alliance fight on all fronts and survive? Spain now has less production than he started with, and I suspect France is in the same position. Your alliance was ill prepared for an early strike from North America, and may have more trouble than you think repelling our invasion. I am glad to hear Czech and Denmark are standing tall defensively....and equally glad that Spain is not (grin). How long can Britain and Spain focus on Ireland/USA/Canada when the eastern frontier is collapsing? Should be interesting to see the next few turns of progress on all fronts.

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Another turn almost gone by, tech period 21 is about to start.


The major event this turn must be the fall of some Czech cities to the Hungarian forces. After a declaration of war in turn 5, cities have finally fallen. Internal conflict, a change of leadership, all issues that had to be resolved before Hungary could really join in the events of this world, but finally they have. This joining seems to declare the end of one of the countries of the mighty WEA. Are the rumors true? Are there still Czech forces? Do they hide behind the forces of their allies? Hungary has declared that they won't stop before they reach the North Sea, and won't hesitate to cross the channel in search of their enemies. Next to the home cities, the Czech stronghold in Berlin has also been destroyed, to the polish agressors.


Other news: Canada seems bent on conquering Portugal in a record time. Will Spain have any chance, with half of Portugal gone? Will the British be able to turn the tide? France is also in this war, but he seems to have some small issues with Italy, who continues to gobble up cities in France as if they were pasta. More WEA losses, Denmark seems to be losing home cities to it's agressors. Will the WEA be able to stand against all these losses? Is the WEA crumbling already?


The world seems to have gone up in flames. But who are the agressors? Which countries seem to be so intent on war that they dare declare on anybody? Here is a list:

1) France, in dire straits at the moment, is number one, with 9 declarations of war

2) Austria, after liberating lil' ol' Suisse, has declared 7 more times, for a total of 8 wars.

3) Algeria, way down south, still manages to meddle in european affairs, with 7 declarations of war.

4) Syria seems to be the major agressor in the middle east, with 6 declarations.

4) Denmark, complaining that they are victims and attacked by everyone, has also declared 6 times, so don't feel sorry for the Danes.

6) Ireland, Italy and Persia are following close behind with 5 declarations of war.


Who are the victims, who are those everyone wants a piece of?

1) Great Brittain has been declared upon 8 times, but some of those declarations are from overseas. But even with 6 serious declarations GB is still going strong.

2) Chechoslovakia, the Czech are having a hard time with 7 wars declared on them.

2) Spain, who had an easy time with Portugal, now feels a cold steel sword descending on them. They also have 7 wars declared on them.

4) Germany, what happened their is widely known, 6 countries have declared on the Sponge (guess the other 33 would've declared also, given the chance)

5) Denmark, one of the great agressors, is also declared upon 5 times. Maybe we should feel (a bit) sorry for shadowy figures? Losing home cities can't be good for morale.

6) Libya, gone, as far as we know. Gulliblepratt, has he been true to his name? Has he fallen for promises of the African Alliance. 4 countries have thus far declared on Libya.

6) France, Agressor Number One, also has 4 wars declared on him. Sowing the seeds of war and now reaping the grim profits. Will he survive?


20 turns gone, 53 more to go. Where will this end? A quick overview of the biggest winners so far (some seem to be losing again):

1) Algeria. 10 cities conquered. Put into perspective: it is just one country with lots of 25+ cities, Morocco.

2) Trans Jordan, 8 cities conquered. Egypt has fallen and one city in Libya has been overrun.

3) Italy, 7 cities. Super Mario owns part of Suisse, 3 cities in France and 2 in Yugo, but those city are probably liberated, aren't they?

4) Syria, has galloped over the western part of the desert kingdom with 5 cities conquered

5) France, 5 cities in Lowlands and Germany. But with 3! home cities lost, the gain seems small

6) Spain, 5 cities in Portugal. Having lost 3! of those, and a home city, to the North American Alliance, makes this somewhat overrated.


Lucky for the world, the greatest winners seem to be at odds with each other. Des, other topics on the forum mention you to be one of the best. I'm ready to rumble!


Edited for the latest news!


An excellent synopsis. A few details for you.

Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales.

The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA.

The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone.

USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated.

The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power.

We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid.


Yes, those Colorado's that leveled xLondon are a tempting target. . . . but do you hit them, finish the transports that dropped troops and supplies to support the invasion, or hit the landing craft headed for the beaches. A truly difficult decision. . .


Even if you sink the first wave, more warships are on the way. . . . Clearly you have never faced a US leader who managed his country properly. My name is not OBAMA. . . . I know how to control my spending to fund the truly important things. . . . things that go BOOM!!!




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Another turn almost gone by, tech period 21 is about to start.


The major event this turn must be the fall of some Czech cities to the Hungarian forces. After a declaration of war in turn 5, cities have finally fallen. Internal conflict, a change of leadership, all issues that had to be resolved before Hungary could really join in the events of this world, but finally they have. This joining seems to declare the end of one of the countries of the mighty WEA. Are the rumors true? Are there still Czech forces? Do they hide behind the forces of their allies? Hungary has declared that they won't stop before they reach the North Sea, and won't hesitate to cross the channel in search of their enemies. Next to the home cities, the Czech stronghold in Berlin has also been destroyed, to the polish agressors.


Other news: Canada seems bent on conquering Portugal in a record time. Will Spain have any chance, with half of Portugal gone? Will the British be able to turn the tide? France is also in this war, but he seems to have some small issues with Italy, who continues to gobble up cities in France as if they were pasta. More WEA losses, Denmark seems to be losing home cities to it's agressors. Will the WEA be able to stand against all these losses? Is the WEA crumbling already?


The world seems to have gone up in flames. But who are the agressors? Which countries seem to be so intent on war that they dare declare on anybody? Here is a list:

1) France, in dire straits at the moment, is number one, with 9 declarations of war

2) Austria, after liberating lil' ol' Suisse, has declared 7 more times, for a total of 8 wars.

3) Algeria, way down south, still manages to meddle in european affairs, with 7 declarations of war.

4) Syria seems to be the major agressor in the middle east, with 6 declarations.

4) Denmark, complaining that they are victims and attacked by everyone, has also declared 6 times, so don't feel sorry for the Danes.

6) Ireland, Italy and Persia are following close behind with 5 declarations of war.


Who are the victims, who are those everyone wants a piece of?

1) Great Brittain has been declared upon 8 times, but some of those declarations are from overseas. But even with 6 serious declarations GB is still going strong.

2) Chechoslovakia, the Czech are having a hard time with 7 wars declared on them.

2) Spain, who had an easy time with Portugal, now feels a cold steel sword descending on them. They also have 7 wars declared on them.

4) Germany, what happened their is widely known, 6 countries have declared on the Sponge (guess the other 33 would've declared also, given the chance)

5) Denmark, one of the great agressors, is also declared upon 5 times. Maybe we should feel (a bit) sorry for shadowy figures? Losing home cities can't be good for morale.

6) Libya, gone, as far as we know. Gulliblepratt, has he been true to his name? Has he fallen for promises of the African Alliance. 4 countries have thus far declared on Libya.

6) France, Agressor Number One, also has 4 wars declared on him. Sowing the seeds of war and now reaping the grim profits. Will he survive?


20 turns gone, 53 more to go. Where will this end? A quick overview of the biggest winners so far (some seem to be losing again):

1) Algeria. 10 cities conquered. Put into perspective: it is just one country with lots of 25+ cities, Morocco.

2) Trans Jordan, 8 cities conquered. Egypt has fallen and one city in Libya has been overrun.

3) Italy, 7 cities. Super Mario owns part of Suisse, 3 cities in France and 2 in Yugo, but those city are probably liberated, aren't they?

4) Syria, has galloped over the western part of the desert kingdom with 5 cities conquered

5) France, 5 cities in Lowlands and Germany. But with 3! home cities lost, the gain seems small

6) Spain, 5 cities in Portugal. Having lost 3! of those, and a home city, to the North American Alliance, makes this somewhat overrated.


Lucky for the world, the greatest winners seem to be at odds with each other. Des, other topics on the forum mention you to be one of the best. I'm ready to rumble!


Edited for the latest news!


An excellent synopsis. A few details for you.

Yes France has declared lots of wars, but other than Lowlands and Germany, all were either in response to the other country declaring war on France's TA's or being blocked by ceded locales.

The Czechs are in dire straits, but still hold xBratislava in one of the epic defenses I have seen in this game. Until it falls, the Hungarians cannot march to the sea, as they can only trace supply through Austria, who is an ally, but not a TA.

The defense of Odense was another epic, that lasted several turns against formidible odds. Norway, Finland, BS and Poland are all ganging up on Denmark, and due to other factors, the Danes have been mostly fightiing alone.

USA is attacking GB hard. There are 10 Colorado's in the channel, (they will never leave) and Ireland ceded him Belfast, to help him get into the war against Britain. Fortunately, that was anticipated.

The Canadians are making headway against undefended provinces, but can only bring light troops ashore, and are evaporating before our eyes from air power.

We are outnumbered on every front, but that makes it more fun! The Americans have brought themselves to the brink of bankruptcy with their ship building, and are no doubt counting on European cities to bail them out. The will go away disappointed, I am afraid.


Yes, those Colorado's that leveled xLondon are a tempting target. . . . but do you hit them, finish the transports that dropped troops and supplies to support the invasion, or hit the landing craft headed for the beaches. A truly difficult decision. . .


Even if you sink the first wave, more warships are on the way. . . . Clearly you have never faced a US leader who managed his country properly. My name is not OBAMA. . . . I know how to control my spending to fund the truly important things. . . . things that go BOOM!!!





A no brainerr, frankly. You will no doubt be surprised to learn GB is not as lightly defended as Spain was. Yes, it is true that the ferocity of your attack caught us a bit by surprise, but because it is an island, the majority of British troops that have been built are still at home. There will be no survivors of an attack on GB soil. As for more waves, we will just have to see. I like my air force, and if you cannot get control of the air, you will play hell getting your ships to my coast.


Either way, it will be fun to see how it turns out. Oh, and I am not Obama either, there are plenty of things that go boom in GB, beginning with Dublin.

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As a famous person once said: "War, huh, yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again, y'all"


Could I suggest a meeting between equals, in a neutral territory? To talk about a solution instead of sending more things that go BOOM? Please come over to the Nile delta, where all is peaceful and quiet. Let's talk about those differences. Let's arrange a date. Let's make it a grand event! We shall talk about peace and harmony, about joining all forces into one strong alliance, or even better, one strong federation of states under the rulership of Sjeik Falco. The United States of TransJordan! Come see how peaceful and calm our land is and decide for yourself if you will join, peacefully, or else.....

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As a famous person once said: "War, huh, yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again, y'all"


Could I suggest a meeting between equals, in a neutral territory? To talk about a solution instead of sending more things that go BOOM? Please come over to the Nile delta, where all is peaceful and quiet. Let's talk about those differences. Let's arrange a date. Let's make it a grand event! We shall talk about peace and harmony, about joining all forces into one strong alliance, or even better, one strong federation of states under the rulership of Sjeik Falco. The United States of TransJordan! Come see how peaceful and calm our land is and decide for yourself if you will join, peacefully, or else.....


Edwin Starr? Famous? He was a draft-dodge-promoting kid who turned 18 in 1960. This one-hit wonder was, much like his contemporaries, totally comfortable with reaping the benefits of the society in which he lived but because he didn't want to support the "Containment Doctrine" and its costs (notably, our involvement in southeast Asia), and the benefits that the ultimate defeat of Communism wrought, he was a hypocrit.


I have no use for him and his brand of hypocrisy. That being said, I have adopted the quote of Voltaire (who really was famous) when he gave notoriety to the phrase "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


Note: Wikipedia reports:

Though these words are regularly attributed to Voltaire, they were first used by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, writing under the pseudonym of Stephen G Tallentyre in The Friends of Voltaire (1906), as a summation of Voltaire's beliefs on freedom of thought and expression.

Another possible source for the quote was proposed by Norbert Guterman, editor of "A Book of French Quotations," who noted a letter to M. le Riche (February 6, 1770) in which Voltaire is quoted as saying: "Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write" ("Monsieur l'abbé, je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire"). This remark, however, does not appear in the letter.

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As a famous person once said: "War, huh, yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again, y'all"


Could I suggest a meeting between equals, in a neutral territory? To talk about a solution instead of sending more things that go BOOM? Please come over to the Nile delta, where all is peaceful and quiet. Let's talk about those differences. Let's arrange a date. Let's make it a grand event! We shall talk about peace and harmony, about joining all forces into one strong alliance, or even better, one strong federation of states under the rulership of Sjeik Falco. The United States of TransJordan! Come see how peaceful and calm our land is and decide for yourself if you will join, peacefully, or else.....


Edwin Starr? Famous? He was a draft-dodge-promoting kid who turned 18 in 1960. This one-hit wonder was, much like his contemporaries, totally comfortable with reaping the benefits of the society in which he lived but because he didn't want to support the "Containment Doctrine" and its costs (notably, our involvement in southeast Asia), and the benefits that the ultimate defeat of Communism wrought, he was a hypocrit.


I have no use for him and his brand of hypocrisy. That being said, I have adopted the quote of Voltaire (who really was famous) when he gave notoriety to the phrase "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


Note: Wikipedia reports:

Though these words are regularly attributed to Voltaire, they were first used by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, writing under the pseudonym of Stephen G Tallentyre in The Friends of Voltaire (1906), as a summation of Voltaire's beliefs on freedom of thought and expression.

Another possible source for the quote was proposed by Norbert Guterman, editor of "A Book of French Quotations," who noted a letter to M. le Riche (February 6, 1770) in which Voltaire is quoted as saying: "Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write" ("Monsieur l'abbé, je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire"). This remark, however, does not appear in the letter.


OK, not so famous. That wasn't the important part of the message. Maybe you should deconstruct the message in smaller and simpler parts, to better understand the real purpose of the message. Or I could help you.


To quote yet more, famous or not, I leave up to you: "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated"

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Still not over, the football world cup.

Based on my birth and ancestry, my 3 favorite teams, in order, are, USA, England and the Netherlands.

Go Oranje!

Bezüglich meiner Herkunft muss die deutsche Mannschaft gewinnen!

(As for my ancestry, the German team must win!)


After all, the USA is no longer in play....


Schneidmaschine sie, Männer!


(lit. trans. Slicer them up, men!)

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Still not over, the football world cup.

Based on my birth and ancestry, my 3 favorite teams, in order, are, USA, England and the Netherlands.

Go Oranje!


I'm predicting a Dutch-German championship match. Latin America, shut out. I bet they're reeling!

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