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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.

It looks like you can officially color in C Russia as an active player (either that or Russ has inserted a significantly upgraded AI!)


Imagine my surprise when a CENTRAL Russian airforce bombed me :ranting: We will just have to deal with this unexpected event.

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Newest map:




Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.

It looks like you can officially color in C Russia as an active player (either that or Russ has inserted a significantly upgraded AI!)


Imagine my surprise when a CENTRAL Russian airforce bombed me :ranting: We will just have to deal with this unexpected event.


I will adjust the map after my own turn.

This is not the first time this happened:

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Hungary, Southern Russia and now Central Russia.

All those positions dropped and were taken over by someone else.


Trust me, when I woke up this morning I did not know this.

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Newest map:




Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.

It looks like you can officially color in C Russia as an active player (either that or Russ has inserted a significantly upgraded AI!)


Imagine my surprise when a CENTRAL Russian airforce bombed me :ranting: We will just have to deal with this unexpected event.


I will adjust the map after my own turn.

This is not the first time this happened:

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Hungary, Southern Russia and now Central Russia.

All those positions dropped and were taken over by someone else.


Trust me, when I woke up this morning I did not know this.


Question is who is in charge of this Puppet State?

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Newest map:




Few spectacular changes, the red alliance still alive, green at war with gray, the front lines in Libya moving 1 pixel.

And yes, the remains of the UAE are still there.

It looks like you can officially color in C Russia as an active player (either that or Russ has inserted a significantly upgraded AI!)


Imagine my surprise when a CENTRAL Russian airforce bombed me :thumbsup: We will just have to deal with this unexpected event.


I will adjust the map after my own turn.

This is not the first time this happened:

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Hungary, Southern Russia and now Central Russia.

All those positions dropped and were taken over by someone else.


Trust me, when I woke up this morning I did not know this.


Who said UAE was dropped???!!!! :ranting: We still have that little grey dot on the map (even if it is hard to see). We are still alive, and sort of kicking....... for the moment. :ranting:

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Who said UAE was dropped???!!!! :thumbsup: We still have that little grey dot on the map (even if it is hard to see). We are still alive, and sort of kicking....... for the moment. :ranting:


Well, you did!

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Guest Spongebob
Anyone got a clue who is now running CR... anyone???? come on someone must know or are my assumptions correct.... its a Puppet Government.


Maybe the Sponge has made a come back :ranting:


Yes its me, I have made a comeback, all quake with fear. My quest is to unite the Russias under the Yellow Flag

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It's been some time since the last edition of the V87 newsletter, our main offices have been bombed, due to the serious damage we’ve had to move, all communication channels have been rerouted. Last report was august 28, we are now five turns later. What happened since then?


- Several countries have ceased to exist. No more Spain, Rumania and UAE. Not entirely true, as the last cities are still to be conquered, but on the grand scale of things, they're goners. Slush, over and out, gone, muerto (just to be sure everyone understands...).

- The WEA is on its knees. Not gone yet. Valiant efforts of France, Denmark and England have kept the invaders, 12 different positions, controlling 7 other countries, at bay. Will they hold, or shall they fold? France already had peace forced upon him by Austria, but he is still fighting after some first aid. BUT...

- A new war (hot news): The African American Alliance (the AAA) has declared war on Italy. The SEA at war with the AAA, what will this change in the game? Is this the break France and the WEA have been waiting for? First the USA, followed by Tunisia, have declared war. Inside information of current Tunisian forces is for sale, contact this reporter with a big bag of money (to pay the owners of this info, not for personal gain of course). All information about actions between these parties will published soon*! AND...

- The bear is alive! Not all of it, as Northern Russia seems to be conquered, but rumors have been floating around of the resurrection of Central and Southern Russia. Finnish forces are rumored to have been bombed by Central Russian forces, Persian armed forces have encountered Southern Russian planes. Will the injection of life force into the bear have any effect on the game, will it turn the tide of battle? Where will the bear go, who will be the first target, but more important: Who will divulge the currently unknown name of the Tsar of both Central and Southern Russia? Offers of money have already been faxed to our independent offices, from curious and fearful leaders all around the world, but no information is yet available.

- Blood in the desert: The feared Algerian air force, after it's devastating appearance on the western front, where armies and fleets have been decimated, has revealed its presence to the Trans Jordan and Syrian armed forces. The greatest army in the world, still unopposed and without much losses after conquering Egypt and parts of Libya, is not the greatest army anymore. But even with the help of UAE pilots, veterans from many naval encounters, half of the Algerian Junkers were destroyed by actions from the Syrian and Transjordan air force, mainly by the total air superiority of the many Spitfires these countries are fielding. Beneath the many wings of all these planes, armies of Algeria and Tunisia have been battling it out with Syrian and Transjordan forces. Borders seem to be stable, but a retreat of the AAA forces has been observed. Whatever the outcome, the desert around Aujila will never be the same again, paved as it is with steel and debris.

- Rumors of a race between Icelandic and Persian forces have been confirmed, but with the new government of Central Russia question have arisen if the race is still on. No reaction has been heard yet of any of the parties involved.


* Please fax all info to our local news offices, rewards for this info will be paid in due course.


What will the future bring? With no great technological breakthrough to be expected the coming turns, except for some excellent German fighters, the stage seems set. Will the WEA survive? Will the great alliance hold? Will the number one country in the world, Italy at the moment, keep that position, or will the pressure from the AAA make them crumble? Can the revived bear make a difference? For more info, please read the next edition of your V87 newsletter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
and so it begins...

Yes It Does :cannon: The Siege Of Alsfeld


Note to self: OMA TAS xAlsfeld

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and so it begins...

Yes It Does :cannon: The Siege Of Alsfeld


Note to self: OMA TAS xAlsfeld


Sure, why should you be different?


OMA 'throw roses from plane'?


Russ... I need a new order!

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