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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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The British valiantly tried to break the Siege of Alsfeld. After a major air offensive from the French and British airforce the British 1st Army tried to fight there way out only to be pushed back behind the city walls.

Uh, Monty, that was a General Engagement. We did exactly what we wanted actually.

Maybe but you were repulsed.

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The British valiantly tried to break the Siege of Alsfeld. After a major air offensive from the French and British airforce the British 1st Army tried to fight there way out only to be pushed back behind the city walls.

Uh, Monty, that was a General Engagement. We did exactly what we wanted actually.

But from Monty's perspective the story sounds much more interesting and heroic his way. 'Repulsed' sounds so much stronger than 'they had their way with us until called back by higher headquarters'.

Taking his cues from the Sponge, perhaps, I think he feels one shouldn't be overly concerned about strict adherence to all the facts when trying to tell a tale (tall or otherwise).


Meanwhile, with air superiority gone (it seems) your position is looking bleaker. Still, bloody days ahead for all before you are ejected from the continent if past performance is indicative of future results! I wonder how much of an army is at home with all those guys deployed to the continent? Loading up the amphibs for a little recce work....

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New map for turn 30:




- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.

- If there is any progress on any other front, we would like to know.

- The ressurrection of Central Russia did not prevent the fall of Moscow.


I leave it to Falco to provide a catching and dramatic description to world events.

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :pirate2::pirate2:

Have you had enought yet? :thumbsup: NONE SHALL PASS!

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :pirate2::pirate2:

Have you had enought yet? :thumbsup: NONE SHALL PASS!


I am afraid that Ondali forgot tot take xNizwa this turn. Sorry.

Maybe he is afraid to get his legs bitten off.

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :pirate2::pirate2:

Have you had enought yet? :thumbsup: NONE SHALL PASS!


As a symbolic gesture of solidarity: PAP All xNizwa

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :rolleyes::wub:

Have you had enought yet? :jawdrop: NONE SHALL PASS!


I am afraid that Ondali forgot tot take xNizwa this turn. Sorry.

Maybe he is afraid to get his legs bitten off.


it might sound stupid, but i had a local fuel problem, i think there was some sand in the fuel tanks of my tanks

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :cheers::wub:

Have you had enought yet? :jawdrop: NONE SHALL PASS!


I am afraid that Ondali forgot tot take xNizwa this turn. Sorry.

Maybe he is afraid to get his legs bitten off.


it might sound stupid, but i had a local fuel problem, i think there was some sand in the fuel tanks of my tanks


Ahhh, so the Gremlins, did do their job. :thumbsup: oh, and having a Fuel problem in UAE, is like starving in a grocery store....... :rolleyes:

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :rolleyes::wub:

Have you had enought yet? :jawdrop: NONE SHALL PASS!


As a symbolic gesture of solidarity: PAP All xNizwa



Three cheers for Norway! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! :thumbsup:

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- Another Two pixels progress in the Libyan desert, but the xNizwa speck is still there. The fence around xNizwa is almost completed. It is impossible to build a Provincial fortification around it's own city. One more wish for Victory 2.


LONG LIVE NIZWA!!!!! :cheers::woohoo:

Have you had enought yet? :angry2: NONE SHALL PASS!


I am afraid that Ondali forgot tot take xNizwa this turn. Sorry.

Maybe he is afraid to get his legs bitten off.


it might sound stupid, but i had a local fuel problem, i think there was some sand in the fuel tanks of my tanks


Ahhh, so the Gremlins, did do their job. :thumbsup: oh, and having a Fuel problem in UAE, is like starving in a grocery store....... :rolleyes:


To anticipate the needs of my thirsty TA's I have a total of 69 refineries up and running.

And they still run out of fuel .....

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Sounds like the British did some damage?


Well that was an interesting turn of events :angry2: I will let the enemy do the gloating :woohoo:


Those darn Hungarians, repulsing my GE yet again! Well, I guess maybe they don't call it that, with 18 dead armor divisions. I guess those T-34's are not invincible after all, eh?


Come on Slicer, come out of your hole and attack. You can drive me to the sea just like Hungary is, it just takes a set of balls!

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I would just like to point out the Hungarian divisions in question had recieved an emergency phone call saying their new tanks were ready and could they come home and take delivery. Hence they left the old ones behind to distract the enemy.


Dont you just love propaganda :woohoo: Its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Lets just say I have taken the casualties so others can carry on the fight :angry2:

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