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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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So Marshal Arif, do you have enough this time? or do you just enjoy the desert air? Don't want to get sent to the Russian front? :cheers:


He probably wants to see you off in style. And yes, it's very cold in Russia this time of year. In half a year however, the situation will be reversed. Nice weather in Russia, far too hot in Arabia.

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So Marshal Arif, do you have enough this time? or do you just enjoy the desert air? Don't want to get sent to the Russian front? :cheers:


He probably wants to see you off in style. And yes, it's very cold in Russia this time of year. In half a year however, the situation will be reversed. Nice weather in Russia, far too hot in Arabia.


Why do I keep getting visions of Masada and the Alamo?? Hmmmm :(

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Let me see if I can fill in some of those blanks


I love your reports, Falco. I can give you a little bit of info on the Central Europe front. These of course are sensitive government documents, so some is censored in the interests of national security.


In southern Germany, the Hungarians have finally finished repainting their tank corps, which was slightly scratched in the Czech campaign, and have attacked into Germany. The Poles launched a massive offensive on turn 23, with about 3 divisions of boy scouts. The cowardly British Girl Guides ran away and hid in the hills.

It is expected that they will continue to run away back to blighty.

The Austrians meanwhile launched an offensive into the industrial heart of France. No word on whether they were coordinating with the Poles. The French also ran away and hid in some french vineyards, they are now all drunk. More news as it happens.

Baltic States is advancing along the Baltic in force against Denmark. The Danes... guess what... ran away and are now holed up in a small village that is part of the province of Spongistan.



So, Monty, care to update this?

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I love your reports, Falco. I can give you a little bit of info on the Central Europe front. These of course are sensitive government documents, so some is censored in the interests of national security.


In southern Germany, the Hungarians have finally finished rebuilding their tank corps, which was badly mauled in the Czech campaign, and have attacked into Germany. The Poles launched a massive offensive on turn 23, with more than 30 full strength mobile divisions. The out gunned British tankers (deleted for purposes of national security)

It is expected that (deleted for purposes of national security).

The Austrians meanwhile launched an offensive into the industrial heart of France. No word on whether they were coordinating with the Poles. The French (deleted for purposes of national security). More news as it happens.

Baltic States is advancing along the Baltic in force against Denmark. The Danes (deleted for purposes of national security)

Hope this helps.


I thank thee for these kind words.


I will take your report and work it into my next post. I've heard it rumored that all WEA troops ran like chickens and are being followed by the peaceful forces of the SEA and the NEA. Care to comment on those rumors?


Falco, I shall now reply to your scurrilous comment. The British never run, we sometimes merely readjust our lines. I think that it is safe to say, the WEA has made it's presence felt against the aggressors, I am sure they can fill in some blanks for you in a few hours.

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Latest News From The Front


The French have sobred up and are marching east, the valiant Hungarian forces, out numbered 2 to 1 fought a brave rear guard action while they withdrew with honour. Look outs could see the Evil French looting the bodies of the brave dead hungarians, they also stole some spare parts we had stockpiled for our tanks, seems they have very similar designes.


The Danish have decided its best to stay out of the way, there armies are returning home while the Norwegian peacekeepers in Denmark allow them free passage to return to their more satisfied wives and well fed children.


This reporter will say this about the British, we wish they would make there minds up about what they are doing, one second they are there, the next their gone but the siege of Alsfeld will continue. The troops stationed there are now bootless and wearing rags yet they continue to fight, its a brave sight to see considering the British troops lack of education, poor standards of hygene and tendancy to inter-breed.

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Latest News From The Front


The French have sobred up and are marching east, the valiant Hungarian forces, out numbered 2 to 1 fought a brave rear guard action while they withdrew with honour. Look outs could see the Evil French looting the bodies of the brave dead hungarians, they also stole some spare parts we had stockpiled for our tanks, seems they have very similar designes.


The Danish have decided its best to stay out of the way, there armies are returning home while the Norwegian peacekeepers in Denmark allow them free passage to return to their more satisfied wives and well fed children.


This reporter will say this about the British, we wish they would make there minds up about what they are doing, one second they are there, the next their gone but the siege of Alsfeld will continue. The troops stationed there are now bootless and wearing rags yet they continue to fight, its a brave sight to see considering the British troops lack of education, poor standards of hygene and tendancy to inter-breed.


Is it safe to say you got your ass whooped and are now running with your tail between your legs, from an enemy who is totally outnumbered? Do you have a due date, for your much mentioned arrival at the coast of the North Sea? :-)

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Falco, I shall now reply to your scurrilous comment. The British never run, we sometimes merely readjust our lines. I think that it is safe to say, the WEA has made it's presence felt against the aggressors, I am sure they can fill in some blanks for you in a few hours.


Happy to hear that, it almost seemed that the end was near. Just keep them occupied for a turn or 40, maybe them we can battle it out somewhere in Europe, if I ever get through the horde of Junkers flying in and around Algeria (but I heard that you've met those). Lucky for us, both friends and enemies alike hear the screaming of the Algerian divebombers before explosions rip yet another army or fleet apart. Last seem above Italian owned land, I presume, from the world events.

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Latest News From The Front


The French have sobred up and are marching east, the valiant Hungarian forces, out numbered 2 to 1 fought a brave rear guard action while they withdrew with honour. Look outs could see the Evil French looting the bodies of the brave dead hungarians, they also stole some spare parts we had stockpiled for our tanks, seems they have very similar designes.


The Danish have decided its best to stay out of the way, there armies are returning home while the Norwegian peacekeepers in Denmark allow them free passage to return to their more satisfied wives and well fed children.


This reporter will say this about the British, we wish they would make there minds up about what they are doing, one second they are there, the next their gone but the siege of Alsfeld will continue. The troops stationed there are now bootless and wearing rags yet they continue to fight, its a brave sight to see considering the British troops lack of education, poor standards of hygene and tendancy to inter-breed.


Is it safe to say you got your ass whooped and are now running with your tail between your legs, from an enemy who is totally outnumbered? Do you have a due date, for your much mentioned arrival at the coast of the North Sea? :-)



Our expected arrival at the North Sea has been delayed but no, we are not running away with our tails between our legs, just renegotiatng the terms of engagement. :rolleyes:

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Falco, I shall now reply to your scurrilous comment. The British never run, we sometimes merely readjust our lines. I think that it is safe to say, the WEA has made it's presence felt against the aggressors, I am sure they can fill in some blanks for you in a few hours.


Happy to hear that, it almost seemed that the end was near. Just keep them occupied for a turn or 40, maybe them we can battle it out somewhere in Europe, if I ever get through the horde of Junkers flying in and around Algeria (but I heard that you've met those). Lucky for us, both friends and enemies alike hear the screaming of the Algerian divebombers before explosions rip yet another army or fleet apart. Last seem above Italian owned land, I presume, from the world events.


Well, I am not going to give too many details, but here are a few facts. Two turns ago, there were 27 Hungarian armor divisions in central Germany, now there is barely 1. There were 29 Austrian Panzer divisions in central Germany, now there are roughly 20, there were 32 Baltic States Panzer divisions in northern Germany, now there are 20, there were 36 British armor/marine divisions in central Germany, now there are 36. The Poles, having stayed in their holes, are still intact.


The French did arrive on the scene with 18 armor divisions, which have made an impact. Thankfully, the enemies McClellan like stratagies have allowed the good guys the opportunity to turn the tables a bit.

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :rolleyes:

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :rolleyes:


I must admit that the world event

"Denmark has conquered xArhus"

was the greatest upset for me in this game.

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Guest Spongebob
I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :thumbsup:


So nothing to do with the fact its a girl then :rolleyes:

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :thumbsup:


So nothing to do with the fact its a girl then :rolleyes:



The fact that Denmark proved that girls are tougher than Spongeboob was also rather fun.

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :thumbsup:


So nothing to do with the fact its a girl then :rolleyes:



The fact that Denmark proved that girls are tougher than Spongeboob was also rather fun.


Well if we compare #87 with #89 there are lots of similarities:


At war with Norway

At war with Baltic States

xHamburg taken from Germany

Ta'd with Great Brittain T


We'll see how good the Sponge really is in the next 20 turns.

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :thumbsup:


ech- what drivel. Go cry to Lowlands and Germany about being overwhelmed. There is no hope that Denmark will rise. This sound more like a eulogy.

I should take Bjornholm so you can say my armies fought you too. :rolleyes:

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