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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :rolleyes:


I must admit that the world event

"Denmark has conquered xArhus"

was the greatest upset for me in this game.

That was a temporary reprieve because of a change in who gets what in the spoils. There is no chance of a Danish resurrection, despite the exemplary game he has played.

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Guest Spongebob

Dagger I assum your refering to game 89 when you are casting dispursions on my performance as Denmark. As for this game soon my beloved Denmark will be liberated and handed over to its true owner - ME!

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I want to give some props to a great TA. Denmark has had a brutal game. For many turns the Danes were forced to fight Poland, Baltic States, Norway and Finland basically alone, as the geography prevented Britain from helping. Czechoslovakia fought alongside in Germany for awhile, but was overwhelmed.


Poland, BS and Norway all have huge fleets, Norwegian Spitfires have controlled the skies over the Skagerak for more than a year, allowing BS and Polish Ju-88's and Finnish and Norwegian Whitleys to roam almost at will over Danish air space. Add in the fact that the American mechanized divisions of Denmark were badly out gunned by the Polish and Baltic States panzer divisions, and there was little hope.


As the BS steamed through northern Germany, Denmark fought him for every province. The British could not help, without exposing the one tank army on the continent the allies have to annihilation.


Shadowy Figure persevered through all of this, and has continued to do all that the alliance has asked without complaint. There may now be some hope for a Danish ressurection, though it is too early to tell, but it is TA's like Shadowy Figure that make this game as fun as it is.


Here's to you Shadow! :rolleyes:


I must admit that the world event

"Denmark has conquered xArhus"

was the greatest upset for me in this game.

That was a temporary reprieve because of a change in who gets what in the spoils. There is no chance of a Danish resurrection, despite the exemplary game he has played.


I would not bet on that VP. There is much you do not know.

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That was a temporary reprieve because of a change in who gets what in the spoils. There is no chance of a Danish resurrection, despite the exemplary game he has played.


I would not bet on that VP. There is much you do not know.


Well if there is one thing I can say about your gaming style, it's that you have the psychological warfare part of the game under control.... :-)

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New map for turn 32:




A lot of questions remain:


- Is the liberation of xArhus the last Hurrah of the Danes, or the beginning of the Reconquista?

- Were will the Libyans and Algerians stand and fight?

- How big is Russia? What will it's conquerors do when there is no more Russia to divide?

- What will happen with the sometimes uncertain relations bewtween nations in Central Europe?

- Will the UAE see 2011 or will xNizwa finally fall to the Iraqi hordes?

- Will the WEU see 2012 and do it's enemies finally learn how to apply a numerical advantage?

- What will the Icelanders, Greek, Yugoslavians, Balticians and Central Russians do?


Anyway, best wishes to all of you.

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New map for turn 32:


A lot of questions remain:


- Is the liberation of xArhus the last Hurrah of the Danes, or the beginning of the Reconquista?

- Were will the Libyans and Algerians stand and fight?

- How big is Russia? What will it's conquerors do when there is no more Russia to divide?

- What will happen with the sometimes uncertain relations bewtween nations in Central Europe?

- Will the UAE see 2011 or will xNizwa finally fall to the Iraqi hordes?

- Will the WEU see 2012 and do it's enemies finally learn how to apply a numerical advantage?

- What will the Icelanders, Greek, Yugoslavians, Balticians and Central Russians do?


Anyway, best wishes to all of you.


Russia is HUGE!! Another thing is that it is winter in the arctic. Not good for flying and lots of attrition to ground forces.

Its been fun; lets hope the computer hangs in there, unlike this time last year.


Merry Christmas to all! :santa:


El Paso Pete


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New map for turn 32:




A lot of questions remain:


- Is the liberation of xArhus the last Hurrah of the Danes, or the beginning of the Reconquista?

- Were will the Libyans and Algerians stand and fight?

- How big is Russia? What will it's conquerors do when there is no more Russia to divide?

- What will happen with the sometimes uncertain relations bewtween nations in Central Europe?

- Will the UAE see 2011 or will xNizwa finally fall to the Iraqi hordes?

- Will the WEU see 2012 and do it's enemies finally learn how to apply a numerical advantage?

- What will the Icelanders, Greek, Yugoslavians, Balticians and Central Russians do?


Anyway, best wishes to all of you.


It is interesting that Poland has cut off the Balkan states in Russia. Where do they go now? It hardly looks like an accident, as he drove strait to the Black Sea from Poland. Was this pre negotiated?


The WEU is alive and kicking with plenty more tricks up there sleeves. You will all notice some soon.

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New map for turn 32:




A lot of questions remain:


- Is the liberation of xArhus the last Hurrah of the Danes, or the beginning of the Reconquista?

- Were will the Libyans and Algerians stand and fight?

- How big is Russia? What will it's conquerors do when there is no more Russia to divide?

- What will happen with the sometimes uncertain relations bewtween nations in Central Europe?

- Will the UAE see 2011 or will xNizwa finally fall to the Iraqi hordes?

- Will the WEU see 2012 and do it's enemies finally learn how to apply a numerical advantage?

- What will the Icelanders, Greek, Yugoslavians, Balticians and Central Russians do?


Anyway, best wishes to all of you.


It is interesting that Poland has cut off the Balkan states in Russia. Where do they go now? It hardly looks like an accident, as he drove strait to the Black Sea from Poland. Was this pre negotiated?


The WEU is alive and kicking with plenty more tricks up there sleeves. You will all notice some soon.


Should we get worried about a possible Greek-Polish union against us?

BTW, as Elpasopete mentioned a year ago:


Here is the map from a year ago next to the last one:




I left out all players no longer active and took the team settings from turn 32.

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New map for turn 32:




A lot of questions remain:


- Is the liberation of xArhus the last Hurrah of the Danes, or the beginning of the Reconquista?

- Were will the Libyans and Algerians stand and fight?

- How big is Russia? What will it's conquerors do when there is no more Russia to divide?

- What will happen with the sometimes uncertain relations bewtween nations in Central Europe?

- Will the UAE see 2011 or will xNizwa finally fall to the Iraqi hordes?

- Will the WEU see 2012 and do it's enemies finally learn how to apply a numerical advantage?

- What will the Icelanders, Greek, Yugoslavians, Balticians and Central Russians do?


Anyway, best wishes to all of you.


It is interesting that Poland has cut off the Balkan states in Russia. Where do they go now? It hardly looks like an accident, as he drove strait to the Black Sea from Poland. Was this pre negotiated?


The WEU is alive and kicking with plenty more tricks up there sleeves. You will all notice some soon.


Should we get worried about a possible Greek-Polish union against us?

BTW, as Elpasopete mentioned a year ago:


Here is the map from a year ago next to the last one:




I left out all players no longer active and took the team settings from turn 32.



Interesting. I have no idea what Greece and Yugoslavia will do, but it seems unlikely they will be satisfied to just sit around and twiddle their thumbs. They have only one adjacent nation that is not in their camp, and that is Turkey. Will they be happy to just perform long range bomber missions against my alliance, or perhaps more likely, the American forces in Spain and Southern France? Italy has suffered some severe setbacks lately, and perhaps they can help him stabilize his front.


Will they marshall forces for a few turns, and assault Turkey? I it likely not defended heavily, given the war going on in Africa. Hard to say. They have benefitted greatly from having a one front war, and may be loathe to change that. Be fun to find out.

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Interesting. I have no idea what Greece and Yugoslavia will do, but it seems unlikely they will be satisfied to just sit around and twiddle their thumbs. They have only one adjacent nation that is not in their camp, and that is Turkey. Will they be happy to just perform long range bomber missions against my alliance, or perhaps more likely, the American forces in Spain and Southern France? Italy has suffered some severe setbacks lately, and perhaps they can help him stabilize his front.


Will they marshall forces for a few turns, and assault Turkey? I it likely not defended heavily, given the war going on in Africa. Hard to say. They have benefitted greatly from having a one front war, and may be loathe to change that. Be fun to find out.


Indeed one of the questions for me. Will my bombers go strike towards Algeria, or will they need to fly north?


Don't worry about Turkey by the way, we've been getting along fine in Africa without his military support. The spitfires have done a good job, but I don't need to tell you how devastating 50 groups of Spitfire Mark V on intercept or Fighter cover are.

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New map for turn 32:




A lot of questions remain:


- Is the liberation of xArhus the last Hurrah of the Danes, or the beginning of the Reconquista?

- Were will the Libyans and Algerians stand and fight?

- How big is Russia? What will it's conquerors do when there is no more Russia to divide?

- What will happen with the sometimes uncertain relations bewtween nations in Central Europe?

- Will the UAE see 2011 or will xNizwa finally fall to the Iraqi hordes?

- Will the WEU see 2012 and do it's enemies finally learn how to apply a numerical advantage?

- What will the Icelanders, Greek, Yugoslavians, Balticians and Central Russians do?


Anyway, best wishes to all of you.


Dag, I have a request. Being an old guy, I have a real hard time telling the color you use for my alliance from the color for the northern fellows. Any chance we could get a more distinct color?

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Dag, I have a request. Being an old guy, I have a real hard time telling the color you use for my alliance from the color for the northern fellows. Any chance we could get a more distinct color?



Hey, I am not that young myself.


Map optimized for contrast with red.

Now Monty will probably complain that his country does not stick out bright enough between both of his TA blocks,

and he would be right in more ways than one.

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Interesting historical fact: in WW1 there was a submarine base in Kotor, my little coastal province (called by the Italians Cotarro) Korvettenkapitan Georg Ritter von Trapp--the same von Trapp portrayed by Christopher Plummer in The Sound of Music--was based there. :thumbsup:

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Dag, I have a request. Being an old guy, I have a real hard time telling the color you use for my alliance from the color for the northern fellows. Any chance we could get a more distinct color?



Hey, I am not that young myself.


Map optimized for contrast with red.

Now Monty will probably complain that his country does not stick out bright enough between both of his TA blocks,

and he would be right in more ways than one.


I think Nizwa needs to be a lot brighter. :thumbsup: It's getting harder to see. :cheers::thumbsup:

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