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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Well, a small mistake on my part allowed a lot of ships to escape, but it will not happen again. There are several large navies out there with bad intent. The Poles and Baltic States both have fleets with upwards of a dozen Graf Spee's and Bismarcks, the Norwegians, though they have lost several Prince of Wales to the RAF, have a few large fleets running around. BS and Norway both have invasion fleets, though the BS Seibel Ferry's sink when put in water, I am told. In addition, there are at least 100 enemy subs, (well there were anyway, a few less now).


I can think of few things more fun than a Hungarian fleet showing up in the channel.


Sorry Falco, the RN is going to be busy in home waters for the forseeable future, so Gibralter will have to be left to my erstwhile enemies from the west. They are no doubt quite capable of handling that area.

I can't say for sure who will engage the RN first as attempts last turn to "exchange greetings" were unsuccessful, but chances are that some excellent fishing reefs will be created around the remains of whatever ships end up with negative buoyancy at the end of our meetings.

(And so far only 2 significant Norwegian losses have occurred and that due to an unfortunate miscommunication that caused the Norwegian fighter command to participate in the annual Herring Festival instead of patrolling the seas as is usually (and currently) the case.)


Anyway, I will be happy to spread the news of coalition naval successes far and wide to accomodate the desires of the landlocked and otherwise jealous non-naval powers... as I am sure Marklen will be happy to spread the news of any (hopefully rare) British naval successes...


Should actually be a very interesting phase of operations coming up. The continent is largely toast for the British (though some tough fights and determined resistance is taken as a given based on past performance), but that is hardly the end of the story. I anticipate stealing a line from Churchill when the continent is secured along the lines of, "It is not the beginning of the end, but is the end of the beginning." Lots of fun still to come for participants and the popcorn eating audience for the coming attractions.


Wait for me. Im coming as fast as I can, the Hugarian Sailors have had to be content chasing skirt for the past 38 cycles

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It is odd that my battle fleet found the bad guys subs in the channel (or did their subs find me) on the way to Helgoland, but could not find their battle fleets in the Helgoland Bight, yet my subs found the battle fleet just fine. Hopefully, they will NSD out and in, and we can have our sea battle then.

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It is odd that my battle fleet found the bad guys subs in the channel (or did their subs find me) on the way to Helgoland, but could not find their battle fleets in the Helgoland Bight, yet my subs found the battle fleet just fine. Hopefully, they will NSD out and in, and we can have our sea battle then.

Which nation's battlefleet and where? I guess whoever gets results next from our alliance can point out good targets for the others to take on!

I haven't really seen much in the way of surface on surface action in the few games I have been in so far, should be interesting to see how it plays out.

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It is odd that my battle fleet found the bad guys subs in the channel (or did their subs find me) on the way to Helgoland, but could not find their battle fleets in the Helgoland Bight, yet my subs found the battle fleet just fine. Hopefully, they will NSD out and in, and we can have our sea battle then.

Not knowing where you went with your fleets and of what they were composed I was unable to accomodate your desire for main battle fleet action, but perhaps my allies, guided by recent observations and garbled radio reports will give you what you deserve... (or is that what you want?) The number of ships milling about in such a small space ought to cause damage to each other just through unavoidable collisions!


As a side note, the head of Norwegian Fighter Command has been relieved as a result of continued failures to intercept enemy aircraft over Alborg, despite long term flying of rather extensive fighter cover over said location. The removal of the previous head for failures to intercept Danish aircraft attacking our shipping had a salutary effect and led to the slaughter of much of the Danish air force. Here's hoping history will repeat in this regard.

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It is odd that my battle fleet found the bad guys subs in the channel (or did their subs find me) on the way to Helgoland, but could not find their battle fleets in the Helgoland Bight, yet my subs found the battle fleet just fine. Hopefully, they will NSD out and in, and we can have our sea battle then.

Not knowing where you went with your fleets and of what they were composed I was unable to accomodate your desire for main battle fleet action, but perhaps my allies, guided by recent observations and garbled radio reports will give you what you deserve... (or is that what you want?) The number of ships milling about in such a small space ought to cause damage to each other just through unavoidable collisions!


As a side note, the head of Norwegian Fighter Command has been relieved as a result of continued failures to intercept enemy aircraft over Alborg, despite long term flying of rather extensive fighter cover over said location. The removal of the previous head for failures to intercept Danish aircraft attacking our shipping had a salutary effect and led to the slaughter of much of the Danish air force. Here's hoping history will repeat in this regard.


Perhaps you should pay more for the position, attract a better quality applicant? I have no quarrel with the head of Fighter Command, he has done a bang up job! It is not entirely your fault, we have new radar defeating electronics in Coastal Command, which makes your ships sitting ducks. Love sinking Prince of Wales class BB's, as I think it wrong for anybody other than the RN to have a ship named thusly.

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It is odd that my battle fleet found the bad guys subs in the channel (or did their subs find me) on the way to Helgoland, but could not find their battle fleets in the Helgoland Bight, yet my subs found the battle fleet just fine. Hopefully, they will NSD out and in, and we can have our sea battle then.

Not knowing where you went with your fleets and of what they were composed I was unable to accomodate your desire for main battle fleet action, but perhaps my allies, guided by recent observations and garbled radio reports will give you what you deserve... (or is that what you want?) The number of ships milling about in such a small space ought to cause damage to each other just through unavoidable collisions!


As a side note, the head of Norwegian Fighter Command has been relieved as a result of continued failures to intercept enemy aircraft over Alborg, despite long term flying of rather extensive fighter cover over said location. The removal of the previous head for failures to intercept Danish aircraft attacking our shipping had a salutary effect and led to the slaughter of much of the Danish air force. Here's hoping history will repeat in this regard.


Perhaps you should pay more for the position, attract a better quality applicant? I have no quarrel with the head of Fighter Command, he has done a bang up job! It is not entirely your fault, we have new radar defeating electronics in Coastal Command, which makes your ships sitting ducks. Love sinking Prince of Wales class BB's, as I think it wrong for anybody other than the RN to have a ship named thusly.

We hope in the near future to only build Prince of Wales class BBs in Liverpool so as to minimize the sense of 'wrongness' by having Welsh shipworkers hired on to build them.... In the meantime, don't go looking for our ships and you will have minimal opportunity for indignation. B)

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New map:




- After the fall of Tripoli, the MEA is bracing itself for the inevitable counterattack. The Syrian counter-minelaying operations were countered by massed Ju-88's, which ran into the counter of a lot of spitfires on fighter cover.

- Ireland is living in interesting times. After being silent, now all of a sudden everyone wants to have a piece of it. Wonder if this will bring a new front between Great Britain, Canada and the USA. As if GB has no problems on its own.

- Russia remains an interesting place. However, it is a bit, eh, BIG. And it swallows armored and mechanised divisions like they are cookies. Southern Russia is almost gone, but it is a long, long way from there to the Ukrainian front. Will Greece join the fun?

- Nizwa is still there, no doubt preparing for a devastating counter-attack.

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Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses.



Well, unless you have an nts rating higher than 4 available to you, I think it will take a bit longer than 4 turns. The ships are expendable.

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Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses.


Well, unless you have an nts rating higher than 4 available to you, I think it will take a bit longer than 4 turns. The ships are expendable.


Nice item to include in the news update. Anyone willing to PM me the exact number of ships sunk and airgroups destroyed, the list of casualties in commanders and any other details, I'll be much obliged. And does 4 turns to replace the losses, mean that most airgroups were not totally destroyed and these will be repaired? Lets say 250 airfactories, 10.000 airpoints? (trying to get the numbers right).


As usual, all information gathered will be used with the utmost care. Sources will not be revealed.

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Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses.


Well, unless you have an nts rating higher than 4 available to you, I think it will take a bit longer than 4 turns. The ships are expendable.


Nice item to include in the news update. Anyone willing to PM me the exact number of ships sunk and airgroups destroyed, the list of casualties in commanders and any other details, I'll be much obliged. And does 4 turns to replace the losses, mean that most airgroups were not totally destroyed and these will be repaired? Lets say 250 airfactories, 10.000 airpoints? (trying to get the numbers right).


As usual, all information gathered will be used with the utmost care. Sources will not be revealed.


Aren't you exaggerating a bit there Falco? I wonder if anyone in the game besides you and Algeria has more than 250 airfactories. 150 sounds a more reasonable number, making it 6000 airpoints. That's about an average turn in Libya. So either it's a lot of fuzz about nothing or someone is really serious about the name of this forum. More data is needed indeed!

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Doesn't really delay anything and it will cost you another 5 capital ships to go along with the 10 lost last turn, but the airforce did take a big hit. Might take 4 turns to replace the losses.


Well, unless you have an nts rating higher than 4 available to you, I think it will take a bit longer than 4 turns. The ships are expendable.


Nice item to include in the news update. Anyone willing to PM me the exact number of ships sunk and airgroups destroyed, the list of casualties in commanders and any other details, I'll be much obliged. And does 4 turns to replace the losses, mean that most airgroups were not totally destroyed and these will be repaired? Lets say 250 airfactories, 10.000 airpoints? (trying to get the numbers right).


As usual, all information gathered will be used with the utmost care. Sources will not be revealed.


Aren't you exaggerating a bit there Falco? I wonder if anyone in the game besides you and Algeria has more than 250 airfactories. 150 sounds a more reasonable number, making it 6000 airpoints. That's about an average turn in Libya. So either it's a lot of fuzz about nothing or someone is really serious about the name of this forum. More data is needed indeed!


Oy, stop revealing super secret and sensitive information. The economy of my lil ol country is nobodies business. And 10k was a nice round number, 6k just doesn't sound right.


But back on topic: Give us details!

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Your nation has overrun :cheers: an air base at xNizwa which included the following planes:

2130 P-36C 232 P-40C 522 P-40B 185 Dauntless II :rolleyes:

Your nation has conquered xNizwa from UAE ( 5 points of national morale were gained) :cheers:


That's it? 5 lousy moral points! I would think they would be partying in the streets of Baghdad for days on end! :cheers::drunk:

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