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Game 87

Guest Spongebob

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Anybody home....




I guess sunspots have rendered wireless communications inoperable for the time being.


At least the diplomatic pouch has kept us somewhat up to date with word of advances into Northern France, strolls in the moors of Scotland and Yorkshire (interrupted rather rudely by air attacks in some locations). Word of a major sea battle near the Shetlands as well.


Hopefully the more far flung newspapers intelligence updates will start pouring in shortly.

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Anybody home....




I guess sunspots have rendered wireless communications inoperable for the time being.


At least the diplomatic pouch has kept us somewhat up to date with word of advances into Northern France, strolls in the moors of Scotland and Yorkshire (interrupted rather rudely by air attacks in some locations). Word of a major sea battle near the Shetlands as well.


Hopefully the more far flung newspapers intelligence updates will start pouring in shortly.


I can keep you up to date with events in the south, the scorching desert of Libya: The calm, cool night is often disturbed by air planes delivering a varity of cargo these last weeks, either the explosive kind, or the kind that dies when it gets to the ground. 12 Algerian line air division have dropped to their death, including their brave leader, Marshal El-Hadj. More Tunesian landing fleets have been sunk, after landing a marine division far behind enemy. Oh, the marines were trying to dig in, when armored vehicles drove over the ditches, burying them in the desert sand. Go figure, Marines and deserts, such a combo can never bring any good.


Other than that, things are fairly quiet. Everybody is building their strength again and making ready for the next clash, where air and arm casualties will be probably be very high again.


Do give some more detail about the events in the North. What did happen in Krissomething town?

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Anybody home....




I guess sunspots have rendered wireless communications inoperable for the time being.


At least the diplomatic pouch has kept us somewhat up to date with word of advances into Northern France, strolls in the moors of Scotland and Yorkshire (interrupted rather rudely by air attacks in some locations). Word of a major sea battle near the Shetlands as well.


Hopefully the more far flung newspapers intelligence updates will start pouring in shortly.


I can keep you up to date with events in the south, the scorching desert of Libya: The calm, cool night is often disturbed by air planes delivering a varity of cargo these last weeks, either the explosive kind, or the kind that dies when it gets to the ground. 12 Algerian line air division have dropped to their death, including their brave leader, Marshal El-Hadj. More Tunesian landing fleets have been sunk, after landing a marine division far behind enemy. Oh, the marines were trying to dig in, when armored vehicles drove over the ditches, burying them in the desert sand. Go figure, Marines and deserts, such a combo can never bring any good.


Other than that, things are fairly quiet. Everybody is building their strength again and making ready for the next clash, where air and arm casualties will be probably be very high again.


Do give some more detail about the events in the North. What did happen in Krissomething town?

Marklen attempted to destroy the Norwegian air force in a multi-pronged attack, including what turned out to be a successful paradrop on a large airbase in Kristiansand. Far the biggest loss of the game for me (at least to date) but city was easily retaken, losses made good and the fight is largely on his home island now.


I am sure there will be a lot of additional ship fights (beyond the one by the Shetlands where I lost several DEs but he lost 6 Prince of Wales/Renowns and about 16 escorts sunk). The damaged Nelsons are probably fixed and I am sure the yards in his remaining ports are working round the clock on new ships.


The French airforce pitched in to hit one group of my transports getting ready to load reinforcements for the Island, but that should just be an inconvenience. They will probably be overrun soon and not pester us much longer (I hope...).


Time will tell of course. :rolleyes:

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New map:




- Paris the great has fallen. Will Austria turn south now? Will this relieve the pressure on Italy?

- The battle for Africa has moved on to the sea. The front on land remains quiet for now.

- The Persian high command has noticed an ugly bulge protruding into the Persian front, near a town with the ugly name of xKursk, or something like that. Maybe we can entice the Finns to a decisive battle and once and for all destroy their mechanised reserve.

- Morale was tempered by the battle reports from the advanced airborne reconnessance and supply blocking regiment in xSemzonov, that was completely whiped out by a sudden and Unexpected Icelandic air strike.

"Icelanders, go Home. We were having a nice little war over Central Russia, don't interfere. Go fish some cod. xFromanovo is ours!"

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- Morale was tempered by the battle reports from the advanced airborne reconnessance and supply blocking regiment in xSemzonov, that was completely whiped out by a sudden and Unexpected Icelandic air strike.

"Icelanders, go Home. We were having a nice little war over Central Russia, don't interfere. Go fish some cod. xFromanovo is ours!"





Naturally the Icelandic people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders the aggressor nations who determine Icelandic policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the Icelandic people along to war, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship that is the aggressor, it does not matter - a simple declaration or war will suffice for us to answer the aggressors actions. Voice or no voice, the Icelandic people can always be brought to the tables of peace. That is easy. All you have to do is leave the Russian States, vacate xFromanovo and all will be fine.

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Naturally the Icelandic people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders the aggressor nations who determine Icelandic policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the Icelandic people along to war, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship that is the aggressor, it does not matter - a simple declaration or war will suffice for us to answer the aggressors actions. Voice or no voice, the Icelandic people can always be brought to the tables of peace. That is easy. All you have to do is leave the Russian States, vacate xFromanovo and all will be fine.


Agressor? Me?

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Naturally the Icelandic people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders the aggressor nations who determine Icelandic policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the Icelandic people along to war, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship that is the aggressor, it does not matter - a simple declaration or war will suffice for us to answer the aggressors actions. Voice or no voice, the Icelandic people can always be brought to the tables of peace. That is easy. All you have to do is leave the Russian States, vacate xFromanovo and all will be fine.


Agressor? Me?


You declared war on me. That makes you the aggessor! :rolleyes:

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- Morale was tempered by the battle reports from the advanced airborne reconnessance and supply blocking regiment in xSemzonov, that was completely whiped out by a sudden and Unexpected Icelandic air strike.

"Icelanders, go Home. We were having a nice little war over Central Russia, don't interfere. Go fish some cod. xFromanovo is ours!"





Naturally the Icelandic people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders the aggressor nations who determine Icelandic policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the Icelandic people along to war, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship that is the aggressor, it does not matter - a simple declaration or war will suffice for us to answer the aggressors actions. Voice or no voice, the Icelandic people can always be brought to the tables of peace. That is easy. All you have to do is leave the Russian States, vacate xFromanovo and all will be fine.


Now there is a load of hogwash. I am sure if your group wins and writes a history, it will be changed to reflect proper political views. Your entire TA group declared war on me, including you, not the other way around.

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New map:



- The Persian high command has noticed an ugly bulge protruding into the Persian front, near a town with the ugly name of xKursk, or something like that. Maybe we can entice the Finns to a decisive battle and once and for all destroy their mechanised reserve.

- Morale was tempered by the battle reports from the advanced airborne reconnessance and supply blocking regiment in xSemzonov, that was completely whiped out by a sudden and Unexpected Icelandic air strike.

"Icelanders, go Home. We were having a nice little war over Central Russia, don't interfere. Go fish some cod. xFromanovo is ours!"


That is not a bulge, it is a pimple, to be squeezed until... :oops:

And its nice to have TAs, isnt it.

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Now there is a load of hogwash. I am sure if your group wins and writes a history, it will be changed to reflect proper political views. Your entire TA group declared war on me, including you, not the other way around.


This is the "Propaganda Ministry", is it not?




Read the humor of it all......LOL! It's a famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) WWII speech guys!

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Now there is a load of hogwash. I am sure if your group wins and writes a history, it will be changed to reflect proper political views. Your entire TA group declared war on me, including you, not the other way around.


This is the "Propaganda Ministry", is it not?




Read the humor of it all......LOL! It's a famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) WWII speech guys!


Yeah, I know, I got it, and that was my rebuttal. Like I said, if you win, you can write the history, right?

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Now there is a load of hogwash. I am sure if your group wins and writes a history, it will be changed to reflect proper political views. Your entire TA group declared war on me, including you, not the other way around.


This is the "Propaganda Ministry", is it not?




Read the humor of it all......LOL! It's a famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) WWII speech guys!


Yeah, I know, I got it, and that was my rebuttal. Like I said, if you win, you can write the history, right?


Sorry Marklen, didn't intend on calling you out directly by quoting you - my apologies. The reply was just as much directed at Dags and all the rest. I knew you got it by your reply, your's just happened to be the last one I read.

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Oh, I do love this propaganda wars, escpecially when done with a bit of Humor.


Btw, if i recall the neutral and unbiased information from the World Events,

Iceland did just DW Persia, not the other way around, and none of my TA's is at war with you.

This is not game #89.


In this game, your TA has the numerical and production advantage.


Kurassier however, has a legitimate reason to whine.

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Now there is a load of hogwash. I am sure if your group wins and writes a history, it will be changed to reflect proper political views. Your entire TA group declared war on me, including you, not the other way around.


This is the "Propaganda Ministry", is it not?




Read the humor of it all......LOL! It's a famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) WWII speech guys!


Yeah, I know, I got it, and that was my rebuttal. Like I said, if you win, you can write the history, right?

That's what I thought, but Spongebob kept trying to write history and I guess I missed his victories....


(Please note that I do NOT mean to compare you to Spongebob. If so then I wouldn't be struggling through the Highlands but in London... and Malta... and Kuwait...)

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